Storage Auctions

We're opening unofficially tomorrow!

We're opening unofficially tomorrow!
« on: July 19, 2013, 04:52:03 PM »
We've advertised lightly for tomorrow's unofficial open as a "yard sale" day. Hopefully we get a big turnout! It's supposed to be hot as heck out there, so hopefully some folks will look at my "yard sale" as an opportunity to stay inside for a while. Really, this post is just a cheap way to get a link for the site out..

Offline Travis

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Re: We're opening unofficially tomorrow!
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2013, 06:07:19 PM »
Really, this post is just a cheap way to get a link for the site out.

It doesn't bother me, you participate regularly on the site. I wish you and your new endeavor the best of luck!

I'm just wondering why you don't have links to and your new site in your signature?

What are you waiting for?   ;)

Re: We're opening unofficially tomorrow!
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2013, 07:39:44 PM »
I've got a bunch of sites to link. But Google is actually taking away points for links that come from sources that don't make sense. i.e. storage auction forums to promo products. Different businesses, therefore Google doesn't weigh it the same, from what I've read Google actually deducts for those instances. Definitely adding the thrift store site though!

Offline Travis

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Re: We're opening unofficially tomorrow!
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2013, 09:35:51 PM »
I've got a bunch of sites to link. But Google is actually taking away points for links that come from sources that don't make sense. i.e. storage auction forums to promo products. Different businesses, therefore Google doesn't weigh it the same, from what I've read Google actually deducts for those instances. Definitely adding the thrift store site though!

Your right, Google doesn't weigh a link from a storage auction website to a site about promo products the same as it would a link from a storage auction site to another storage auction site; however, they don't penalize you for that. Google is devaluing links and penalizing sites for low quality spammy links, not links from high quality sites.

Post links from this forum will not help or hurt your search engine rankings since they are nofollow. The only benefit is the traffic you receive. Now, the link in your profile is a different story since it's a followed link from a PR3 forum with the anchor text "Home Grown Promotional Products." That link is helping you more than you know. It's actually not 1 link, it's 340 links or however many posts you have.

Just for giggles, I pointed links from this forum to an irrelevant Facebook page to see if I could get it to rank for a competitive keyword. This Facebook page wasn't even ranking in the top 300 search results. After pointing the links at it, it ranked #5.  This forum has some link juice, which is exactly why I bought it.  ;D

Re: We're opening unofficially tomorrow!
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2013, 10:39:04 PM »
I have no doubt this forum passes some juice! You play by the rules which is why it's a PR3 and will only grow!

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