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CL iPad app

Offline Alias300

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CL iPad app
« on: June 26, 2012, 09:38:09 AM »
Just wanted to throw out that the CL iPad app sucks.  Use to work but after new update.....

First I go to post and I can't just log in.  It pushes me to web based.  Finally after proving myself I can use app.
Then every post I make it makes me do a text verification AND still go to email and click verification link for every post.

So I post all my goods, finally, and this morning went to check on one.....couldn't find it. Next, not there.

Not a single item was posted!
App says they are.  Email says they are.   But I've looked in every possible way and nothing.

Anyone else use CL app for iPad and have you had problems?  Fix?

Might explain why I'm not doing so well selling on Craigslist the past two weeks....

Offline MovieMan

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Re: CL iPad app
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2012, 10:34:06 AM »
Just wanted to throw out that the CL iPad app sucks.  Use to work but after new update.....

Nope, I don't use it, but I don't use the eBay app for iPad to post either. I use both for looking at my sales and for looking up something I am interested in at the moment, but FOR ME, I can't imagine using EITHER of them for posting or for buying. ( I should say I use clist from Safari on my iPad...I don't have the app).

I guess I am just old school, but I like the more secure and solid feeling I get from doing postings and buyings from my home computer.  

I have wondered why people would post a sale item on eBay (or Clist) when it could be done later at home. Maybe users here can answer that.  I have seen listings on eBay that say "posted from my Android" as an example.


The only reason I can imagine is that with some iPads (and the smartphones), you can take a picture of the item and post it from a remote location away from one's main computer.

In the 8 plus years I've been selling on eBay (and Clist) I have posted almost 1000 items for sale and each item has an average of 10 pics (some have 3 some have 20). At $.15 per picture (and 10 pics each per 1000 items) that's $1,500 I've saved in picture costs BECAUSE I use HTML to publish the pics WITHIN the listing, not in the usual eBay style.  Using that approach from my iPad would be a stretch I'm sure. (and my iPad doesn't have a camera !)

Offline Alias300

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Re: CL iPad app
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2012, 02:46:27 PM »
I got the iPad primarily cause I was laid up and even tho my pc can be viewed on my bedroom tv (wireless mouse and keyboard signal reaches pc) and I have laptop, both were to hard to use in bed.

Then since iPad has camera I figured why use camera, transfer.....I mean the iPads totally set up for so much it cut out a lot of work in other areas.  Until it came to Craigslist.   You can't import pictures from iPad to listings on the web based platform.  Craigslist doesn't reconized the picture library. So you need app.    When it was working it was a bit of a hassle at first but once you set up an account it was, take picture, open app, click new post, type whatever and import 4pics in about 2 seconds.   A CL post took from takeing picture to being viewed, less than 1 minute.    It had some glitches. But over all it saved time and at any point you can click the app and instantly update ("pending" or delete). Or repost listing in seconds.

Thy had said they had an update almost ready to fix glitches but think they made it worse......

Re: CL iPad app
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2012, 07:39:26 PM »
i use the ipad app for both ebay and CL and find it easier. for some reason CL never liked the photos coming from my imac, but loads them easy from my ipad.

The Ebay app is even easier, leting me add photos and list in the comfort of my bed.

Offline Alias300

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Re: CL iPad app
« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2012, 07:46:32 PM »
i use the ipad app

But have you used CL app in couple days?
None of my listings are showing.  I even did a test one this morn with weird key words and CL app says they are there but I don't see them and key word search show's nothing......

CL has another update I'm doing now. Maybe they fixed it.   ???

Re: CL iPad app
« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2012, 08:12:05 PM »
I haven't used it in a couple days. Once i list on the app then I use my cpu to renew or delete.

Offline MovieMan

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Re: CL iPad app
« Reply #6 on: June 26, 2012, 08:53:32 PM »
I haven't used it in a couple days. Once i list on the app then I use my cpu to renew or delete.

OK, but can you enlighten me on:

1) why you use the iPad to list (instead of your home computer)
2) why you would then later use the home computer to renew or delete

Still trying to figure out the advantage for folks of posting from an iPad or phone.

Offline Alias300

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Re: CL iPad app
« Reply #7 on: June 26, 2012, 09:42:23 PM »
I think you migh dig the CL app if 1) your iPad had a camera 2) they get the glitches fixed.
It has it's perks.  I do like being able to get all the pictures taken then just post as I'm waiting for doctor appt or what not.  totally see people that use phone as camera using app.  Simplest way.

Also can put item on "pending" and if it's a no show simply erase pending status
Sure, can do that out and about on the web based version but it's literally 20seconds 

Even tho I'm not happy with CL app and it sucks, I'll still use it if only because it's easier to take picture on iPad and simply import to CL with three taps on the screen......

Haven't used eBay.......

Offline MovieMan

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Re: CL iPad app
« Reply #8 on: June 26, 2012, 10:04:03 PM »
I downloaded the free clist app...has a clean look, and for my use perhaps a tad easier than going through Safari, but not a biggie for me.

