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Messages - MovieMan

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A facility manager told this story.

We had a customer for 8 years...paid over 10K for her storage rents....every time I explained how much she was spending, including late fees, lock cuts and almost auction's she would cry to me that all her baby pictures and baby furniture was in there. I told her we would keep her personals and she could come pick them up if her unit went to auction. It finally came to that....her unit sold for 5 bucks! Because.....There was only 1 photo album in there with 2 pictures in the whole album. 2 plastic bags of clothes and a desk!!!! She paid over 10K to store this stuff!!!! My customers never stop amazing me with their stupidity!

... it's difficult when your trying to contact 56K facilities in 50 states. I do plan on attending the trade shows in the future, whenever my schedule permits it.

So, you're expanding your listing service to 50 states (hoping for more revenue coming in there) and letting the virtual service tread water.  Sounds like you're spreading yourself thin, not concentrating on one venture at a time. Maybe good, maybe bad. You could always hire more people to do the dirty work of calling all those 56,000 facilities.

Personally, I've seen you buying more lockers the last few months. Doing that and moving the goods is truly a time-consuming the value there worth giving up the time promoting your ether based services ?

I'm not much of a public speaker, but I do have a knack for getting my message out.

Getting the word out about one's services in one-on-one personal meetings is equally important (if not more so) than being able to promote a service through the written word on websites.  People like to feel a handshake, look a promoter in the eye and get a sense of what someone is like in person...not just in the printed word on a screen page.

Also, the free aspect is one of the things you promote as being different than anyone else, and perhaps that is a good thing, or perhaps not. The main roadblock (as I see it) at the present time is not having any substanial presence of regular, on-going listings.  Of course if you can't effectively push the FREE aspect, it's a little hard to give them much more than that.

General Storage Auction Talk / Manager's "special"
« on: January 03, 2014, 09:45:27 AM »
Oh, they're special all right !

For the few newbies out there who are reading here, a manager's special can be a number of things, one of which is a locker they fill with the leftovers that former tentants have left behind.  This can mean that yoiu might see a unit with nothing but mattresses in it, or you might see a locker that has the remnants of 3 or 4 different lockers, and it might even seem pretty good...until you get to the boxes of photographs from 4 families representing four different ethnic groups (and of course 4 different names) !

Should facilities announce a unit as being a “manager’s special” ?

In my area storage facilities don't list their auctions on cList, but I did get a terrific deal on renting a locker through a facility cList ad.

The place was in an OK part of town and the deal was offered by new management. The deal was any locker for $15 a month for each of 3 months. I took the biggest one they had, a 10 x 30. I used it as a clearing house for lockers I bought at their facility each month for the next 3 months and then I was gone.  Thanks managers !

This place used to have sealed bids and now they are using the Dotson crew and there are no deals to be had in any way. Oh well, back to picking.

Or do they:

1) Sell them at the beginning

2) Just take them in order as they progress through the faciltity

3) Other ?  Is there any other possible order ?

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: Auction Scene #1....January, 2014
« on: January 02, 2014, 09:10:48 AM »
I got a new flashlight for Christmas......I'm going to buy twice as many lockers this year as last!

And how many would that be ?

Last year I bought 4, count 'em 4, lockers. This year my intent is to break that record by buying fewer than 4.

I should have taken up serious picking 2 years ago like some of my cronies did, but I stuck it out.  I still go to a handfull of auctions very close by, but haven't found a locker worth buying at a reasonable price since last May I think it was.

General Storage Auction Talk / Re: Cost to rent a 10 x 15 locker
« on: January 02, 2014, 08:53:22 AM »
I did a search for my friend's city and found that even Public Storage had an online special for about $310 on a 10 x 15 so the $600 and $400 quotes seem high now, but even $300 is $200 or so more than the other 10 x 15 prices that people have mentioned here.

If a tenant had been paying $300 a month for rent the past due rents on a liened locker would ad up pretty fast; hope they are storing stuff that's worth that cost !

General Storage Auction Talk / Cost to rent a 10 x 15 locker
« on: January 01, 2014, 08:01:50 PM »
In my area of central California a 10 x 15 typically rents for $100 to $125 but I talked to someone who lives just 100 miles away in Marin county near San Francisco.  Their price.... $600 !  She called another place and it was only $400 but they had a WAITING LIST !

What are the rates in your area for a 10 x 15?


If you live in the Sacramento, CA area (and a very few of the members here do) you may want to go to this estate sale which is so large it's being held over two weekends.

Once you get to the webpage from the link below scroll down to the second set of pictures...there are just over 100 pictures in that set.

If online auctions had pictures this good their popularity would go way up...yes, I know it's not the same kind of thing, but that's sort of the point.

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: Auction Scene #1....January, 2014
« on: January 01, 2014, 01:11:33 PM »
The only winning move is not to play.

And fortunately the Cuban missile crisis didn't turn into anything worse.

It's the first unit I have ever purchased

You did well. It was an anomaly. The next 49 (if you last that long) will be crap. Happy New Year !

Picker's Paradise / Picking Record Albums
« on: January 01, 2014, 09:49:03 AM »
I think you have to be a real vinyl fan to do well in this category, but in my area I often see three guys in thrift stores gong through a couple of hundred LPs to find the winners.

I also see these fellows looking at 45rpms to find that first edition of an Elvis title.

Do any of you have experience with records that makes you think they are worth the effort?

General Storage Auction Talk / Re: Storage Treasures - Bait & Switch
« on: January 01, 2014, 09:43:46 AM »
I saw this coming years ago. I knew Storage Treasures had to start making money soon or it would crumble.

Yes, crumbling is a gradual process, but somehow I think they will survive.

Bump it baby !

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