Storage Auctions

"job" .......well

"job" .......well
« on: June 11, 2013, 11:26:57 PM »
I was for a few years a repo man, a taste that sours in your mouth quite quickly. After that I knew going back to a 9-5 was not my thing so I got into outside sales. Yes, I for the last 6 years have been that a$*hole who knocks on your door to sell you cable services. I'm sure a lot of people would laugh and say that's not a real job, but it has served me well and done even better things for me in the auction biz. Simply, I make my own hours so I can attend what I need to, and what better other job than one where you meet 10-30 new people every day, chat them up and ask what they do in polite conversation. I've collected more peoples business cards, gotten more free advise on items and sold things I otherwise would likely have sat on for eons. Without initially intending it, my other job is the main reason for my modest success at auctions.

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Re: "job" .......well
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2013, 09:31:42 AM »
I understand completely. Once you get a taste of working for yourself it's hard to go back to punching a time clock.

Offline Alias300

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Re: "job" .......well
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2013, 01:16:32 PM »
I understand completely. Once you get a taste of working for yourself it's hard to go back to punching a time clock.

No kidding.  I did years at the law firm where I had to be there daily but got there when I wanted, left when I wanted for the most part.  As long as the work got done.  And I could log in from home...

Then decided I was sick of being in an office and went back into automotive which was the same.
Had to be there at certain times but, again, it was just get the work done.  I could put in a couple 12-14 hour days then just check in.

Past year and a half I've just been doing my own thing.

Now I'm looking to go back into something and everything is 9-5, structured hours.

I want the security of steady pay, benefits....but really not looking forward to giving up my afternoon nap!  I talk to my friends and I'm like what?  You get up in the morning and *stay* up?  ALL day?  Like until bed time?     

I much prefer going to lunch down on the water.  Little nap.  Maybe an episode or two of Bonanza.
I get way more done, so much more productive, if I break up the day.....

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