Storage Auctions

my first loss

Offline Travis

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Re: my first loss
« Reply #30 on: December 28, 2014, 12:48:17 PM »
4 years? Seems like potty training wasn't high on Mom's to do list.

No, momma liked to do everything for her...but Dad is now giving her a reality check and helping her be self sufficient. She turns 5 in a month, time sure flies by  :'( .

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Re: my first loss
« Reply #31 on: December 28, 2014, 02:29:39 PM »
time sure flies by

Tell me about it, my youngest just turned 17 and it seems he was only born yesterday. My oldest girl has graduated college and now lives 1,500 miles away.

Re: my first loss
« Reply #32 on: December 31, 2014, 01:31:53 AM »
Yesterday I got 2 units, 5 x 10's. I love the smaller units and do very well with them snatching them up for $200 or less. One of my units came loaded with new baby furniture and other high end stuff, the other unit not so bad. I paid $95 for the second unit because it looked really good with plenty of boxes to go through. (l love volume in smalls) Anyhow after opening all 40+ boxes they were all boxed with junk and trash, nothing good. Just a projection TV which I sold for $100 to save my butt.

 On the other hand I took my sister in laws with me for their first time. There was a unit which was 5x10 and filled up max with black trash bags. Everyone just passed it up, I did too because it looked like dirty close and I already had two units. My sister inlaw bid on it to my surprise and got it all for $5. After helping her get in there was over 100 trash bags fill with all kinds of stuff. Her first pull was a little purse which had over 50 buffalo nickels, a gold class ring, and silver. I laughed cause everyone just passed it up. :clap:

Re: my first loss
« Reply #33 on: December 31, 2014, 08:00:45 AM »
yesterday I went to a auction that had 5 units up.It was cold in my neck of the woods yesterday (25 degrees) but a a whole boatload of people showed up ( around 45 ) usually we get like 20-25.

I did bid but I started at 25 on the first one and the auctioneer just looked at me and said "I will keep that in mind" and then started at 300 ! it was a 5x10 that had some low end household goods in it ! I laughed to my self and then....people started bidding it up ! it went for almost 400. the next ones were just as bad till we got to the last one. that one I looked and looked and I saw possibly $100 in items I could see and very little possible profit that I couldn't ( based on the quality and type of items I could.) so for the hell of it to get back in the game after roach locker I bid 25 and was willing to go to 75 for the hell of it..........ya it was bid up to over 500. this is not typical of the auctions here and I did see a lot of people I don't normally see but what the hell. it was cold and these people overpaid for everything.

it seems to me the colder or harder it rains the more people come out to auctions. in the good beautiful days here I see half the people who show up in the crappy days !

anyway, I will need to wait till I get back in the saddle till next month. its a good thing I have a ridiculous amount of stock to work with already ( I could work off my inventory for 3 months alone )

Offline Travis

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Re: my first loss
« Reply #34 on: December 31, 2014, 11:08:26 AM »
I laughed cause everyone just passed it up. :clap:

I love it when that happens. I don't why some people pass on trash bags...I guess they associate them with trash. Trash bags could mean:

1. The owner was in a hurry to move
2. Someone other than the owner was doing to packing and they didn't care
3. They ran out of boxes

Offline Millertime

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Re: my first loss
« Reply #35 on: December 31, 2014, 08:35:11 PM »
Trash bags are used to keep dust off items also. Bought a 5x5 full of fishing gear and a large trash bag and a large styrofoam cooler. The trash bag had a like new high end Graco pack n play in it that paid for the unit. The cooler was full of hand tools. You just never know, which is why love buying lockers.

What's been your biggest loss on a storage unit?

Started by Travis

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Last post July 21, 2014, 09:03:25 AM
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