Storage Auctions

Another Newbie sorry!

Another Newbie sorry!
« on: December 14, 2010, 07:40:11 AM »

Just getting started.Im ready for  slow start , learning and taking a few lesson beatings from the vets. I dont mind , just going to keep plugging and build up the reserves.Sound about right?
Ive been to a few in California but non here yet . Im hoping this newsletter is accurate and I dont show up to a location and the auctions been cancelled.
How accurate is the newsletter?

Any advice on calling ahead? the Publicstorage numbers are corporate.

Any advice on starting is appreciated.


Re: Another Newbie sorry!
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2010, 01:34:20 PM »
Aloha Terry,

It may seem like a pain to call the auction site the morning of the auction but it will probably save you time and gas money if it gets postponed or cancelled. On Monday I attended an auction and I called about 2 hours ahead of the scheduled time. I was told that the auction was being pushed back 30 minutes due to a facility meeting. They also informed me that the number of units has changed from 7 to 4. I think its a good practice to call ahead……the storage facility was very helpful.

Good Luck!

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