Storage Auctions

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Messages - MovieMan

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The Lounge / Re: Happy 1 Year Anniversary!
« on: April 28, 2011, 12:50:45 PM »
To the forums!!! Took about 6 months to get people on here! Thanks to everyone for making the forums what they are! Here's to another year of Mr. A getting into it with other members!! Hah

Please, no encouragement !

Just go to Texas, San Antonio and do a search for:

I will pay for your storage unit

Not like it's a big's on Craigslist after all, ready for millions to look at it !

So, someone bites and he meets up with them.

If the lkr is in lien, I don't think the property mgrs are going to let the lkr "owner" and this
would-be buyer to go out in the yard to take a look at it (which I would think the buyer would want to do).
Maybe SOME mgrs would do that, but I would bet not all....after all the unit is probably going to sell anyway.

If the amount owed is say $552, would that "buyer" buy it sight unseen?  Might be a crappy one.

Unless I'm missing something, I don't see how it would even work for that would-be buyer.

Flea Markets / Re: Flea Market Revenue ?
« on: April 27, 2011, 07:35:02 PM »

Yes, they can be long days and sometimes the pay isn't what we want it to be, but when you have
what YOU consider to be a great day, the feeling is much different.

I stopped telling people the $ I brought in on any given Saturday when I realized that INVARIABLY they always DID BETTER THAN I DID. Sometimes it was 5x better than I did. For a while I believed it, but over time I realized that some of these folks were the ones who got 38mpg from the same car I had that got 20mpg. I'm not THAT aggressive a driver!

Anyway, time usually takes care of a lot of things, and an understanding of what sells and what doesn't is part of the learning curve.

Welcome to the Online Storage Auctions Forum / Re: Hello from TN
« on: April 27, 2011, 07:25:49 PM »
i need all the help i can get.  want as much knowledge as possible before i try to buy

The best training ground (and this is MY OPINION) is the sales themselves. Go to a few and
before you know it you'll actually be bidding. You don't even need to bid to win. Just do it to see how it feels.
After that, you'll be bidding more confidently and will perhaps bid to win if all goes well.

You can expect to make some mistakes (we ALL do) and some of those you will pay for, but the knowledge
gained is part of what you pay for too.

The saying "nothing ventured, nothing gained" is certainly true in this business.

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: Lookey Loos Part 4....April, 2011
« on: April 27, 2011, 07:15:48 PM »
How come the crowd/people at your storage auctions looks exactly the same as the people at my storage auctions on the other side of the country? So much for diversity... ;)

I wondered who would notice.

The fact is, it IS the very same crowd. They are first cousins to the crowds that appear at a car wreck, a school shooting or a fire.

Welcome to the Online Storage Auctions Forum / Re: Hello from TN
« on: April 27, 2011, 05:26:05 PM »
Welcome!  You will get lots of help from the TN folks in this forum.

How about this one? Fellow forgot his wagon today.

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: Lookey Loos Part 4....April, 2011
« on: April 27, 2011, 04:26:49 PM »
Went to 2 auctions today; 4 lkrs at one, 7 lkrs at 2nd auction.
First auction had about 25 people...not bad.
Second auction had about 60 people...same auctioneer but later in day.

Pic below is crowd at 2nd auction.

First auction a 10x10 went for $525...pretty full, washer/dryer, Fridge taped shut with duct tape (mold city).

Another lkr at first auction 5 x 10 about 2 feet deep in stuff went for $625....oh my !


Second auction, a 5 x 10 about 1/2 full about 3 feet high...$400; mostly pvc fittings some well-used tools.

A 5 x 10 pretty full all the way round went for $675.

I was not the winner of any of these, but I won not doing the work !

The Lounge / Re: Everyboyd at an auction
« on: April 27, 2011, 01:10:47 PM »
I don't know about everybody else, Jose, but right now I'm at public library waiting for an auction an hour from now !  Had to get a library card for this city even; oh well, better than sitting in a hot car watching the strollers go by.

How's that Houston list coming along?

Here's a new one and I'm going to build the list in this post. Reply #8 above is getting filled up. Of course there are many I've missed too, but I do like finding these "alphabet" members.

The first two below were found in 10 minutes online here at the forums. Can you imagine how many slip through?  A lot.

vKelyFrankg............joined 4/27/2011....has a beauty supply type email address ?
gwendolenald.........joined 4/27/2011...depression medication in website link
vfreebusinessdirectoryy...joined 4/27/2011 .....dead giveaway and the email is the aramamotor giveaway too!
alvarobauer1230............joined 4/27/2011
Medicalb........................joined 4/27/2011 U.K. email address  quite a trip to buy a locker !
Dajcic............................joined 4/27/2011 wants to help you incorporate your auction buying business !
gEveMontest...................joined 4/28/2011 check out the sig line and email buyer? Right!
kukakikulisme.................joined 4/28/2011
fredcarroll614.................joined 4/28/2011
louisbooth11..................joined 4/28/2011 Need a loan modification? This new "member" can help you.
OrergoExtex..................joined 3/27/2011 on April 29,2011 actually posted about 40 links for anxiety workshop sites
gvanessawhaleso............joined 5/30/2011

I am still trying to get that locker that calls out to me and so far the prices have been rather high for the crap I see.

What's that old saying...One man's crap another man's crap.

Something like that.

What's it Worth?? / Re: Have a Glass bottle
« on: April 27, 2011, 01:03:08 PM »
No specific info, but a couple of "educated" (maybe) guesses.

Plastic top....not too old.
Embossed "leather".....doesn't look extra special.

Can't stand up?  Is it possible this was a "hiking" bottle which
originally had some leather attachments somewhere for a neck or shoulder cord?
Similar to the suede wine flasks of today.

These are only some ideas, opinions, guesses....other people may (and probably will) think differently.

  Just won my first locker the other day for $1200 and was also my first auction I attended.

OK, given those two facts, first auction, first locker acquired, you do not need to buy the next 49 lockers you see because you got the one in fifty right off the bat !

Good one....but you already know that and that it is a special one among many.

I'll make you the same deal I made to The Teacher:

I'll give you $1200 for half your unit and YOU get to decide which half I get. I can't go wrong on
either one of those lockers....that's how good they sound !  ;D

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