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Mike Braiotta From Storage Wars New York

Re: Mike Braiotta From Storage Wars New York
« Reply #240 on: June 10, 2014, 06:25:04 AM »
Travis of course I will let you guys know first! As far as SWNY goes I believe Original is in negotiations with A&E now which means filming should start soon. Will keep you posted on that also.

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Re: Mike Braiotta From Storage Wars New York
« Reply #241 on: June 10, 2014, 10:54:47 AM »
I'll never understand why SWNY didn't do better.  The original SW and that Texas one sucks! never enjoyed them.  SWNY, I thought, was filmed/edited much better and way better cast.  Still not my kind of show, but the NY one I'll at least stop flipping channels and watch if it was on. 

Good luck in hour new endeavors, mike, and congrats on the expected little one.

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Re: Mike Braiotta From Storage Wars New York
« Reply #242 on: June 10, 2014, 11:56:13 AM »
I'll never understand why SWNY didn't do better.

No chemistry among the cast.

Re: Mike Braiotta From Storage Wars New York
« Reply #243 on: June 10, 2014, 01:23:12 PM »
No chemistry among the cast.

they ran them to death all 3 programs, and while its interesting to someone whos done them, the general public has to be tired of seeing the same **** different day

Re: Mike Braiotta From Storage Wars New York
« Reply #244 on: June 10, 2014, 05:21:35 PM »
haha ... Travis I think you can check my reg and find out that my name isn't todd.  I just had to google him as I don't actually watch the show.  I don't even know what that nickname means but its sounds dumb.

I know alot about the show for a number reasons all of which have been discussed in other posts/topics. 

I've been buying units in NYC/LI for a long time and I never once saw teamhustle, tad, courtney ..etc.  The only guy that actually did this prior to the show is Joe P who I've known for years.  He likes to discuss all aspects of his involvement with the show with anyone that will listen.  He is not a happy man and does not like how SWNY turned out.

Of course all of the "characters" say that they've been doing this for years blah blah blah.  If they have it hasn't been in NY or at the very least not in any meaningful way that I would notice.  There are less than 15 whales for all of NYC/LI.  The rest are looky loos and noobs or shipped in for a tv show.

The producers Dolph and Jeff went against Metal Flowers Casting and chose poorly.  Rather than have the show somewhat realistic to NY's vibe they went cookie cutter stereotype and as a result it flopped.

It may be a favorite on Hulu but that don't pay the bills.

Of course Mike is "getting" his own show.  It's a long way from pilot to series.  Also, they are turning and burning these shows out because they are cheap and plentiful.  Jarrod and Brandi couldn't get a spin off, Dave tried with another network and it didn't get picked up, Darrell pitched and it didn't get anywhere.  The only person capable of doing it was Barry .... no one from NY cast is even remotely popular as he is.

If you or CC get a series great and I hope it does well.. I however just don't see it.

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Re: Mike Braiotta From Storage Wars New York
« Reply #245 on: June 10, 2014, 06:28:00 PM »
they ran them to death all 3 programs, and while its interesting to someone whos done them, the general public has to be tired of seeing the same **** different day

I totally agree with you on this. I think SWNY would have had the same success as the original version if they premiered first.

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Re: Mike Braiotta From Storage Wars New York
« Reply #246 on: June 10, 2014, 06:41:58 PM »
haha ... Travis I think you can check my reg and find out that my name isn't todd.

Just thought I'd ask. You don't really come across as "the Fog" type.  ;D

Re: Mike Braiotta From Storage Wars New York
« Reply #247 on: June 10, 2014, 08:39:24 PM »
I totally agree with you on this. I think SWNY would have had the same success as the original version if they premiered first.

I'm going to politely disagree with this one.  The difference between the original and storage wars NY is that NY was created as a clone to LA.

LA was original in that it was created, at least in part, by Dan Dotson using actual auction buyers that he dealt with on a regular basis.  All of them, less Barry who was hired by Tom Beers because they are close personal friends, did the grind day in and day out.

NY tried to copy this and rather than go to actual auctions, meet with auctioneers, facility managers ..etc. to get the best possible mix of authentic buyers they hired a casting company, that when all is said and done brought in the wrong people.

I know several people who auditioned and really wanted to be on it but they were told that they were "too normal" ... whatever that means.  They wanted characters whereas LA wanted buyers.

