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Antique Dollhouse

Antique Dollhouse
« on: September 02, 2011, 09:33:53 PM »
Okay folks, here's a project I've been sitting on for 5 months due to a lack of time.  It's an antique dollhouse with a whole bunch of vintage furniture (not shown) that I bought at an online auction.  It needs some minor repairs to get it ready for sale.  I have no idea what this thing is worth, only what I paid for it.  It's a huge house that will take someone with a bit of room to display and or use it.  I haven't seen one like it, in my online research so I think it may have been handmade.

What say you?  What might this thing go for?

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Re: Antique Dollhouse
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2011, 10:57:44 PM »

What say you?  What might this thing go for?

Judging from the quality of the workmanship (that I can tell from the pics) I would think $100 or so; maybe $75.
That would be without the furniture. With furn perhaps double that.

I sold a dollhouse kit (new in box) for $75 from whatever the company is that is known for them; been a year or so ago so don't remember the name.

The problem as usual will be finding that buyer. Your item is not exactly "shipable"  but a local pickup only on eBay might get you what you want. How about an eBay search for "antique dollhouse" ?

Re: Antique Dollhouse
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2011, 11:20:43 PM »
I would be VERY disappointed if I can only get $100 out of this thing.  Since I posted this, I have discovered that it's a handmade dollhouse.  The attention to detail is incredible, to be honest.  Everything is wood, including the shake roof.  This must have taken hundreds of hours to build.  It's a large house that measures 3 feet x 3 feet.

I put it on craigslist a week ago and, unfortunately, have not had a bite yet.  I didn't put a price on it, in my ad.  I asked for offers.  A woman who stopped by my garage sale said that similar houses have gone for over a grand.  I don't know if her estimate has any merit.  I paid $175 for it, on an online auction.  I'd be happy with $300.  But, at this point, I may only break even on it.  Lesson learned, I guess.  I know the furniture alone, if piece parted out, is worth over $200.  But, who has the time to go through that nonsense.

I'm hoping to sell it soon and be rid of the thing.  It takes up a lot of room in my garage.

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Re: Antique Dollhouse
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2011, 11:32:53 PM »
Let us know what you get.

Re: Antique Dollhouse
« Reply #4 on: September 20, 2011, 01:39:01 PM »
Google doll house museums/collectors in your area and see if they might be interested.  Find an 'expert' in them, and take a chance and take it to them to see if they'll 'appraise it'.
   Reason I recommend that?  If they're as addicted as some collectors (read, all of us)l, there's a chance they may buy it from you on the spot for more money.
   If not that, contact some specialty auctioneers and see what they recommend.

Re: Antique Dollhouse
« Reply #5 on: September 22, 2011, 07:25:56 PM »
Google doll house museums/collectors in your area and see if they might be interested.  Find an 'expert' in them, and take a chance and take it to them to see if they'll 'appraise it'.
   Reason I recommend that?  If they're as addicted as some collectors (read, all of us)l, there's a chance they may buy it from you on the spot for more money.
   If not that, contact some specialty auctioneers and see what they recommend.

Thanks for the suggestion.  I contacted the local guild who specializes in dollhouses and miniatures.  The interesting part is, one woman responded telling me that, if I expect to make a profit, I will be disappointed".  First off, she doesn't know what I paid for the dollhouse.  Secondly, she doesn't know what I'll accept for the dollhouse.  How does she know that I'll be disappointed?  I told her as much and haven't heard back.

Stay tuned.........

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Re: Antique Dollhouse
« Reply #6 on: October 03, 2011, 06:14:38 PM »
This is one of those wierd items where if you find the right buyer I could see getting $500 to $1000 if you make the fixes but more than likely if you don't actively seek out people interested in this and find the perfect buyer I think $100 is more likely.

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Re: Antique Dollhouse
« Reply #7 on: October 07, 2011, 08:28:04 AM »
Thanks for the suggestion.  I contacted the local guild who specializes in dollhouses and miniatures.  The interesting part is, one woman responded telling me that, if I expect to make a profit, I will be disappointed".  First off, she doesn't know what I paid for the dollhouse.  Secondly, she doesn't know what I'll accept for the dollhouse.  How does she know that I'll be disappointed?  I told her as much and haven't heard back.

Stay tuned.........

In retrospect, does "I told her as much" seem like the right response to this person who might have connected you with a buyer?  Not surprised you haven't heard back.

I would have been  impressed with the dollhouse too if I had seen it, but the 2nd thing that goes through my mind is "Would I be able to double my money on this?"  

You COULD try to sell the furniture as a might recover some of your cost by doing that, and maybe down the line the house would sell too.

So what's the latest news on this item?

Re: Antique Dollhouse
« Reply #8 on: October 12, 2011, 03:36:23 PM »
I didn't hear back from the woman from the Miniature Guild.

I had a few interested people but no firm bites until yesterday.  A woman emailed me off my craigslist ad and wanted to see more photos.  I emailed her about 15 photos.  She loved it and offered $250 (I was asking $300).  I counter-offered $275 and she agreed.  So, fingers crossed, I'm meeting her tomorrow and she'll have a really cool dollhouse and I'll have $275 in my pocket.

Despite a decent profit, I will think twice before buying any dollhouse again.  It's a niche market and finding a buyer for this one took 6 months.

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Re: Antique Dollhouse
« Reply #9 on: October 12, 2011, 08:07:10 PM »
Nice hopefully she doesn't back out and you can get that thing off your hands!

Re: Antique Dollhouse
« Reply #10 on: October 13, 2011, 03:08:49 PM »
It's gone!  I met up with the lady at lunch and exchanged the dollhouse and furniture for $275 cash money.  ;D

I'm happy.  Not only to make a profit but to be rid of that monstrosity.  It was huge and took up valuable real estate in my garage.  I think it was a good deal for both of us.  I think she'll really enjoy it and I'm happy with the cash.

It took longer than I anticipated to unload it but it all ended well.

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