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Messages - MovieMan

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I was thinking that the strategy that would work best is to only buy in volume and try to piece out all of the smaller items.

I like my idea better. Sometimes spending nothing is the right approach.

The Treasure Chest / Re: FINALLY! Got a Very Profitable Unit Today!
« on: April 26, 2011, 10:24:40 PM »
Yeah, this one I got for $1150, and I beat the next two highest bidders by 20 bucks!

OK, I know you can't handle all that good stuff yourself, so here's the deal:

I'll give you $1100 for half of it and YOU get to decide which half I get !  ;D

I use listing services ;D

You dog ! But do you use TCLane's....that's the question !

The dynamic duo in West LA....Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Supposed to be 5 lkrs...down now to 1....and it's trash ! (some reality)


They go back to some pod-type lkrs they bought a week before.

They paid $775...probably make $3k profit if things go as usual.

No lights on the old bad !
A big blue box...what will it be...yes...a priceless treasure ! (should bring $1K at least).
(they then announced their thoughts on the item and I was right on the money (in THEIR world).

Now for some vintage many K can they get on these ?

Now the man-tools container.
$50 for an old, small shop vac? Must be gold-plated !

Lkr has a Harley item !  (why can't I get those?)
Ton finds an "OMG!" item (something short of gold bars I'm sure).
Commercial !


More later in this post.

Shoe expert comes in....could we import him from LA when we find a pair
One pair of 1993 Nike's....$400.  Allen wants to get $4K for 23 pair of shoes....he gets.....??
You wouldn't believe me if I told you.  :-\

Big blue box comes into another expert...remember they predicted $1k....they got....a big surprise...
the expert didn't want to pay anything like that. They go to plan B and get $1300 for the blue box.

Now to yet another expert to talk Harley parts. I predict they will get $2500..stay tuned after the commerical.

OK, we're back....good news and bad news.....not all Harley is worth gold...some of it is worth platinum, especially if you're Allen and Ton !  ::)

I'll let you watch the rerun to see how they make out on the Harley stuff.

Once again the boys score bigger than big-time. I guess the rest of us just don't go to the same kind of auctions.

My prediction of $3K profit was way off....they made over $ week they get a shoeless Joe Jackson card !

General Storage Auction Talk / Re: What is the easiest item to sell ?
« on: April 26, 2011, 08:19:08 PM »
vintage china cabinets, and 60's - 70's retro mod furniture.

Wish I could get more mid-century always sells for me, including 3 dining chairs....guy said he'd just continue to have fun looking for #4.

Craigslist / Re: Craigslist Gripes
« on: April 26, 2011, 08:16:10 PM »
Not a gripe, so technically hijacking thread, but here goes...

I was to meet a fellow at 6:30 this eve...this was from a 5 pm phone call...that's how I have them contact me...I feel it's more sincere than an email through CL.

Anyway, 6 pm comes and phone's the guy saying he can't make it. Disappointing, BUT courteous is a close 2nd to actually selling the item.

Sorry for the hijack...just wanted to say they're not all bad.

General Storage Auction Talk / Re: What is the hardest item to sell ?
« on: April 26, 2011, 04:38:06 PM »
I would have to say Books here, as was stated they want them for free.

I'll check some books online first (military, guns, specialty topics) and if they aren't going there I'll take
them to the flea. I hold to a good price (say $8 to $10) on a book about Flying Fortresses, and the like and usually
get it....might have to take it out 2 or 3 times though.

A girl asked about a "Fitness for Dummies" book and when I said $3 she couldn't put it down fast enough. I forget the
book store price but it has to be $14 or so.

Sometimes when they react that way I'll say, "Well, let's see what it sells for at the bookstore." Turn it over and let them hear $24.95 (or whatever). Sorry, I'm only human the customer ISN'T always right.

I've also found that bundling several books helps out. If they don't want to pay the $3 for fittness book, I put another one or two with it (if I have them) and say "How about $5 for all three?". If they don't want that deal they need to go
to the library...I hope they don't  have to pay overdue fees !

My wife loves to keep the household cleaners and anything else that she can use with out going to the store to purchase.

And there's lots of stuff like that, and of course "man" things like motor oil, tools, guns, vehicles, just about anything you can imagine. If you stick around long enough you'll see something you want for yourself.

I have neighbors who can't belief the variety of goods I get, but when you think about it, they are households just like ours, richer or poorer with lots of stuff we can use. I can't imagine the money I've saved on such thing...laundry soap, dishwashing detergent, the list goes on and on.

I am taking bets!!  ;D

Just leave me out of it !


So my question is, do I need a sales permit to rent parking lot or sidewalk space in San Antonio, TX and resale my stuff there. I have over $1,000 worth of stuff in my inventory right now. As well as my on hand cash is starting to run low.

My guess is that unless one of the 1,800 people who don't post in the threads suddenly comes to life from San Antonio, you won't get an answer here.

Isn't your best bet to contact some authority in SA ?  If nothing else, I would guess the admins at the local flea market(s) could steer you in the right direction.

Sounds like you're putting money together from several sources and many others are doing the same thing right now. My compliments on pursuing many avenues. Selling goods is a good way to make money and if you can pick up some reasonable lkrs you should do OK as many people are buying used goods these days to help stretch their consumer dollars.

The Lounge / Re: Boxing Ring for Mr. A & Movieman
« on: April 26, 2011, 02:21:33 PM »
200 Posts - It's time to celebrate with my uhh...giant statue of Jesus making cat calls at girls who are walking by.
Never mind, that didn't sound so good so I'm going to leave it at that.

Well, first you had a dog taking a dump on a picture of Obama, now you've got Jesus acting up.

Politics and religion in the storage're just looking for a dispute !

(but you won't get it from me....I only discuss those issues with people who believe the same way I do!)

I have one The Hart Beat, and it is only because over 95% of the facilities here only advertise with them. Some seemed really irritated with my phone calls. However I think all that will change and I will dump The Hart Beat because of the Amendment of Chapter 59.

Wow, they've got it sewed up at 95%.

Here's the link for people close to San Antonio.

The "Other" Job / Re: Sick of my job!!!
« on: April 26, 2011, 01:53:49 PM »
If Mr. Anderson wouldn't have led you astray talked you out of using our service, you might have had better luck in the auction business. "I'm just sayin"......That free list is still available whenever you want to see it.

Could you just post it here for all of us to see. Wouldn't cut into the potential too much and might get future buyers interested for the next weekly issue.

Any creative ideas or buying strategies for auctions now that the business has changed?

I just don't buy as many !

Standard deposit here is $50. Some facilities wil put a $100 block on it though. So if I bought 1 unit it would be $50, or if I bought 3 or 4 or 5, or how many I get, it will be only $100. Came across one that has no deposit and no tax (loved that one).

Welcome to the forums....up and running with informative responses in 18 posts.

In regard to the quote above, GENERALLY, where is "here"?

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