Storage Auctions

Any tips on holding an Auction

Re: Any tips on holding an Auction
« Reply #30 on: April 11, 2012, 11:35:58 PM »
So I'm thinking of printing out flyer's and putting them on wind shields at tomorrows storage auction for my Auction.
How would you guys take that if it was your car you found one on?
Throw them away, Call me and threaten my life, or check it out?

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Re: Any tips on holding an Auction
« Reply #31 on: April 11, 2012, 11:50:37 PM »
I think that sort of thing is in bad form.
From way back in the day a promoting show's we would never stand outside another venue or flag cars in the area out of respect and always chased away promoters from my club.

Id treat it the same as any other flyer. Throw it on the ground in hopes the city fined YOU for causing litter.

NEVER touch another mans ride! 

But that's just me

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Re: Any tips on holding an Auction
« Reply #32 on: April 12, 2012, 07:50:01 AM »
I see a YouTube channel in the future with Movieman as the auction buyer and Roger Mack as the auctioneer color commenting on storage auctions. We could all start video recording our local auctions and send them to the guys and they could review them and take the best ones and do a 1/2 hour show doing a "play by play" of the auctions. It would be great watching them verbally joust as each one defends their side of the industry and both forcefully redicule "newbies" who make really dumb mistakes.

I see $$$, think about it...   ;D

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Re: Any tips on holding an Auction
« Reply #33 on: April 12, 2012, 09:21:45 AM »
I see a YouTube channel in the future with Movieman as the auction buyer and Roger Mack as the auctioneer color commenting on storage auctions.

I see $$$, think about it...   ;D

Well, there would be no shortage of material to critique AND it might be more profitable than buying lockers !  ;)

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Re: Any tips on holding an Auction
« Reply #34 on: April 12, 2012, 12:59:56 PM »
So I'm thinking of printing out flyer's and putting them on wind shields at tomorrows storage auction for my Auction.
How would you guys take that if it was your car you found one on?
Throw them away, Call me and threaten my life, or check it out?
Buy a bunch of radio spots and have a live remote broadcast with free give-aways.Offer free hotdogs and soft drinks. The live broadcast would get lots of people there. Auctions need like 500 plus people at each of them. Buy radio ad's flood the airwaves about the auctions. Radio works

Re: Any tips on holding an Auction
« Reply #35 on: April 12, 2012, 05:23:15 PM »
Well, there would be no shortage of material to critique AND it might be more profitable than buying lockers !  ;)

Movie Man, I gave it some thought today and realized that our bickering back and forth does no one any good, so what you say to burying the hatchet and starting over?


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Re: Any tips on holding an Auction
« Reply #36 on: April 12, 2012, 05:31:09 PM »
Movie Man, I gave it some thought today and realized that our bickering back and forth does no one any good, so what you say to burying the hatchet and starting over?


Sounds good to me. I think we each have our opinions about the business and they are sometimes at odds.

Basically when I say something negative about auctioneers or property managers it should not be taken as a blanket statement. There are good ones and bad ones...same as with buyers who don't go by the rules as opposed to those who do.

I think because of the tv shows' popularity there have been more recent incidents of staged lockers as an example. This may or may not involve the lkr renter AND the prop manager or auctioneer, but it could.

Re: Any tips on holding an Auction
« Reply #37 on: April 12, 2012, 05:46:39 PM »
Sounds good to me. I think we each have our opinions about the business and they are sometimes at odds.

Basically when I say something negative about auctioneers or property managers it should not be taken as a blanket statement. There are good ones and bad ones...same as with buyers who don't go by the rules as opposed to those who do.

I think because of the tv shows' popularity there have been more recent incidents of staged lockers as an example. This may or may not involve the lkr renter AND the prop manager or auctioneer, but it could.

Then it is done.

Now on too the current scene.....I totally agree about the shows...seems the worst has been brought out in folks in the way of behavior, and I guess what galls me the most is that Auctioneers are "supposed" to abide by a code of ethics and hearing stories of those that do not really pisses me off because it gives the rest of us a bad know, they see something bad and tell 2 people and each of them tells 2 people etc...and as it goes along the story get worse and worse.

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Re: Any tips on holding an Auction
« Reply #38 on: April 12, 2012, 07:12:38 PM »
Then it is done.   ;D

Now on too the current scene.....I totally agree about the shows...seems the worst has been brought out in folks in the way of behavior, and I guess what galls me the most is that Auctioneers are "supposed" to abide by a code of ethics and hearing stories of those that do not really pisses me off because it gives the rest of us a bad know, they see something bad and tell 2 people and each of them tells 2 people etc...and as it goes along the story get worse and worse.

I can see your side of that. I have overheard people blame the auction company for bad managers. But be assured that most of the regulars and noobies with common scenes know the difference, and the bad Auctioneers will be gone and you will survive.

On the flip side some buyers turn off the facility so they no longer hold auctions. (Florida can post dispose of).  And that pisses me off.  ;)

Re: Any tips on holding an Auction
« Reply #39 on: April 13, 2012, 03:47:00 PM »
So I didn't put flyer's up at the storage Auction I didn't want to step on any ones toes!

I did put together a video tour of the Showroom Items and put it on the site

and the Auctioneer sent me a template to Catalog all of the Items and I'm doing my best to get out of that job  :o

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Re: Any tips on holding an Auction
« Reply #40 on: April 14, 2012, 03:57:54 AM »

and the Auctioneer sent me a template to Catalog all of the Items and I'm doing my best to get out of that job  :o

Good luck with that.  ;D

But it is kinda the same when you buy a locker.

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