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Craigslist Crazies...March, 2014 Edition

Offline MovieMan

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Craigslist Crazies...March, 2014 Edition
« on: March 05, 2014, 01:11:17 PM »
They're still at it !

A woman called me 3 weeks ago about a $20 item. I could tell from her area code she was from out of town. I returned her call, left a message, never heard back.

Three week later (Monday this week) she calls again, I pick up on it and she asks about the item again. My first question to her was what city she was in.  Yep, it's 45 miles away.  She asks where she can see it (this is all in the description along with a map, etc.) and her response is...."I have to meet you at your storage locker? That sounds a bit creepy".

I responded that we could meet at the office where there would be people around.  Then she wants to meet 5 days later!  So, I gave her the usual response..."Call me the night before and we will set up a time to meet".

Now to see if she follows up...she's inquired twice, delivered a halting question/answer session, etc. Will she be a flake or a winner?

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Craigslist Crazies...March, 2014 Edition
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2014, 01:18:12 PM »
Second crazy this week.

Guy calls, broken English and wants to know if a tool is still available and would I take any less for it.

My first question to him is..."What city are you in?"  He is 90 miles away.  Then he wants to know if it runs properly, etc.

I answer that and tell him I would take $25 less than the $135 asking price.  He goes on and on about would it run properly, etc.

Finally, I said, "Look, you're 180 round trip miles away, you live in a metro area where there are other towns within 10 to 15 miles of you, I'm sure they have the same or similar tool. Don't you think you would be better off looking closer to home?

It was good advice, but he persisted. Finally, I said "I'm sorry, but I don't think we can get together on this" and I hung up.

Get a clue people. Read the title of the sale item which includes the city in which the item is for sale.
Figure out how many gallons of gas (at what price per gallon) and see if it is worth making a three hour round trip drive and spending $35 to $40 in gas to buy that item.

Offline dbr831

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Re: Craigslist Crazies...March, 2014 Edition
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2014, 08:10:20 PM »
This reminds me of a guy that wanted to buy a trunk. It was a 20 mile drive for him (40 mile round trip) so he asked the measurements to make sure it was a good size for him. The measurements were in the ad but ok...told him the measurements. He comes to see it and says "oh, it's much bigger than I expected. I don't think it will fit". WTF we told you the measurements! Waste of time...

Re: Craigslist Crazies...March, 2014 Edition
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2014, 11:04:20 PM »
This reminds me of a guy that wanted to buy a trunk. It was a 20 mile drive for him (40 mile round trip) so he asked the measurements to make sure it was a good size for him. The measurements were in the ad but ok...told him the measurements. He comes to see it and says "oh, it's much bigger than I expected. I don't think it will fit". WTF we told you the measurements! Waste of time...

I have had a couple of those idiots!  It drives you nuts!  I gave you all the dimensions, how can it be bigger than you thought?!   :-[

Re: Craigslist Crazies...March, 2014 Edition
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2014, 12:06:29 AM »
I have had a couple of those idiots!  It drives you nuts!  I gave you all the dimensions, how can it be bigger than you thought?!   :-[

Because they are idiots like you said, instead of taking those measurements and a measuring tape and actually checking to see if it works for them, they try to estimate how big it will be in their minds, when they really have no concept of size. :-[

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Re: Craigslist Crazies...March, 2014 Edition
« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2014, 05:19:24 AM »

Now to see if she follows up...she's inquired twice, delivered a halting question/answer session, etc. Will she be a flake or a winner?

I could have bet money on this one. Flake of the highest order...well, maybe not the highest, but right up there.

Offline Alias300

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Re: Craigslist Crazies...March, 2014 Edition
« Reply #6 on: March 08, 2014, 12:07:46 AM »
I just had one today.....

Guy is in Portland. 
"I want the stools but its a bit high [price] considering the drive". (about 400miles RT)

"Yeah....way high.  I would find something else, personally"

"Can you come down?"

"Yeah, I'll knock of $25."

"No. I mean can you bring them to Portland?"

"No.  I don't have time plus I'd have to charge you more."

"Charge more?  For what!?"

" entire day wasted, driving there.  Gas.  In my car that's like $75"

"Oh come on.  Your making a lot off them.  I've seen them for way less, you can afford to drive down"

"No. I can't.  And you don't know how much I bought them for so you don't know how much I'm making. Besides if you've seen them for less than why are you...what am I doing....why am I still talking to you....piss off and don't call again."

Idiots.  I swear some people just do that sh*t for fun.  Like Internet trolls.   No way someone can be that much of a moron.....right?   Right?    .....hello?    <sigh>.  :-[

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Craigslist Crazies...March, 2014 Edition
« Reply #7 on: March 13, 2014, 10:50:06 PM »
I got another one. Not a total crazy, but going for it anyway.

I have an item listed close to $400...kind of a specialty item but Clist worthy as  well as could go on eBay.

So, the guy calls and says... "would you be interested in bartering anything for it."

I told him the value would have to be close and asked what he had.

"I have a dozen silver half dollars". I asked what they were worth.

"Anywhere from $13 each to one that's worth $75." 

My suggestion to him was that he sell them to someone and then approach me with a cash offer.

"Oh, OK, maybe I'll try that".


This old f**t apparently had never heard the expression "don't try to bs a bs'er". Now if he had said GOLD coins, we could have talked.

I'll never hear from him again and like I told him..."I'm never in a hurry to sell something. It just sits there and doesn't need to be fed, so what's the hurry?"

Re: Craigslist Crazies...March, 2014 Edition
« Reply #8 on: March 13, 2014, 11:30:34 PM »
People driving from crazy distances for low end items is nothing new. And as long as THEY are the ones making the drive, let them come from 5 states away. Just sold a $40 dollar twin bed frame to a couple from a town over an hour away (one way). No doubt in my mind they spent more in gas than the money for the item. I think part of it is, people have no idea where to buy things if they dont sell it at the local walmart.  ::)

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Re: Craigslist Crazies...March, 2014 Edition
« Reply #9 on: March 14, 2014, 10:06:28 AM »
Just sold a $40 dollar twin bed frame to a couple from a town over an hour away (one way).

Perhaps they just wanted to take a drive together, away from the kids for a couple of hours, so the drive was a bonus for them. The wife and I have done that. Nice day, put the roof down on the Mustangs and hit the pavement.

Offline Alias300

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Re: Craigslist Crazies...March, 2014 Edition
« Reply #10 on: March 15, 2014, 02:07:08 PM »
Here is another one I can only assume is a craigslist crazy.....

Maybe if your asking $25 for an item that is readily available (not discontinued, still sold) you might want to remove the $12.99 price tag......just a thought.

Offline Cobia

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Re: Craigslist Crazies...March, 2014 Edition
« Reply #11 on: March 16, 2014, 08:41:06 AM »
Here is another one I can only assume is a craigslist crazy.....

Maybe if your asking $25 for an item that is readily available (not discontinued, still sold) you might want to remove the $12.99 price tag......just a thought.

He just has his haggle price built in, that's all.  :)

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