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Auction Scene #2...February, 2012

Re: Auction Scene #2...February, 2012
« Reply #30 on: February 09, 2012, 04:41:09 PM »
Well the trend continues of large crowds and low number of units.  Seven facility auction this morning.  In paper every facility had at least 1 unit, most with 3-4 units, and first with a good dozen.  Reality was 4 units, 1 unit, 1 unit, skip, 1 unit, skip, 1 unit.  We had 75 people +/- 5 all day long.  First few units were going for twice normal price.  The 5th unit was a very nice large unit with some old furniture, enclosed shower, tub, bins, other things in back.  Buddy of mine bought it for $1500.  I bid on the 6th unit of the day.  Was a large 10 x 30 unit 1/4 full with isle down middle.  Was a teacher / classroom unit.  Had 6 gateway monitors, a microscope, 6 old style desk, overhead projector, boxes, etc.  Went to $200 and quit, sold for $350.  Was going to bid on a small unit that was bags of cloths, some hanging cloths, semi-junky.  Normal this is a $50-$100 locker.  I told a friend and wife - today this is a $200 locker.  I hit it on the nose.

Last locker of the day I wish I had taken a picture of.  Was a 10x10 or such that opened up with line of boxes on left wall.  A good dozen or more black trash bags, a few totes, pillow top matress, bedspring, odds and ends.  Unit looked like they just tossed the crap in.  2 rock band drum sets were in the middle.  Could see 2 ds boxes and game cases.  Also, could see a ipad2 box poking out of one of the boxes on the left.  Vera Bradley purse in one of the boxes.  I liked this unit but didn't really think I had a chance at it.  In talking one guy said $250, I said at least $400.  Boy were we WAY OFF.  I got in my truck at $750 - the unit finally sold at $1375.  I don't know who purchased the unit but it had to be a newbie.  No way any of the regulars would of paid that much money for empty boxes.  I so wanted to sit around with my camera and film the surprise on the buyers face when they find all the empty boxes.

I forgot to add we had a number of newbies.  Lady walked in to register and said she had never been to a auction before.  Another person in the crowd asked the auctioneer - "You don't cut off the locks?".  The shows continue and the people still come out in swarms.

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Re: Auction Scene #2...February, 2012
« Reply #31 on: February 09, 2012, 07:31:00 PM »
Well things continue. Hit our 2 day caravan today (did not have one last month).

Skipped first stop, but a regular got a 10 X 30, with tools and totes for $1000. He said he was comfortable with it.

Long story short over 75 +/- people for the entire caravan. Loosing some and gaining some. Had a guy from out of town driving a Mercedes spent over $3000 on the first 3 stops.  ::)

The funniest thing of the day. 2 young men dressed in dress pants fancy shoes and dress shirts, iphones in hand. Come to a bid and hold until 5PM unit that was auctioned 3 months ago with a bid and hold on it then.
Restaurant equipment in it. There was a large SS something.  Most people did not know what it was. Last time it was auctioned everyone thought it was a Kiln. Actually it was a dish washer had the buttons that said wash, rinse, sanitize on the side. These two young men with iphones working hard bid it up to $550. They won it and over heard them telling a spectator that it was a kiln. Even with a computer they did not know what it was.

Most units were trash, a few good ones but way to much money. One of the regs bought a small unit with three chairs in it. He sold them to us for $10. (have a table without chairs). Had more fun talking with the regulars. Should have made a bet for lunch on one, said it would go for $1000. Sold for $1100.

Should take some popcorn tomorrow.  ::) and a milk crate.  ;D

Re: Auction Scene #2...February, 2012
« Reply #32 on: February 11, 2012, 03:19:36 PM »
A balmy 22 degrees for today’s auction – locals in the Mid-South were freezing!!  Facility had five units, down from 20 earlier this week.  (Darn you tax season!!)  About 15 bidders and 30 total with six or seven folks who own stores, and one “whale.”  (This guy owns an auction house and has purchased about half the units at every auction I’ve seen him at.)  It was also “family” day with about 8-10 kids including several babies!  (Remember, it was 22 degrees!) 

