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Using Facebook to sell. Works great!

Offline Charli

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Re: Using Facebook to sell. Works great!
« Reply #15 on: June 12, 2013, 02:26:21 PM »
Calcostgal - that's very clever!

Re: Using Facebook to sell. Works great!
« Reply #16 on: October 31, 2013, 07:23:03 AM »
I belong to around 12 different FB Yard Sale Type Groups.
Most have rules about how many posts per day and how often you can bump your items.

I have set up 2 FB Page for my items.  One is Warehouse Treasures, One is Halloween Discount.  Soon to Open "Poppies' Attic" as well as a Christmas one.

Anyway - I post a few of the items w/ an advertisement to the page.  All of this advertises my Convenience store where SOME of the items are sitting. 

I have had some success.  Good items don't seem to sell well.  BUT... I just found a nice Furniture site that sells higher dollar and looks like items are moving.  Going to put some of our Chalk Paint Furniture on there and see.

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Using Facebook to sell. Works great!
« Reply #17 on: October 31, 2013, 08:42:47 AM »
I belong to around 12 different FB Yard Sale Type Groups.
Most have rules about how many posts per day and how often you can bump your items.

I have set up 2 FB Page for my items.  One is Warehouse Treasures, One is Halloween Discount.  Soon to Open "Poppies' Attic" as well as a Christmas one.

Anyway - I post a few of the items w/ an advertisement to the page.  All of this advertises my Convenience store where SOME of the items are sitting. 

I have had some success.  Good items don't seem to sell well.  BUT... I just found a nice Furniture site that sells higher dollar and looks like items are moving.  Going to put some of our Chalk Paint Furniture on there and see.

Do I understand correctly that I should be able to go into Facebook and type in Warehouse Trasures or Halloween Discount and either of your sale pages should pop up?  I tried that and couldn't get it to work.  I hardly use facebook, so if it takes something special to to it, please let us know. I am interested in the concept and I don't think it is happening in central California.

Also your chalk painted furniture sounds interesting. Can you direct us to that as well?  Thanks !

Re: Using Facebook to sell. Works great!
« Reply #18 on: October 31, 2013, 08:56:42 AM »
You could do a group search and see what comes up. I'm not sure with the new Facebook graph system if groups and businesses only pull up in your specific area, if they are described as serving a specific area.

I did a search for "Find all groups named "fresno yard sale"" and the following link is what pulled up..

Of course, i don't know what town you live in, or what semi major area you live near.. but for Fresno, there are quite a few groups that sell items online through Facebook.

If there are no groups like this in your area, I strongly suggest starting one! Create the group, the rules, put up 30 or so items on the group page, and advertise your page on busy groups in your specific area.. I make 2-3 sales a week through these pages, but it has brought in 100+ customers into the shop in the last month. About half of those customers bought something that wasn't on the group page.

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Using Facebook to sell. Works great!
« Reply #19 on: October 31, 2013, 09:00:36 AM »
You could do a group search and see what comes up.

OK, I'm starting to get it. Looks like you have to join a group to even see the things, or as you said start one of your own. I'll do some more exploring. Every venue helps; surprised the interface through FB isn't easier, but since it's worldwide I guess they have to organize it that way to narrow down the search.

Thanks HGP !

Re: Using Facebook to sell. Works great!
« Reply #20 on: October 31, 2013, 09:03:57 AM »
Exactly! There are open groups where you can see posts before joining, but these yard sale groups are largely closed groups to weed out spammers. Once you join a group, Facebook suggests other groups in the right margin specific to your area.

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Using Facebook to sell. Works great!
« Reply #21 on: October 31, 2013, 09:31:04 AM »
Exactly! There are open groups where you can see posts before joining, but these yard sale groups are largely closed groups to weed out spammers. Once you join a group, Facebook suggests other groups in the right margin specific to your area.

OK, tried your search suggestion to the word with my city inserted and got a list of results.  Here's one that I have boiled down to its lowest level which can just be used by any of you in a url approach. It will take you to the main page which then allows you to choose by state and then by city. Pretty extensive I think.  I already found some yard sales which I didn't see in cList or other sources.


That may be old news to you (the above link) but its new to me.

I'll explore the group idea later today...have to go to an auction pretty soon, so time to get off the computer (it's 7:30 here on the west coast).

Thanks again HGP.

Offline Alias300

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Re: Using Facebook to sell. Works great!
« Reply #22 on: November 07, 2013, 11:32:41 AM »
Guess the FB thing works well to sell.   I've gotten dozens of calls within minutes of post.

Only problem......I didnt post anything.  lol

Hint:   If you want sales, put the right phone number!   

Re: Using Facebook to sell. Works great!
« Reply #23 on: November 07, 2013, 01:35:45 PM »
I have been selling items on about 7 different local facebook groups in my area for about a year now. Works well for some items not so well for others. I have a new rule for myself, I have to get at least $20 or more for an item I attempt to sell on there, as it is not worth my time otherwise. My biggest issue where I live is most of the people in theses groups are low income or just want to get things for nothing, or they are very flaky, some items sell quickly, others take a while. If I can easily ship the item, I sell it on eBay, because even after shipping and fees I can usually get at least double what I can selling it locally. I do not have a CL local to where I live or I would do Craigslist intead, less drama. The groups in my area have too much drama, they have even set up 2 other groups to complain about people in the selling groups. And evrytime somone gets mad or banned they try to start their own selling group, it is a circus.

Take me! works perfectly

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