Storage Auctions

What a dishonest move!

Offline Alias

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What a dishonest move!
« on: February 05, 2012, 11:24:59 AM »
I had a nice lamp from my grandma's house. Thought it would look nice in my place. Didn't.
It's been in the trunk of my car forever. It's not "nice", not old, nothing. Just a lamp.

So I'm putting veggies from market in car, guy see's it, we talk. He just likes it. Doesn't offer anything, I just give it to him. I even ask him if he's going to sell it. "oh! No,no,no. My wife would love this!"

Y'all see where this is going, huh?!

Wasn't even 15min and I saw a lady putting it in her car. I figured it was the wife.
 Asked her if she liked the lamp and she said "oh yeah, and it was only $20"

So much for trying to be nice. Tried to find the guy but no luck. Just going to have to let Karma handle it...
What's sad is I woulda let him have it even if he said he thought he could sell it.
I don't care. Not my thing. I hope you make some money where I can't.

On a good note....
Picked up some nice silver rings with no stones from an artist. Girl I use to work with is going to mount some CZ's I have in them and sell them on consignment. Not going to make much but also don't have to do a thing. From what she thinks she can sell for she only has to sell two to cover cost so.....

Re: What a dick move!
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2012, 11:55:54 AM »
Where I sell other vendors will actually help unload the truck to have 1st dibs on my stuff.  This is what I do, when they ask how much I always tell them $10 to $50 more than I actually want because they want to resell the item.  When they offer me less I always tell them I just got here the market is still closed come back at 2 and I MIGHT take your offer. I NEVER give anything away.

Sometimes when I inflate my prices to other vendors they will pay it. After I accept the $ I don't care what they sell it for.

Re: What a dick move!
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2012, 04:54:39 PM »
Ok Alias, think positive. Maybe that was the guys wife and he said "hey honey, look what I bought for you and it was only $20".  Now he's got an extra $20 left in his wallet that she doesn't know about.... ;D

But it really sucks when someone has to lie about it, especially when you specifically asked him.

I went to a flea market was horrible.  The kids found some Pokemon beanies for 50 cents each (score for me after what I had to pay to get some from eBay at Christmas time). 20 vendors tops. It kinda reminded me of people that have rummage sales in their basements or in their house (estate sales I can see) but those inside sales just creep me out.

Offline Alias

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Re: What a dick move!
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2012, 07:52:36 PM »
Oh I sure hope it's not his wife! Cause we went for coffee and I got her number.  ;D

Offline money4nothing

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Re: What a dick move!
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2012, 07:21:31 AM »
Oh I sure hope it's not his wife! Cause we went for coffee and I got her number.  ;D

Not such a dick move after all.  ;).  Did you tell her you gave it to the guy that sold it to her. LOL.

At the Flea this weekend an every weekend vendor who deals in antiques, asked at the end of the day, "What are you getting for your water cans?" Told him and he bought one, told him could not diker was my Aunts. So after packing up went and asked him what he put on it? At first he did not want to tell me I said I am just curious. He marked it up $13. I don't care he is there all the time and he will most likely get it. did have a lady look at it...I laughed and said I will die if he sells it. LOL he didn't.

Re: What a dick move!
« Reply #5 on: March 15, 2012, 10:44:45 PM »
I buy/sell/trade with other vendors all the time, and it's often for resale on both sides.  That's really common at swap meets.  I don;t like to sit on stuff for a long time, and sometimes I sell stuff to other vendors then watch them sit on it for weeks before they make their money on it.   As long as I made money on it I don;t care if they do too.

Offline MovieMan

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Re: What a dick move!
« Reply #6 on: March 15, 2012, 10:59:24 PM »
I buy/sell/trade with other vendors all the time, and it's often for resale on both sides.  That's really common at swap meets.  I don;t like to sit on stuff for a long time, and sometimes I sell stuff to other vendors then watch them sit on it for weeks before they make their money on it.   As long as I made money on it I don;t care if they do too.

I  have flea friends to support your approach and I know a lot of folks do it that way, but for eight years now I have been selling primarily to the "end user" and therefore not may vendors come to do business with me. There is one fellow I will sell collectibles to at a decent price because I know he will go 50 miles away to sell them to a colllector clietele that I do not have locally. That person is the exception though.

Now on the other hand I "pick" items from unknowing sellers and usually put that stuff on eBay (or maybe the flea). These are folks who just aren't that bright or knowledgable about certain items. I seldom buy from vendors like myself who know what is going on. All my vendor associates are on the ball for the most part and they know I am going to resell something I buy from them, and most of them are going to try to get the end user too.

Re: What a dick move!
« Reply #7 on: March 16, 2012, 07:45:25 AM »
I mostly sell to the end-user also, but have sold to vendors.  They pay the same price as the end-user or will quote something higher ;)

I have done swaps before.  Did one last month that has paid off.  Guy had 6 fridigeair gas stove burners - brand new.  Was wanting $10 for all 6.  Traded him one of the items I had out for $10 that he wanted for himself.  Sold the first grate on e-bay for a $21 profit after fee/shipping.  Have one now with a bid of $18 so ($10 or so profit), and sold one at the flea for $10.  He didn't want to break the set up and I didn't give a second thought of doing so.  Is what made the difference.  So after that first e-bay sell everything else was pure profit.

dishonest auctioneer!

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