Storage Auctions

What is the good locker to average locker ratio?

Offline Travis

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Re: What is the good locker to average locker ratio?
« Reply #15 on: March 12, 2011, 10:50:37 AM »
I agree, it's a broad question. In just the past 6 months (before the storage auction shows premiered) I usually doubled sometimes even tripled my money on 8 out of 10 units that I bought, but I usually bid quite conservatively. Some units were total busts. Some had broken or hard to sell items that I hadn't anticipated. One purchase comes to mind. There were roughly 6000 brand new picture frames in one unit. 25 pallets stacked 7 feet tall. I bought the unit for $375. I was pretty excited when I put the lock on the door, I thought I had hit a grand slam. Most of these frames came from Wal-Mart and had prices on them between $9.99 - $29.99. Do the math, its a fortune, so I thought. Upon closer inspection and having experts come to appraise them, I found out that most of them were 15-20 years old and no longer in style. Nobody frame shop in town wanted them. It took over a month to sell them all and it consumed days of my time. After all was said and done, I think I made about $175. I consider that a loss. I do agree, slam dunks only occur every once in a while. I would say like 1 in 30 units.

What is the “good” locker to “average” locker ratio ?

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