About 30 seconds before the auction started, a past-due tenant comes screaming into the parking lot, followed by his girlfriend in another car.   They sprint into the office hoping to pay up.  Soon you could hear LOUD arguing with the facility managers, and then the couple comes out the door screaming at EACH OTHER. 

Man: “I owe $450 – you’re not gonna give me the money!!??”
Woman: “Make them print you a list of what you owe, you know how these people are.  They will rip you off every chance they get!”
(So let me see if I understand – YOU are $450 dollars behind, and THEY are ripping YOU off!!??  Oh, OK.)

Man goes back in the office, comes out with a list and starts arguing with his girlfriend again.  She finally gives him money and he goes back in the office.  In the meantime, the girlfriend goes back to her car and calls 911 to report how she was mistreated by the facility owners. The man comes out of the office, cusses out his girlfriend (who is in her car with the windows up), peels rubber and leaves – leaving his girlfriend to wait for the Po-Po.  We’re gathered back together ready to head to the first unit, when the cops arrive.  So we all wait again and enjoy the show.  Within seconds, the woman is arguing with the officer, then arguing with the facility managers, and then begins YELLING at the cops.  Who knows what was said, because she jumps back in her car and squeals out.  The officer kind of rolls his eyes, gets in his car and leaves.  The facility managers come back and say:

Manager (man) – “Are we FINALLY ready to start – anyone have any more issues or interruptions!!??  Oh, by the way, we are now down to four units….”  (Boos from the crowd)
Manager (woman) – “Let’s go!  Wow, it took ALL my strength to remain calm and not kick that girls a$$!!”  (Loud roar by entire group!) ;D

So with the morning’s entertainment over, it was time to see the units.  Unfortunately, the above story was way better than the lockers.  The first one was the best, and was owned by someone who had a consignment store.  It was pretty full, with display cases, sunglasses displays, posters, racking, boxes, shelving, and a few random boxes.  I was in until $400, then the whale made his move and got it for $800.  Unit two was a 5x5 that contained a small coffee table, two end tables, and a random print.  That’s it!  No boxes, no trash, no anything else.  Went for $300.  Unit #3 was a 5 x10 that had two couches/cushions blocking the doorway.  A gamble since you couldn’t even see anything behind.  Sold for $350 to Mr. Whale.  The last unit was a 5x5 and had 6 boxes of children’s toys and an old DVD player with about 20 DVDs (beat up).  It did have a real nice wooden rocking chair, but the name “JOSHUA” was branded in the backrest.  That was it – again no garbage, no clothes.   Sold for $125 with five people bidding.  Once the bid reached $100 I had to step up and take another look.  What the heck was I missing?  I didn’t see it.

So auctions here are the same as everyone’s – drama, last minute pay ups, some good units, some bad units, and prices seemed in line with what everyone else has been reporting.  Good luck to everyone and thanks for posting your stories, info, etc.  I have really enjoyed reading about it.

Re: Auction Scene #2...February, 2012
« Reply #33 on: February 11, 2012, 06:44:38 PM »
Today found me at my 3 facility caravan that I've done ok at and have lost my shirt on.  Still a silent auction, instead of live bid like they plan to do.  Only about 50 people today which was a small crowd compared to normal and earlier in the week.  Yet, again a large number of new faces and declared newbies.  Even heard one lady asking about the auction at our last stop and was like "that could be fun" (she was a tenant storing stuff).  Large number of units paid up.  Had our first gun safe today but was told up front that it was NOT included in the unit.  Management decided to turn the safe & weapons (owner said weapons inside) to police to run serial #s.  Everyone was pissed of course.  Was a very nice unit (compound bow, deer antleers, etc) - guy bid $601 I know and think he won.  Last unit of the day was packed to the rafters, one of the regulars got it and I think he said he put down $1000 bid.  Only other unit of note was a aqua unit.  This thing was slap full of shelves of aquariums and reptile display cases.  Was interesting but not something I really wanted.

Headed down to Statesboro after auction w/ father to buy some stuff.  Had my score of the day while at the agriculture store.  Saw two cloths racks on rollers next to store.  Asked manager about them and he said he had gotten them for a friend 3 months ago and friend decided didn't want.  So I got them for free.  That and the two pennies picked up was my profit of the day.

