Storage Auctions

The 12' x 30' Uh Oh, maybe we shouldn't have bought this unit!

The 12' x 30' Uh Oh, maybe we shouldn't have bought this unit!
« on: December 24, 2010, 12:09:08 PM »
I was at an auction last month, and one of the guys I occasionally do stuff with asked me if I wanted to partner up on a unit they had just opened the door on.  I said sure, why not.  Anyway, we ended up getting this thing for 780 bucks.  It didn't look too bad, until we started digging into it.  It was a 12' x 30', and that first day, we made it about half way through.  We had one trailer full of garbage for the dump, and the second trailer almost entirely full of stuff for Goodwill.  We were pretty bummed, and thought we were going to lose money for sure!

The next day we get into it, and our entire outlook changed almost instantly.   We ended up finding a Brand New never installed set of kitchen and bathroom cabinets in the front, along with a new stainless steel dishwasher and a new stainless steel gas ranges, and a brand new Heatilator Gas Peninsula Fireplace!  Yeah!

Anyway, I put the cabinets up on CL on a Saturday night around 10:30 pm, and they were sold by 11:00 am Sunday morning for 1600, plus a 50 delivery fee!  I sold the dishwasher the day before that for 300, and I sold the heatilator a week later for 1100!  We still have the new range, a side by side refrigerator (pretty new but got a little trashed), and about 500-600 worth of misc. small stuff to go. 

We were sweating it there for a little while, but pulled it out in the end.  I'd like to say that was all skill and we actually planned it that way, but  the truth is, WE GOT LUCKY!

Offline Drew

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Re: The 12' x 30' Uh Oh, maybe we shouldn't have bought this unit!
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2010, 12:21:47 PM »
goes to show you never know what is in there!!

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