The eBay app (free) has recently been overhauled and imo is a pretty nice app; I use it the most for researching prices at flea market, estate sales, etc and for checking on my items which are close to ending or need a question answered.

Offline Alias300

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Re: CL iPad app
« Reply #9 on: June 26, 2012, 10:22:27 PM »
I'm going to have to buy a hotspot. So I can do research on the fly.
I don't have data on phone cause it's free service thru family member. 
At least a hotspot I'd have it on phone, iPod, iPad, laptop and for as often the Internet goes out at home....nice backup.
Plus the shop doesn't have Internet so I'd have it there....or hotels.....

Think it's time. 

Offline Cobia

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Re: CL iPad app
« Reply #10 on: June 27, 2012, 07:30:54 AM »
OK, but can you enlighten me on:

1) why you use the iPad to list (instead of your home computer)
2) why you would then later use the home computer to renew or delete

Still trying to figure out the advantage for folks of posting from an iPad or phone.

I have heard people say they like to photo and post merchandise staight from the unit before they move it or just leave it there and sell from the unit to save time. I never really understood this because everything I get needs to be inspected, cleaned, & researched before I post it for sale. There are very few things I find in a unit that are "ready to sell" the way they are found.

Offline MovieMan

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Re: CL iPad app
« Reply #11 on: June 27, 2012, 08:57:55 AM »
I have heard people say they like to photo and post merchandise staight from the unit before they move it or just leave it there and sell from the unit to save time. I never really understood this because everything I get needs to be inspected, cleaned, & researched before I post it for sale. There are very few things I find in a unit that are "ready to sell" the way they are found.

If I rent a purchased lkr for the first month ($30 deal) it would be because of quantity involved and shortage of space in other places I store items, and I definitely photograph items there after checking them out. Most of the spots I would rent are large lkrs and have electricity for checkig items.

Since I don't have a smartphone or an iPad with a camera, I really can't comment on the quality or capabilities of their cameras, but I know for the kind of photos I place on eBay/Clist that the macro capability is important. As I said before I might post 3 to 20 photos in a listing and they are all done with html within the text, not using the standard approach provided by eBay/Clist.

My best camera can focus as close as 10" on a label on a motor, a box, etc. Having a photo which can show the texture in a canvas bag (as an example) is important to me. Sometimes I have to NOT use a picture because too much detail is one in real life can see the tiny imperfections that a real close-up shows.

So aside from the "convenience" factor of the phone/iPad shots, I'll stick with what has worked for me.


On a similar note my daughter who is going to China on a two-year teaching assignment tells me that her iPad with a camera can easily connect with Skype to other iPads through some super-connect program that dials directly to other iPads, where she and I have to have some pre-arranged agreement for a Skype call to my web-cammed laptop. THAT would seem to be a real advantage to a mulit-purpose device.


I guess I am just old-school when it comes to having dedicated devices for dedicated purposes. On a hike my camera with 10x optical (and much-more digital) zoom can take a quite close-up picture of an animal at some distance; I doubt a cell-phone cam can do that, though for "snap-shots" it can't be beat.

Re: CL iPad app
« Reply #12 on: June 27, 2012, 11:21:02 AM »
Which craigslist app are you using?  I have been using craigslist pro with no problems.  I can list from my ipad or my razr max and it's unbelievable how quick and easy it is to use. 

A friend of mine had his computer stolen a couple of months ago.  He was trying to post his listings on cl with his ipad and I told him to try craigslist pro, and for the last couple of months now, he's posting all his ads on cl with just his ipad and it's been working great.

Oh, and I use the "free" craigslist pro......they do have a paid version that supposedly is a little fancier, but I'm a cheap bastard!   ;D

Offline Alias300

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Re: CL iPad app
« Reply #13 on: June 27, 2012, 01:48:14 PM »
Movieman -

I highly recommend upgrading to an iPad with front cam if your going to Skype with your daughter often.
I use it cause my family in Dallas.  Don't want the little ones forgetting what their uncle looks like.

iPad is so handy.  Don't have to be sure to be home or if they want to randomly call.
Plus, either side can take it to family functions or what not. Pass it around.
Picture quality far better than my pc.

Not a must have but just a bit handier.
GameStop has some deals going. Thats how I got mine.  Traded a bunch of games and consoles for it.
They are now taking in iPhones, iPods of all makes and iPad trades too. And at, obviously less than retail, but fair prices. 

As far as using it for taking pictures to post, I think you'll be happy.  Say 75% of items can be shot just as well for what you need.   Does fall short with lighting and no zoom.  When you hold pad close to get close shot it tends to blur a touch cause it can't focas due to you can't hold pad still enough.

Offline Alias300

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Re: CL iPad app
« Reply #14 on: July 07, 2012, 05:51:10 PM »
Well now the iPad app has decided that it will post my ad's but only after email verification.   Really, what's the point of an account?  Just skip one step of typing in my addy?

And none of the postings have images.

And all flagged for removal.  Why?  Don't know. 


Craigslist on iPad

Started by Alias300

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iPad for research at remote locations

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