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Got one today....7 pistol cases.....

Offline MovieMan

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Got one today....7 pistol cases.....
« on: February 16, 2011, 09:39:58 PM »
Yep, you read it right 7 (count 'em 7) pistol cases....and all empty !

1 Ruger, 1 Colt, 1 S&W, 2 Glock, 2 non-name (Wal-Mart) and 2 pistol "rugs". I'll keep the rugs and sell the cases on eBay...they go from $10 to $20 or so depending on model. I also sell them in that range at the flea.

This was a 10 x 10 for $375; very clean looking with only 1 good mattress, no other furn. Lots of boxes, totes. Turns out the guy was a California Correctional Officer. One bag with his heavy jacket (with patch), pants, shirts, dress cap (with shield). Lots of black (thatch pattern) leather belts, baton holders, handcuff case (no cuffs), etc.
Did get a nice black baton (should be worth a few bucks).

Found a nice zippo (Harley Davidson) with HD black leather holder to go with it; all in a gift box. Other stuff of similar nature inluding two Bolo ties with silver and nice stone; $60 price tag on one.

On and on including boxes of papers, several boxes of criminology texts, 12 empty Nintendo DS game boxes.
I think this was a single dad with two daughters who visited, but kept the REAL goodies (like the DS box) with them when they went home to mom.

Wish the pistols had been there but....Happy with the locker  !

Re: Got one today....7 pistol cases.....
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2011, 09:52:07 PM »
Sounds pretty decent for the price.  Were the cases visible or hidden in a box?  Must have been hidden or it would have sold for 2k plus!  How many people showed up at your auction today? 

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Got one today....7 pistol cases.....
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2011, 10:02:56 PM »
Sounds pretty decent for the price.  Were the cases visible or hidden in a box?  Must have been hidden or it would have sold for 2k plus!  How many people showed up at your auction today?  

Box with empty pistol cases was along the back wall, and I had a moment of excitement until I picked up the first one, then the 2nd one, etc. I held out hope, but not much. The "rugs" were in a different box and my heart jumped a bit then, but I wasn't surprised when they were empty. I have guns and I would NEVER leave them in a locker...but, I have gotten some over the years, so some people do.

The crowd was not bad. This was a well-known auctioneer and crowd was about 40. Most newbies but 6 to 10 old-timers. Newbies WERE buying, but one old-timer got a lkr for $475 with a set of Klipsch La Scala speakers. He says they're valuable (I know Klipsh in general is). He knows this because he mistakenly sold a set at the flea to one of the big eBay guys....learned the hard way !

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Re: Got one today....7 pistol cases.....
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2011, 10:57:41 PM »
I also got about 20 or so shoulder patches reading California Correction Officer (or some such). I see that police patches on eBay are going for about $5 a pop, so some hope there for a good return on the $375 investment.
This guy also had some LA police officer patches and some from other places, so those alone will help foot the bill on the way to the profit.

I don't know if I can sell some of the state printed books (more like binders with papers inside) but the other books are true class-designed texts which hopefully are still being used and will sell.

One true military duffel bag had a tear gas mask in case....probably from guard duty. His black duty boots need a little sole work...unglued at heel.

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Got one today....7 pistol cases.....
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2011, 12:26:27 AM »
Looked up one of the cases and manuals on flea bay. The manual ALONE recently sold for $50 plus !

Send me the money...I'll give you the case too !

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Re: Got one today....7 pistol cases.....
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2011, 06:54:26 PM »
I hate finding boxes of PSP and other portable video games, ipods, etc.

These days the manuals are so thick and there's so much extra marketing, packaging and other crap in the boxes when you pick them up there's some weight to them.

I always get excited thinking I got whatever electronic is in there but open it and and always nothing there. The weight of the manuals and stuff though makes me think there was though.

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