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New Way of Buying and Selling Online

Offline MovieMan

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New Way of Buying and Selling Online
« on: January 28, 2014, 10:55:55 PM »
I first found out about OfferUp through a message posted in the link below.

Below that link are my thoughts so far on this service.!/msg33310/#msg33310

It's free to join and you can do that through your cell phone or tablet. You can also do it over the internet on a compute which is what I did.

You really have to look at the site to get a idea of how it might work for you. Right now I don't think it will work for me for the following reasons:

1) It is really designed to be used by mobile devices like phones and tablets.
2) Given #1 I won't use it because the iPad I have (version 1) doesn't have a camera and my cell phone isn't that    smart.
3) It apparently only allows one picture...I'm used to using 12 on cList and you can actually post 24 if you want to.
4) The interface seems clunky to me. It is popping up a variety of items available to me...mostly about 50 to 75 miles away which I would never go to.
5) The categories as I see them are nothing as extensive as cList provides.

Time will tell on this one, but eBay Classifieds doesn't do much in my area so I don't know if this one will either.

Perhaps if you live in a major metropolitan area it is better, but that's not true for most people I think.

Re: New Way of Buying and Selling Online
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2014, 03:00:56 PM »
Just checked it out and it is ok here in Dallas.  We have a good population so that helps.  It seems like a better version of the Facebook online garage sale groups.  I am going to give it a try. 

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