Storage Auctions


Would you be more likely or less likey to attend a storage auction in conditions like heavy rain or excessive heat/cold?

More likely
5 (100%)
Less likely
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 5

Would you be more or less likey to attend a storage auction in bad weather?

Offline Travis

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I've heard people say that the best time to attend a storage auction is during heavy rain because there will be less people willing to brave the bad weather. There are two problems with this theory. 1. Other people think the same way. 2. People who work in construction, landscape or other outdoor jobs will get the day off and they will end up at the auction. You might actually end up with more people at the auction than you would have if it didn't rain. So what's you take on this?

Offline MovieMan

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So what's you take on this?

My two takes on this (and one from you) are shown in the link below from April, 2011.,1030.0.html


Offline alloro

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You left off "Wouldn't Matter" as a choice.

Offline Travis

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 :-[Well, eventually I'm going to find a topic that we haven't talked just wait! LOL

Offline Cobia

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Bad weather doesn't effect me one way or another, if the auction is on I will be there!

As far as the crowds?

If it rains or storms there will be the same amount or MORE people at the auction.
Snow? about the same number show up.
Wind? not an issue.

The only weather related event I have seen lower crowds is a heat wave. Last June we had temps reach 106 degrees (with 85% humidity, not that dry desert heat) on an auction day. I won two units and they were some of the cheapest units I have bought.

I remember a couple of years ago we had a really bad tornado outbreak in our area, several surrounding towns were wiped out, over hundred dead, but there was an auction the next morning and I thought no one would be there. Nope, all the regulars showed up, and everybody was looking at each other like "what are you doing here?"

Offline theoddfind

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Bad weather = Lazy people/looky loo filter

Offline Leota

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It never stopped us from going. Fog, rain, icy roads etc., we just take it slower on the hwys. and bundle up in layers. We get to the auctions and everyone looks the same, like drowned rats on rainy days!!!

ive gone in the middle of january in snowstorms only to find 30-40 people there (before the shows came on ) its hit or miss no matter what the weather

How far would you be willing to drive to attend a storage auction?

Started by Travis

6 Replies
Last post November 06, 2012, 04:46:37 PM
by KrauseHouse
Auction today in 28 degree weather!

Started by Healthe

9 Replies
Last post January 24, 2011, 09:26:15 AM
by Drew
How do you determine what auctions to attend?

Started by nkrause77

6 Replies
Last post October 08, 2012, 09:46:58 PM
by BigBizzz
Does your significant other attend auctions with you?

Started by Travis

14 Replies
Last post July 02, 2014, 04:42:40 PM
by House of Treasures