Storage Auctions

Miller Synchrowave 300, Accessories

Miller Synchrowave 300, Accessories
« on: November 30, 2010, 01:20:45 AM »
I just got this out of a unit a couple of weeks ago.  It's a Miller Synchrowave 300 Multiprocess Welder (Does Mig and Tig as well as other welding processes).  It came with a Weld Control unit, a spool gun, a foot pedal, six bottles of various gases, some extra cables and connectors, a few little extras and 530 Pounds! of spooled wire for the mig.  Same unit also had a ridgid power pipe threader, a commercial radial arm saw, and a Rockwell Unisaw, as well as some other tools and desks.  Not a "normal" score!

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Re: Miller Synchrowave 300, Accessories
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2010, 07:12:40 PM »
nice find!! Have you priced out the stuff yet?

Re: Miller Synchrowave 300, Accessories
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2010, 09:36:04 PM »
nice find!! Have you priced out the stuff yet?

I put the welding package up for 3500 initially, but will be more than happy to accept 2500.  I have had a few guys ho-humming around, but it seems like everybody just wants some of it, not all.  It is a big set up, something that would be used in a shop, not really some guys garage.  I'll keep it going for a while and if it hasn't sold by the first of the year, I'll look at breaking it up.

The desks I got are all solid Teak with Formica inserts.  Next door to my shop is a Cabinet Shop, and the owner was walking over to get a soda from the store next door and I had the door open and he saw the desk and he said I should hold out for at least 400 each (400 x 7 =  ;D) and that they are really high quality and somebody paid a lot of money for that stuff.  So, we'll see.  I've been organizing my shop the last couple of days so I can move them around and get them set up and get some better pictures. 

I already made my money back on the unit.  I sold the Rockwell Unisaw, some chain and binders, and a few misc. tools and such, so the Welder and Desks will be all profit.  Oh, and the pipe threader should be worth 400-600.  I thought I had it sold already, but the plumber that was going to buy it was looking for a light unit.  This one threads up to 2" pipe, but he was looking for a smaller one he can move in and out easy, and this one really needs to be mounted in a truck. 

When you guys are watching all those shows, getting the stuff is only half the battle, then you still have to sell it, and it's usually not quite as quick and easy as they show on television, you usually have to sit on this stuff at least for a little while.

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