Storage Auctions

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Messages - Cheesehead

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What I don't get is why some of these people don't have the foresight to sell some of their items in their unit before they're late on their payments. Having to sell a few things is a hell of a lot better than losing everything. I just don't get it. Do they think the storage auction fairy is going to leave their rent money under their pillow?

Ignore it and the problem will go away!!! ???

The Lounge / Re: Good find day....
« on: February 21, 2012, 08:54:01 PM »
So I looked into the mirror and didn't see anything......what does that mean??

Vampire?  No, my image was too large to post!  grrrr

The Lounge / Re: Good find day....
« on: February 21, 2012, 08:38:39 PM »
@Alias - thanks a ton for the info.  The going rate around here is $1-$2 :P  I've made contact with a few new people, so we'll see if anything comes out of it.

Here's a photo of the mirror we found in someone's dump pile.  Not a scratch on it and the glass is clean.  Guess we picked the right day to be driving by.....

The Lounge / Re: Spring is in the air
« on: February 21, 2012, 08:30:29 PM »
Hasenpfeffer stew and gator tail. Living like kings.  ;D

@Money - all you need is a Calamari appetizer and you are all set!! :D  What time is dinner!!??

The Lounge / Re: Good find day....
« on: February 21, 2012, 01:06:56 PM »
What a great day Alias!  I am still trying to find a place to unload used batteries.  Everyone around here either doesn't want them, or pays next to nothing.   They are starting to pile up!

My wife and I have been scouring the landscape for years.  She has a "sixth sense" - we'll be driving along and she'll say "PULL OVER!!"  Have found bikes, tables, chairs, three old one-room school desks, many smaller items, and our best find - an antique Mexican-made mirror appraised at $350!  It's hanging in our foyer and came right out of someone's junk pile along the road.   :o

@Money - When is the Hasenpfeffer dinner!!?? :D

@Craig - agreed, free is good! :D

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: Auction Scene #2...February, 2012
« on: February 20, 2012, 04:51:04 PM »
The old guy saw my light and made the comment to me "you take this storage wars seriously, you been watching to much tv". 

This must be the brother of the guy at my last auction.  Mr. "Not What To Do At A Storage Auction."

1)  He'd look, then stand in front of the locker for every auction! (Right in the middle of the doorway)
2)  He'd get kind of huffy when people were trying to look around him with a flashlight.  "You don't have to push me pal!..."
3)  He smoked non-stop while doing all this. (Don't get me wrong, I don't mind if you smoke, just not in the middle of the action.   :P)
4)   He never placed a bid.

The Treasure Chest / Re: Finally a good one
« on: February 20, 2012, 11:17:00 AM »
Congrats TN!  Tenacity = $$$

(btw, the secret facility is near Nashville, give or take 350 miles!!) :D

Craigslist / Re: Are CL buyers really nuts or what?
« on: February 18, 2012, 08:07:19 PM »
We have jinxed our selves been listing to the weather man  ???  Still no rain had a 50% yesterday 80% today WTH Planning on trying tomorrow and watch it will rain.  ::)

Like I tell my weatherman friend, imagine getting paid BIG MONEY for being WRONG 80% of the time!! ;)

Same here today - weather called for 80-90% rain.  Might have sprinkled for 20 seconds a couple times, but the sun was out by 2pm.   Good luck with your CL sales - seems it's been taking a couple re-lists to draw interest, but when potential buyers contact, they do three and four at a time!!   

Craigslist / Re: Are CL buyers really nuts or what?
« on: February 18, 2012, 07:14:46 PM »
I know I am going to jinx myself now that I have posted this....

I spent Friday night and most of Saturday making deliveries from my recent Craigslist sales.  It was unbelievable ---->

1)  Six items - all buyers made appropriate and immediate contact
2)  All agreed to meet within a mile or two from my house (usually Walmart, Home Depot, Target, etc)
3)  All showed up when agreed upon
4)  All paid in green cash money with no dickering, haggling, or hemming/hawwing

The last guy tonight even grew up 20 miles from my hometown - our schools were bitter rivals.  So, I made sure I had his money before I punched him out!!  :o

Someone pinch me.......

The Treasure Chest / Re: Finally a good one
« on: February 17, 2012, 11:41:30 PM »
@Cheesehead: My wife and I got a good bit of fabric and notions a couple months back and know we will make good money from it, but my big concern is properly identifying fabrics for the shopper. Just another thing to learn, I suppose.

I will check with a couple people I know and see what I can find out.  They buy in bulk and sell it - so there must be a system for ID'ing the merchandise.   

The Treasure Chest / Re: Finally a good one
« on: February 17, 2012, 11:08:48 PM »
I have 6 totes full of nothing but old sewing fabrics. 

Congratulations on a great unit.  You should be able to sell the fabric on eBay.  I have a friend who sells that stuff (bulk thread, fabric, misc.) and makes good dough.  There's actually a pretty good market for it.   ETSY is another good place to sell fabric.  Good luck - looking forward to updates!

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: Auction Scene #2...February, 2012
« on: February 17, 2012, 10:56:02 PM »
Two units went for a bundle - one with commercial cooking equipment and Sysco Food items ($2000) and a 5x5 with a safe!  ($500) 

Here's a photo of the "safe" unit.  The round table in front was pretty nice, but the pedestal was broken.  The dresser was cheap and the mattress and box spring were worn.  The black leather office chair showed a little wear, but wasn't in bad shape.  Behind the mattress was a microphone stand and a hard square case that may have held either the mic or a musical instrument of some kind.  The safe was tucked along the right side on the floor just behind the chair.  You had to shine your light along the wall to see it - the safe door was facing out towards the right side wall.  Unit went for $500 - and I honestly think about half the bidders missed it because I fully expected the price to go out of site. 

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: Auction Scene #2...February, 2012
« on: February 17, 2012, 08:27:33 PM »
Auction in the morning in a out-of-town place.  Will see how those crowds are.

Good luck!

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: Auction Scene #2...February, 2012
« on: February 17, 2012, 12:18:29 PM »
The recliner pictured above was nothing special - pretty good shape but far from "new" condition.  Our local "whale" bought it, and I think he was pretty much trying to make a statement.  (He ended up with 18 of 34 lockers that day).

As far as the $385 locker (I re-posted image below) - it contained a portable wheelchair in average shape (see wheel below the auctioneer's hand), a TON of Christmas stuff, a beat up washer and dryer (right side of locker), and more misc. medical supplies.  The boxes were mostly open/empty and there were also a few plastic bins that weren't Xmas.

A lot of lockers looked like the good stuff had been picked through with everything else left behind.  Several had inches of dust and cobwebs, but still not many good items.  Two units went for a bundle - one with commercial cooking equipment and Sysco Food items ($2000) and a 5x5 with a safe!  ($500)  All others in the $75-400 range.  There were several lockers I valued at $50-100 that went for $300-400 - and most were purchaed by regulars.  I kept thinking I missed something, but I couldn't see it.  Oh yeah, the safe unit was won by a Thrift owner I spoke with, so I will find out what was in it and report back.

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: Auction Scene #2...February, 2012
« on: February 16, 2012, 08:39:27 PM »
Just to give you and idea of prices in the Mid-South ---->

Photo #1 = $40.00
Photo #2 = $385.00
Photo #3 = $130.00 (TV screen was cracked)

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