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Storage Battles & Storage Unit Auction List Part Ways

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Storage Battles & Storage Unit Auction List Part Ways
« on: December 27, 2013, 09:09:29 PM »
A while back, Storage Battles and Storage Unit Auction List teamed up. SAUL was listed as one of SB's "Preferred Partners." They had an arrangement where SAUL's ads appeared on SB's site and SB's auctions appeared on SAUL's site. 

Now, ads for Storage Treasures have replaced SAUL's ads.  ???  It's obvious, SB & ST are in cahoots.

Perhaps Storage Battles saw the relationship with Storage Treasures as being more lucrative?

Perhaps SAUL wasn't getting anything out of the relationship and decided to drop SB?

Either way, SUAL is no longer listed as a "Preferred Partner" on SB's site. Whether they realize it or not, this is probably the best thing that SAUL could have done or have happened to them.

All of these abbreviations are making me delirious.

Re: Storage Battles & Storage Unit Auction List Part Ways
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2013, 10:12:53 AM »
Storage Treasures is very good at selling themselves. They peddle a bunch of BS and call it information. They are not an industry source of information. I think that SB & ST partnership will crumble just as it did with SUAL. As the craze of storage auctions fizzles, these companies will fall by the wayside and only the best will be standing. The best being those with the best information, or having something new to bring to the table.

SUAL is already learning this by expanding their auction listings to include police, estate auctions, etc. They know that storage auctions are phasing out and they need to stay relevant. SB will remain relevant because of the strength of their online auctions base. ST, I believe will be out of the biz and nothing more than a blog in a couple of years.

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