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Are there unspoken rules of etiquette for storage unit buyers?

Offline Travis

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Are there unspoken rules of etiquette for storage unit buyers?
« on: September 29, 2014, 04:26:40 PM »
Is there an etiquette or unspoken rules amongst us at storage auctions?

Re: Are there unspoken rules of etiquette for storage unit buyers?
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2014, 06:06:45 PM »
Make the newbs pay !!!

Re: Are there unspoken rules of etiquette for storage unit buyers?
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2014, 01:26:42 PM »
we all have a, for the most part, unspoken rule about bidding one another up if its their speciality.

For example a guy that has a thrift store I'm not going to kill if a room comes up that would be great shelf filler.  A mechanic I'm not going to kill on car stuff and a local electrician/contractor I'm not going to kill on tools.

That being said if its a universally good room or there is a snap on box filled then I'm going hard on it.

We have one guy that always asks us to go easy on the first couple of rooms so he can fill his shelves and then when a room I like (furniture) he bids me up.  He breaks the rule and now we bid him on everything.

There is no need to be greedy in this game there is more than enough junk for everybody.

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Re: Are there unspoken rules of etiquette for storage unit buyers?
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2014, 02:33:27 PM »
No chili eating right before the indoor auctions.

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Re: Are there unspoken rules of etiquette for storage unit buyers?
« Reply #4 on: September 30, 2014, 02:54:13 PM »
Do you guys think there's an unspoken rule about once you have a few units under your belt for the day call it a day and go home or is it man with the biggest pockets takes it all? I used to be on kind of an auction circuit where the same auctioneer would do like 8 or 10 facilities per day. Generally not a ton of auctions maybe one at each facility maybe 2-3 but not a ton of auctions. Among us regulars there was kind of a rule once you've taken down two or 3 good units call it a day and go home. Occasionally some newbie would show up with deep pockets and who you could tell didn't really inspect units that well was just kind of throwing money around taking everything. We definately made him pay. I can definately see people saying its every man for himself if you got the cahs take every unit that comes up but among our group it was kind of a take a few and call it a day type atmosphere. You generally have to clear units out in a day maybe two max I don't even see how the guy could do all his units in that time and they generally aren't too generous with more time in my area unless your a regular.

Offline Travis

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Re: Are there unspoken rules of etiquette for storage unit buyers?
« Reply #5 on: September 30, 2014, 03:28:28 PM »
You generally have to clear units out in a day maybe two max I don't even see how the guy could do all his units in that time and they generally aren't too generous with more time in my area unless your a regular.

Probably just rented the unit, or who knows, maybe he a had a moving crew.

Re: Are there unspoken rules of etiquette for storage unit buyers?
« Reply #6 on: September 30, 2014, 06:53:07 PM »
We have a couple of guys that just keep buying to buy, mostly so no one else is able to. 

The group of regulars though have an understanding that if you grab a couple, go home or at least let other guys get the next ones.  Since I don't do this full time or need to stock shelves I usually let the other guys take the majority of rooms.  I'm fine with 1 good one for the day.

The regulars also have pull with the facilities, even the big guys such as extra space and ps so if we get 3+ rooms they'll give us 72-96 hours to clean out the rooms.

Offline Cobia

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Re: Are there unspoken rules of etiquette for storage unit buyers?
« Reply #7 on: October 06, 2014, 06:41:23 PM »
Run newbies up.

Flirt with storage facility employees and auctioneers (when applicable)  :93:

Don't stand in front of the door the entire time without moving.

Don't ask other bidders to borrow money.

Don't ask where other auctions are that day or week.

Don't ask to borrow a flashlight or lock, unless you are good friends.

NEVER tell about ALL the best things you have gotten out of units! Maybe throw them a crumb once in a while.

Many feel an unspoken rule should be each regular should only win one room until all the other regulars have won one, but I don't see why they should expect that. When 2 or 3 good rooms come up back to back at the beginning of the day you can bet your sweet a$$ i'm going to bid to win them all even if I took the first one!

What should be an unspoken rule of etiquette that many newbies & part-timers break; asking regulars how they run their business and make money!  :-[  Yeah, let me tell you all my trade secrets so when those rooms that only go for $50-$250 because they look like nothing special or losers and you see me bidding you jump in and run them up cause now you know what I see and how I can sell it and for what kind of price I can get!  :96:

There should be a hidden linebacker at every auction and as soon as some newbie asks "So how do you..." BAM! CRUSHING BLINDSIDE TACKLE!!  :57:

Offline Travis

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Re: Are there unspoken rules of etiquette for storage unit buyers?
« Reply #8 on: October 06, 2014, 10:29:15 PM »
Don't ask other bidders to borrow money.

That whole post was hilarious, but have you really had other bidders ask you to borrow money?

Your Thoughts: Free for all or is there etiquete / unspoken rules amonst us?

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