Storage Auctions

small locker but scored a little

small locker but scored a little
« on: December 30, 2011, 10:32:58 PM »
Went to my 4th auction today,  

Right on Friday, 5 pm,  no one shows.   :o

I thought, yeah. Im gonna get this locker cheap cheap cheap.  

Storage manager walks up and says, thats it - you and me.  

he opens it and I look from the door line. hmm  I started the bid,  $25.  he looked at me and said, im going to bid too, he says $45, I say $60.  (fixing to walk away from it)

I was like.  (thinking in my head)  :o   can they bid on their own lockers?    

got me reeling in and said again outloud , 60.00 and looked at him and said.  thats it.  im walking away,  he turned to me and said, sold for 60 dollars.  

what the heck is what i said.  

Is it legal for him to bid against me?  Then again, this auction was my first with lots of no show but me   ;D

anyways, got the locker but have not scoured through it yet.  Stay tuned for tomorrow.

I ll give you a hint.  a Krause multimatic ladder  $125 is what i can sell it for

a $300 dollar pancake air compressor.    :o  ;D

whole bunch of tin cans with filler welding tig rods (6 or 7 of them - full of new ones)  I can sell those for $25.00 5 lbs parcel.  

maybe get $100 dollars out of it.  

Dish/Direct tv boxes, satellites and couplers - ?  (real old)  

huge, i mean huge extension cord.  the thickness of the cord was as big as my garden hose.   :o

I might can get $25-50 out of that.

but as far as small stuff, i have to go through it and see if i ll find something.  

Offline MovieMan

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Re: small locker but scored a little
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2011, 10:54:31 PM »
Sometimes the legal notices say something to the effect that the management can pull a locker from the auction AND that they reserve the right to bid...and it sometimes happens.

All in all I'd say you did well to get it at that price, and I suspect if you had balked he would have been stuck with it for next time. As it is it didn't cost you much for what looks like a good return.

It's been my experience that they commonly want three people at an auction to make it fly, but two would do it and I once was there with two guys who were together (so three of us I guess).

I let them have the first one for 10 bucks...big 10 x 30 with some lumber and other stuff I didn't want. They let me have the 2nd one for $10...a 10 x 10 packed all the way around...had some good stuff and I think two dump runs.

The third one was the winner with a lot of good stuff showing. They were at $180 and I went $200 and they folded...haven't seen them since. I remember that one as one of the 1 in 50 that I call a real winner. I believe I did $1,500 profit on it and it was all small stuff.

Re: small locker but scored a little
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2011, 11:03:27 PM »
$1500.00  ohhh nice..  that is what i paid last time, I paid 40.00 and got 1300.00. 

I love making that kinda money. 


In the paper, it keeps saying baby clothes and baby chairs.  After a quick assement after winning the auction,  only one baby car booster seat.  thats it. 


but I think i ll do okay on this $60 dollar locker. 

Loved your story movieman!   ;D

Re: small locker but scored a little
« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2011, 07:21:50 PM »
For $60 you really can't go wrong most times if you see anything worth a few bucks to start with.

I'm surprised you was even allowed to bid and they didn't cancel the auction.  Like Movieman said most places want 3 people at least.  I suspect they were "bidding" against you to try and get the price of the rent covered as much as possible.  It is all really going to depend on the facility.  I know one here that really doesn't care what a unit sells for as long as it gets cleaned out quickly so they can re-rent.  So if that had been me at that facility I could of walked away with  a $1 unit.  No chance in my part of that happening.

Count your blessings and play the lottery tonight.  You may be on a roll.

Re: small locker but scored a little
« Reply #4 on: December 31, 2011, 08:47:47 PM »
okay, back..

just cleaned it out.  what a long day.

I have 17  (50 lb) boxes of Lincoln Tig Welding rods.   (whew, that was heavy after 5 boxes and pulled a muscle in my back behind my lungs)  (i think i need to go work out -   :-X ) I looked it up on ebay,  80 dollars plus shipping per box.

Thats 1360.00 just for the welding rods.   :o  ;D

I have a Lincoln diesel Gas operated truck bed Welder / pipeliner cover -  i wish i have the whole thing,  its value is $16k

just have the cover and muffler.  Probably sell it for 250?   I cant get a value till i see one for sale.

scored my first locker

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