Storage Auctions

I'm outa stuff....

Re: I'm outa stuff....
« Reply #30 on: June 04, 2012, 12:39:34 PM »
WOW - you have struck gold!  Personally, I would take my time and try to sell to get top dollar (or maybe "best" dollar).  Who knows, you may never get another score like this again.  The great part about this is you win no matter what direction you take!!   :D

Good luck - and keep us informed!!   (Said that quietly, didn't want your aunt to hear! ;))

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Re: I'm outa stuff....
« Reply #31 on: June 04, 2012, 02:15:31 PM »
Who knows, you may never get another score like this again.

I don't know.  Wait till my mother gets off her butt and gets her house to market.  SO much crap there. We've been trying for years for her to start he process. Personally, I think her plan is to live there till she dies so us children are stuck with it! lol

I have a couple old cars and motorcycles stored in the back of the shop and she's taken that over. Can't even get to them. Really upsetting when summer rolls around and I can't get to my toys!  ;D

Offline money4nothing

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Re: I'm outa stuff....
« Reply #32 on: June 04, 2012, 08:37:42 PM »
I don't know.  Wait till my mother gets off her butt and gets her house to market.  SO much crap there. We've been trying for years for her to start he process. Personally, I think her plan is to live there till she dies so us children are stuck with it! lol

On this subject my mother already did hers. (Thank goodness).  But my Aunt's house is how you described your mothers. And her kids don't want any part of it.  So tag I will be it when the time comes.  ::)

Just got home from helping her today, She needs  professional help. She could not throw away 5 year old potpourri.  ::)

On the house clean sounds like a win win.  I would do a quick inventory and pull whatever you know you can flip. You know the stuff your Aunt will either want to much for on want to keep.

You know if she is close she will get wind of what is going on.  You could always draw up a contract if any one wants a portion of the sales they have to contribute X amount of time in the investment. 

Just a thought.... I have a few of those in my family can you tell?

Wish you luck on it. Can't wait to see some pics.

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Re: I'm outa stuff....
« Reply #33 on: June 06, 2012, 10:42:45 PM »
My father told my uncle that I'd be down and suddenly my cousin is living at the house.
So now can't hold estate sale.  Not going to pick it if I can't sell the big ticket items.   >:(

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Re: I'm outa stuff....
« Reply #34 on: June 07, 2012, 07:41:18 AM »
Man that stinks.... Sure it has already been picked....

Now you have time to make planters out of those chairs...  ;)


Re: I'm outa stuff....
« Reply #35 on: June 07, 2012, 11:00:05 AM »
My father told my uncle that I'd be down and suddenly my cousin is living at the house.
So now can't hold estate sale.  Not going to pick it if I can't sell the big ticket items.   >:(

Sorry to hear that.  I'm never one to condone violence, but are you bigger than your cousin!!??  ;)  

Seriously, I feel your pain.  My wife's Grandma died about 15 years ago, and Grandpa was actually a Step-Grandpa.  He let his two kids from a previous marraige come in ON THE DAY SHE DIED and clean the place out.  My wife's family history was sold at a garage sale that next weekend (as we found out later).  It wasn't so much the stuff, but the old B&W family photos, etc.  Photos of great-great grandparents are now hanging in some random dude's house.......

You may not be able to have a sale, but maybe pick a few nostalgic items before they "magically disappear" forever......good luck, it will probably all work out.  

Offline Alias300

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Re: I'm outa stuff....
« Reply #36 on: June 07, 2012, 12:20:38 PM »
I already grabbed the one thing I really . Was pissed cause there were a few items I wanted that disappeared.  Some old tools and fishing gear.  Some had only value to me, some were very valuable but I would never have sold them.

What gets me is no one on that side of the family sells so they grab but then let it sit in there garage!
If your going to use it, no matter the value, take it! It's yours, enjoy.   And if your going to take it cause it's worth money, great. Make a buck.  But don't let it just sit when someone else could either use it or make money. 

At least I have one thing over them.  They dont know the value of things.  My dad said the gold tableware is suddenly gone.  Told him good!  Only place to get a decent amount for that is eBay and no way do I want to try and ship it.  I could never carry that thing upstairs without flatware going everywhere! lol

Soon whoever took it will realize that gold flatware is just electroplated stainless steal. Gold buyers won't even take it (unless it's silver underneath, which this set is not)

I'm looking at the furniture, old board games, misc dishes and kitchen stuff.......pretty sure everything I'm looking at, in their mind is goodwill or dump items. 

But who knows what will be left when my cousin moves out.

(my cousin is a girl cheesehead.....and No, not even close to her size. She's got a good 50lbs on me and a country girl thru-n-thru.   She' d kick my......     :-\ ).    ;D. lol

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