The dynamic duo in West LA....Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Supposed to be 5 lkrs...down now to 1....and it's trash ! (some reality)
They go back to some pod-type lkrs they bought a week before.
They paid $775...probably make $3k profit if things go as usual.
No lights on the old bad !
A big blue box...what will it be...yes...a priceless treasure ! (should bring $1K at least).
(they then announced their thoughts on the item and I was right on the money (in THEIR world).
Now for some vintage many K can they get on these ?
Now the man-tools container.
$50 for an old, small shop vac? Must be gold-plated !
Lkr has a Harley item ! (why can't I get those?)
Ton finds an "OMG!" item (something short of gold bars I'm sure).
Commercial !
More later in this post.
Shoe expert comes in....could we import him from LA when we find a pair
One pair of 1993 Nike's....$400. Allen wants to get $4K for 23 pair of shoes....he gets.....??
You wouldn't believe me if I told you.
Big blue box comes into another expert...remember they predicted $1k....they got....a big surprise...
the expert didn't want to pay anything like that. They go to plan B and get $1300 for the blue box.
Now to yet another expert to talk Harley parts. I predict they will get $2500..stay tuned after the commerical.
OK, we're back....good news and bad news.....not all Harley is worth gold...some of it is worth platinum, especially if you're Allen and Ton !
I'll let you watch the rerun to see how they make out on the Harley stuff.
Once again the boys score bigger than big-time. I guess the rest of us just don't go to the same kind of auctions.
My prediction of $3K profit was way off....they made over $ week they get a shoeless Joe Jackson card !