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Free Templates for my CL ads....

Free Templates for my CL ads....
« on: April 10, 2013, 04:07:28 PM »
.. I've been using a free provider ( ) to make my presentations look better.Lately, some of my ads are not showing to the public . They do show me they are live on my control panel (obviously on my own computer),so I have no idea which ads are corrupted or not.I have to ask friends to go on their comps and say "can you see me now?" anyway any suggestions/ideas/tips/new provider info would be appreciated,thanks

Re: Free Templates for my CL ads....
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2013, 04:50:34 PM »
I've found that when using a template, my ads are either ignored or unpublished. I just type in my text and ad the pic the good old fashioned way and I get much better results. If you didn't sign up for a craigslist account, I'd do so immediately. You can repost your ads every 48 hours with an account.

Re: Free Templates for my CL ads....
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2013, 05:01:40 PM »
thanks, I've been doing CL for a few years,mostly the old fashion way, which looks like the way to go still. Just kinda wanted to set my ad apart from everybody else,but I guess keeping it simple makes sense.

Re: Free Templates for my CL ads....
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2013, 10:57:51 PM »
In my opinion, an ad that is templated on craigslist is a red flag. I think setting yourself apart by taking better and more pics in your ad is the way to go. I bought 2 shimmery white full panel curtains from the thrift store for $2 and use them as my backdrop for most of my items. Of course, there's some items that are too big for my makeshift photo studio.. But for most of my smalls, it works great! Out of my Raleigh/Durham CL, I'm making between 5 and 15 sales a week.

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Re: Free Templates for my CL ads....
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2013, 11:17:01 PM »
I don't use templates on either clist or eBay, but I do know a little html and I employ some of that in my listings at both places. I even use graphics I have created and sometimes animated graphics as well (see my avatar at left).

One thing I DO think is important is good photos. Here are some examples either from clist or eBay.  The last few show some closeups...sometimes closeups can be bad as it's like seeing every little bump, but you can always weed out the ones that are TOO close.

I use between 5 and 10 pics on both clist and eBay. Note the background and flat surface on which items sit. They don't detract from the item.

Re: Free Templates for my CL ads....
« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2013, 08:47:58 AM »
Absolutely right guys...Pictures make the sale...Thanks.... here's an example of my ebay listing .....   ...... I can use the same pics for craigslist,but I'm damm'ed if I can figure out to get that template/frame /background the same for CL...

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Free Templates for my CL ads....
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2013, 09:56:11 AM »
Absolutely right guys...Pictures make the sale.

Nice closeups of the motorcycle and sidecar !  Most of the stuff I pick and sell is breadbox size. The little red radio
is about 5 inches left to right, but that's probably the smallest thing I've shot and my standard setup with a reed background works for most things.

For large items the reed background works too as it is 7 feet tall and 5 feet wide, so an item has to be pretty big to get outside those parameters.

Things like pressure washers I usually put in a paved setting with some greenbelt area behind for color contrast and "life".

Pics do it...that's for sure...the sharper the better.

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