Example I think Big Steve would have been a great initial character but when they bring someone like him in late in the game and tell him to ham it up it seems like they are trying to fill a forced stereotype of NY.  People, I have to imagine, are sick of that.

They also let Joe P make too many decisions which was a complete mistake.  He knows art, antiques, how to sell ...etc. but he does not know anything about being a creative director for a national television show.

He is also creepy and off putting and most people that know him can't stand him.  The only reason he was given first shot is because he was on the news and interviewed at one point and thats what Dolph found when doing his initial research.

If it was done right from the beginning it could have survived.  LA got picked up, Texas got picked up and NY didn't. 

Re: Mike Braiotta From Storage Wars New York
« Reply #248 on: June 10, 2014, 08:59:15 PM »
I'm also going to add one additional thing.  Barry, while not doing this in the past openly admitted that he had no idea what he was doing and that he was just trying it out for kicks.

Example of Courtney and Candy is that they have never done it in their lives .. but lied about it at the producers direction.

Texas did this with the guy from NY which is why he is probably the most hated guy on the show ... the most loved ... Moe who said he had no idea what he was doing and just did it for kicks. 

Re: Mike Braiotta From Storage Wars New York
« Reply #249 on: June 10, 2014, 09:10:39 PM »
Ask any regular auction buyer that frequents the Bronx, Westchester, CT and Harlem who I am and they will tell you I was out there doing this years before the Original LA show came out.
This back and forth convo with you is getting really old.
1- Joe P had zero to do with any decisions or help creating the show.
2- If you would have watch the NY version you would have known that the girls and Chris and Tad both said they hardly ever frequented storage auctions.
3- I know almost every big time buyer in NYC.
4- The show I am involved with actually has nothing to do with storage auctions.
5- Again it would be great for you to actually tell us who you are so we can all at least know who we are speaking with.
6- Of course they used a casting company to screen buyers from the area as there was hundreds they called to meet.
7- As I am pretty close with Ricky from SWTX they have not gotten called back yet.
8- Original is currently in negotiations with A&E on Bringing Texas and NY back to premiere in the fall.(Which means we will start filminig Late July)
9-  SWNY averaged almost 2 million viewers per episode with zero advertisement from A&E other than running on their channels. It means A&E making lots of money with little investment.
10- If and when the show gets called back I'm not 100% on going back. With a with and now 4 kids it takes up way to much time.

To sum this all up and put an end to this stupid debate with a guy who will never tell us who he really is I am going to leave it at this.
SWNY & SWTX have not been called back as of yet. It is under negotiation which means both show will come back at some point. Could be a few months or a year from now.
I'm not here to defend any other buyers on the show. I do what I do. I buy storage auctions and sell what I find.
For @auctionguy to say he has never seen me before. Maybe that's true. Maybe that's because he does not attend the amount of auctions I do in the areas I go to.
This isn't about who knows what about what. At the end of the day who gives a ****.
It's obvious @auctionguy sees Joe P and listens to all the BS that man has to say.
Until next time... Keep bidding & buying.

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Re: Mike Braiotta From Storage Wars New York
« Reply #250 on: June 10, 2014, 09:54:04 PM »
To sum this all up and put an end to this stupid debate with a guy who will never tell us who he really is I am going to leave it at this.

You're letting this get under your skin a bit too much. You're a great part of the SWNY cast and you should take comfort in that.  :13:

Re: Mike Braiotta From Storage Wars New York
« Reply #251 on: June 11, 2014, 07:27:45 AM »
Thanks @Alloro
I have no problem with @auctionguy. I just want to know who I was dealing with.
Anyway let's switch the topic of this forum and let me hear about some of the recent finds you all have found.

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Re: Mike Braiotta From Storage Wars New York
« Reply #252 on: June 11, 2014, 09:53:21 AM »
Anyway let's switch the topic of this forum and let me hear about some of the recent finds you all have found.

I've recently did find that I'm having withdrawal symptoms waiting for SWNY to come out with new episodes, so back to work, chop chop!  :040:


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Re: Mike Braiotta From Storage Wars New York
« Reply #253 on: June 12, 2014, 04:24:28 PM »
Wow after ready this page I thought I was on Facebook or yahoo or something. Mike you are my favorite buyer on SWNY. I like that Yankee accent and attitude. Good luck to you my man.

Re: Mike Braiotta From Storage Wars New York
« Reply #254 on: June 15, 2014, 10:07:52 PM »
Thank you House of Treasures means a lot!!!

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