So still striked out on lockers for the month but got some goods.  See what next week brings.

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Re: Auction Scene #2...February, 2012
« Reply #34 on: February 11, 2012, 08:05:35 PM »
  Had our first gun safe today but was told up front that it was NOT included in the unit.  Management decided to turn the safe & weapons (owner said weapons inside) to police to run serial #s.  Everyone was pissed of course.  Was a very nice unit (compound bow, deer antleers, etc) - guy bid $601 I know and think he won. 

So still striked out on lockers for the month but got some goods.  See what next week brings.

Thought you were at the auction we had. Gun safe, and compound bow. $1100 Safe included. LOL

We also striked out on lockers, but hit a good one this evening. Will post in other forms of buying.

@ Cheeshead have seen a little drama but nothing like that.  :o

Re: Auction Scene #2...February, 2012
« Reply #35 on: February 12, 2012, 01:09:16 PM »
Yesterday I went to a local auction.  15 units about 40 people, man was it freezing!  I bought the first unit for $25 (score)  15 x 30 mostly empty but, 2 glass display cases,  four wheeler frame and misc parts, a couple of pieces of mismatched furniture (junk),  metal desk, tall filing cabinet, and in the back where you couldn't see it was an electric scooter (NO KEY OR CHARGER) but it was $380 new.  I will say I got the best unit of the day.

I sold the smaller 1 shelf glass case with light to a fellow bidder for $25, so minus my gas everything was free.  There is at least $50 in scrap metal.

And I get the 4 shelf glass display case for my booths at the Antique mall/indoor flea market.

All in all great day

Re: Auction Scene #2...February, 2012
« Reply #36 on: February 12, 2012, 07:03:05 PM »
Congrats - and good luck with the rest of the stuff!

Re: Auction Scene #2...February, 2012
« Reply #37 on: February 13, 2012, 12:30:20 PM »
Well the trend continues.  Today's auction was down to 6 units, a good 60-70 people, and overpriced units.  Nothing great today, specially for the prices people were paying....even before the 10% bp and 7% tax.  I should of just stayed at work.

Talked with the guy that won the unit that had a gun safe we couldn't bid on.  He still made out like a freaking bandit if it's not all a big tale.  Unit had piano he sold for $400, the fender case did have a fender guitar in it.  He found all sorts of camo, gun cleaning kit, and a .38.  Also said he found 2 wildlife gold coins 1oz .999 gold.  If all that is true he is going to triple or more his $601 investment.

Seeing more and more new people.  I don't know if it's everyone has cash so going auction crazy or what.  I'm just trying to weather the storm and not get too frustrated.  Buddy of mine said he may just take rest of the month off.  He hasn't purchased a locker since Nov.  Think he is getting a little frustrated.  Told him we will just have to borrow the box truck and hit Atlanta or Savannah one day.  Try our luck there.

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Re: Auction Scene #2...February, 2012
« Reply #38 on: February 13, 2012, 01:11:23 PM »

Seeing more and more new people.  I don't know if it's everyone has cash so going auction crazy or what.  I'm just trying to weather the storm and not get too frustrated.  Buddy of mine said he may just take rest of the month off.  He hasn't purchased a locker since Nov.  Think he is getting a little frustrated.  Told him we will just have to borrow the box truck and hit Atlanta or Savannah one day.  Try our luck there.

think you got it. On the money too burn.  Last auction saw a lot of new faces but were regular auction buyers (you can tell). So guess they are travelling to us because their area bad. ???

One of our regulars lives south, said it was ok a lot of less advertised auctions so we may travel south.
Think we are good with the OTHER BUYING for the month. Looks like we bought 2 lockers - the clothes, but have enough of those to be out of 5 lockers.  :)

Get your mom to start cleaning out a shed.  ;).

