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Do you sell small dollar items on craigslist?

Offline rulesforrebels

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Do you sell small dollar items on craigslist?
« on: January 30, 2011, 01:27:49 PM »
I always see people on craigslist selling small dollar items like things for $5 or $10.

Personally to be it's not even worth the time or effort. You have so many no shows, people show up late and leave you watiing for 45 min just to meet up with them. Usually you dont want them at your house so meet somewhere in public.

To me it's just not worth makign $5 or $10 off an item to have to find a time that works for both of you, drive somewhere to meet up, wait for them since they are always late, etc.

If the item will sell on ebay I'd rather make a quarter off it and get some points on my ebay score than deal with craigslist to make an extra $5 or so.

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Do you sell small dollar items on craigslist?
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2011, 01:29:27 PM »
Nope, not worth it to me and I only drive 1 mile to my storage unit where I sell Clist items from.

Re: Do you sell small dollar items on craigslist?
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2011, 12:36:36 AM »
As a rule I don't list anything on CL that's less than $50.  It's not worth the time.  Everything else can go on eBay, a garage sale, or to the thrift store. 

Offline Travis

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Re: Do you sell small dollar items on craigslist?
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2011, 08:14:04 PM »
It's not worth it...just let all the smaller items build up for a month or two and then have a giant garage sale. The small stuff really adds up.

Offline rulesforrebels

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Re: Do you sell small dollar items on craigslist?
« Reply #4 on: March 20, 2011, 08:34:47 PM »
Yeah, I can't wait for garage sale season. My neighborhood limits me to one per year so got have them at girlfriends house, friends houses, moms house, etc lol. That and cant wait for the outdoor flea market. I hate the indoor one, such a pain unloading when I go by myself. Outdoor I can pull my truck right up to my spot.

Re: Do you sell small dollar items on craigslist?
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2011, 01:52:12 AM »
$20 is my threshold. I have people meet me at my local shopping center 2 blocks from the house and call when they arrive, or have them call me when they're heading out and I will find a landmark for them to meet me if I'm out doing auctions. Anything less than $20 isn't worth my time with the email back and forth, etc...

Why do big items sell faster then small items, plus my 2 units recap.

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