Storage Auctions

My Friday will be BUSY!

My Friday will be BUSY!
« on: January 25, 2011, 11:29:46 PM »
I attended my first auction a few days ago, but I'm going to an auction(s) on friday that is from 9:00am-2PM!!! Going to six different locations with the SAME auctioineer, I had to call around to find this auction, and it seems promising!!! I can not wait, I hope I pull ahead! I'll keep you all posted, I also had a couple Q's I would appreciate answered! I'm still a bit of a noobie :(


1: I do not have a truck, nor a garage, I'm bringing about 600$, and I know I'll be buying multiple units, should I invest in a uhaul truck, and take all my goodies down to the flea market the next day? Or just barrow a friend's ford ranger?

2: Do you sell to thrift stores? Do they give decent prices? Should I take everything down to the flea market than bum the scraps off at the thrift store(s)?

That's about it, thanks guys!

Re: My Friday will be BUSY!
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2011, 12:08:22 PM »
If you are serious about this, and want to do it the right way, you need a a place to store things.
Because you will be sitting on stuff for a while, it will not sell the day after or that week.
So a place to store things you will need.
You could rent a 10x20 unit close to you, and put the good stuff in there. But this is a long term thought.

When it comes to transportation, stay away from U-haul, it will cost you more then you would like.
Use friends and family in the beginning.

Remember, in the beginning it is all about keep the cost down and the income up.
So stay away from huge overheads.
But you cannot be totally free of spending money either, so some investments you just have to make.
The best investment you can do in this business is to get a truck of some kind and maybe a trailer.
Then find your self a storage solution.

Re: My Friday will be BUSY!
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2011, 01:13:23 AM »
Thrift stores around here do not buy stuff they take donations.  If you do not have a good storage area avoid large items like couches or mattresses.  Sell as fast as you can storage is expensive I would rather give my mediocre stuff to goodwill then pay to store it and I have a big garage 28X33 feet and 2 stories. 
I have rented trucks before and they are expensive (last time between rental and fuel it was $200)  but sometimes you have things to get rid of.  In the past I rented a truck if I had a lot of mattresses.  I now have a trailer and it is paying for itself fast. All my mattresses go to the dump.

Re: My Friday will be BUSY!
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2011, 09:53:11 AM »
When I got started I bought an old pickup truck on craigslist for $700. If you look you will find a deal like that eventually. It is a 1982 ford f150, and when I got it the brakes were completely rusted and ruined, and it needed a new carborator. I took it to a local guy and for $600 he had it running like new. So now my only cost is $69/month on insurance and I have a perfectly good way to haul stuff. You may not be able to find one for $700 but $1200-$1500 you could probably find an old truck for that.

Re: My Friday will be BUSY!
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2011, 09:57:40 AM »
Prodigy: at 18 maybe your nickname should be The Young Gun! I'm 26!

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