Wishing  you and your buddy luck.  ;D

Re: Auction Scene #2...February, 2012
« Reply #39 on: February 13, 2012, 04:14:13 PM »
OK~first two facilities cancelled (one after we showed up, but I love the manager and gave him a couple slices of cake~) and the last was down to 3 units.  About 35 in attendance.  Pretty much all regulars.  First unit one small dining set with 3 chairs.  Ended up going for $50.  My husband actually bid on it as there were some sort of gauges (that 90% of us missed).  He stopped at $30.  Second unit 5X10 about a third full.  Went for $300 to a buddy.  We didn't bid and I don't know that he'll recoup.  Final unit was a 5X5 that when the doors opened I looked, gasped and politely told Andy I'd see him next month~a few bicycle tires and dirt.  Yikes!

We do have some on Weds with a little known auctioneer, but with all the regulars crapping out the past couple weeks, it's gonna be tough.  Did go the casino (for lunch) with $22 and came home with $285.......wish that could happen everyday!!! ;)

Oh yeah.....no sneaky mousy girl!!!!  YEAH!!!

Re: Auction Scene #2...February, 2012
« Reply #40 on: February 13, 2012, 09:07:59 PM »
I think with the tax refunds out there, there are going to be a lot of newbies trying to get as much as they can. A month from now, when they've spent all their money and had the joys of going through the lockers...I bet they won't be back!  I would also bet that rent gets paid up, too with that money but by April/May those units will be listed yet again.

Good luck to all of you this week!!! Keep us posted :)

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Re: Auction Scene #2...February, 2012
« Reply #41 on: February 14, 2012, 09:25:51 AM »
Went to one auction the other day; only about 50 bidders (really only about 6 actually bid), but a pain anyway as viewing takes a long time.

I stayed for 8 of the 22 lkrs offered; figured my time was worth more than standing around waiting for people to pay too much for too little...also just wasn't into it that much.  Went to do some "picking" and got a couple of things.

Re: Auction Scene #2...February, 2012
« Reply #42 on: February 14, 2012, 08:26:17 PM »
Your idea was prob the best bet for your time/money MovieMan.  I'm going to bite the bullet however and try some new territory myself.  Have to head up near Atlanta next week to pickup some shelves father purchased.  So found a few auctions so far next week.  Will just pick a day with the most units for sale and head up there.

Also found a saturday auction in a different town I've never tried.  Then a caravan on the 25th down in Savannah.  So may give it a go depending on the weather.  They have a 400+ booth flea in Savannah so want to hit it while I'm there if can.

Auction Wednesday and Friday here but don't know if I'll make them due to work.  Want to try and hit at least one.

Re: Auction Scene #2...February, 2012
« Reply #43 on: February 15, 2012, 11:42:29 AM »
Went to a 2 facility  auction here in my town (for a change). There were 2 units at 1 and 7 at the other. There were only about 8 people.  There was only 1 really good unit, I bid to my limit but didn't win.

I did win 2 units, 1 was for $10, and the other $80.

The $10 unit I bought was a 5X10  and I got it just because no one else wanted it and there was a old gas furnace and a dresser and a couple of boxes, I thought what the hell I can scrap it if nothing else.

The second unit for $80 was a 10x10.  It has a gun cabinet (NO GUNS), lots of shelving, couple of pieces of furniture, heavy duty craftsman drill, GAY PORN LOL, 2 Vintage Howell and BEll projectors which are pretty cool one was a 8mm and the other was 16mm,  and some mens suits and jackets.

I like the second unit there was saleable things in there. And I can use the shelves.

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Re: Auction Scene #2...February, 2012
« Reply #44 on: February 15, 2012, 12:34:03 PM »
I like the second unit there was saleable things in there. And I can use the shelves.

So must be some good porn..  LOL

Just kidding.  ;)

Glad you got two.

Auction Scene #2...February, 2013

Started by MovieMan

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Auction Scene #2....February, 2014

Started by MovieMan

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Last post February 28, 2014, 08:33:20 PM
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Auction Scene #5...May, 2012

Started by MovieMan

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Last post June 03, 2012, 07:14:02 AM
by money4nothing
Auction Scene #12...December, 2012

Started by MovieMan

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Last post January 04, 2013, 10:17:00 PM
by calcoastgal

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