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Storage Wars Unlocked..on now..discuss

Re: Storage Wars Unlocked..on now..discuss
« Reply #15 on: September 01, 2011, 10:36:41 AM »
That has to be the worst show I have ever watched well watched 15mins of it and turned the channel back and forth. The show is to be about buying units! Where and why would the make a show with Q and A's. You go to an auction you bid and hopefully win you load and unload and sell! Why make a one hour show on meet the people. VERY STUPID.

Actually, I think they did a good thing there, because any of the 'get rich quick' folks who watched it are going to realize (those with more than three functioning brain cells, anyway)that if you want to get rich quick, this is NOT the way to do it. 
   Yes, there are lockers out there that are worth some serious cash, but those are like finding hen's teeth. 
   This is a job for those of us who just like to dig through peoples stuff and see what is what.  It's gambling for people that suck at cards and dice.
   When Darryl made it clear that they buy thirty or more units a month, and the show only shows the big hits and misses, it should make it clear you better be willing to throw a lot of money and effort into this to make a buck.
   Barry was the only one who said he doesn't have an issue with the show and his schedule.  The rest all said they have to alter their schedules to film, because they all do this for a living, Barry doesn't.

Re: Storage Wars Unlocked..on now..discuss
« Reply #16 on: September 01, 2011, 10:38:26 AM »
I cant be sure but somehow I felt real genuine from the unlocked show, like toward the end when Mark came up, you really got the sense that everyone hated him. I kind of felt bad for him cause he thought they were all 'friends'.

Thought it was cool at the end that the texas guys mentioned their show ruining the buisness as well.

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Re: Storage Wars Unlocked..on now..discuss
« Reply #17 on: September 01, 2011, 11:23:29 AM »
I cant be sure but somehow I felt real genuine from the unlocked show, like toward the end when Mark came up, you really got the sense that everyone hated him. I kind of felt bad for him cause he thought they were all 'friends'.

Thought it was cool at the end that the texas guys mentioned their show ruining the buisness as well.

I loved the look Brandi gave everytime Dave opened his mouth, she looked like she wanted to slap him a few times.

Re: Storage Wars Unlocked..on now..discuss
« Reply #18 on: September 01, 2011, 12:09:24 PM »
Lol ya i couldnt deal with that broad thats for sure

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Re: Storage Wars Unlocked..on now..discuss
« Reply #19 on: September 01, 2011, 12:23:47 PM »
Oh and by the way, since this has already been touched on, Im going to add my 2 cents. I like the idea as well that they put this one out. Puts a little more reality to it, which is a good thing. I dont however think it is going to change the amount of crowds we are dealing with though.

Also I do not think I am going to like the Dallas edition of SW. The people they picked for the lineup add to much of the "Texas" Cliche of a bunch of cowboys and what I consider "Redneck Mentality", no offense to anyone who may get offended at that quote. I will give it a few episodes, but if I still feel the same, I wont be watching it.

Re: Storage Wars Unlocked..on now..discuss
« Reply #20 on: September 01, 2011, 01:00:19 PM »
The texas and cowoy cliche is true.  They are far away from being what I would consider Rednecks....course we just got a glimpse.

I think they did this "Unlocked" show the way they did to follow in the footsteps of Deadliest Catch.  At the end of the season there they bring all the captains and do Q&A and highlights.

Hopefully this will show some poeple it's not all fun and games.  I've seriously not bid on a few lockers due to the fact they were so full of furniture and such and didn't have time to clean it out. 

Re: Storage Wars Unlocked..on now..discuss
« Reply #21 on: September 01, 2011, 01:14:26 PM »
I'll agree partially on the furniture.  Unless I can verify that it is in good shape, I'm not really interested in it.  Reality is, the unit I bought had a ratty looking couch, and I took an axe to it so that it wouldn't take up as much room.  Same with the two dressers that were in it. 

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Re: Storage Wars Unlocked..on now..discuss
« Reply #22 on: September 01, 2011, 02:00:53 PM »
On furniture I usually dont deal with it unless its solid wood. I dont like couches since I usually end up getting the ones that are messed up, and its always on a side Icant see from the door. Particle board I cant even give away for free. So I stick to solid wood furniture. No matter the year.

Re: Storage Wars Unlocked..on now..discuss
« Reply #23 on: September 01, 2011, 02:23:56 PM »
The first time i bought a locker there was a hella nice dinning table but my idiot ass couldnt carry it so i didnt wrap it or anything. When i took it out the truck i scratched the thing to hell so i lost a good amount of money it woulda been worth

Re: Storage Wars Unlocked..on now..discuss
« Reply #24 on: September 01, 2011, 02:25:12 PM »
On furniture I usually dont deal with it unless its solid wood. I dont like couches since I usually end up getting the ones that are messed up, and its always on a side Icant see from the door. Particle board I cant even give away for free. So I stick to solid wood furniture. No matter the year.

Particle board crap gets head of the line privileges on the ride to the dump. Can't stand that crap.  I won't buy a unit because I see furniture, unless, as you state, I can see that it is good stuff (wood) that I can refinish if needed.  I always look for different things as my focus.

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Re: Storage Wars Unlocked..on now..discuss
« Reply #25 on: September 02, 2011, 07:37:19 AM »
The first time i bought a locker there was a hella nice dinning table but my idiot ass couldnt carry it so i didnt wrap it or anything. When i took it out the truck i scratched the thing to hell so i lost a good amount of money it woulda been worth

That is whats great about running your own business. You can research all the "how to" resources, like this forum; but nothing is a better motivator then learning from your own mistakes that cost you money.

I am reminded of a qoute, and I am paraphrasing here.

"Your employee just made a huge mistake and cost your company $500,000. Are you going to fire him? Hell No!! It just cost me $500,000 to train him!"

Re: Storage Wars Unlocked..on now..discuss
« Reply #26 on: September 02, 2011, 06:39:06 PM »
Hahaha. Ya thats mad true cant beat a learning experience.

Re: Storage Wars Unlocked..on now..discuss
« Reply #27 on: September 02, 2011, 10:25:00 PM »
Seems like they were falling all over themselves to make sure everyone knew it was real.

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Re: Storage Wars Unlocked..on now..discuss
« Reply #28 on: September 03, 2011, 11:24:32 AM »
I wonder why yall are saying SW Texas, Dallas is Northern Part of Texas. And yes you can tell the difference between people from south Texas, North Texas, and West Texas. Everything about the people are completely different from one region to the next. I am sure Travis can verify that.

Nope, most Texans are just Texans. There is not much difference until you get close to the border. Most of us say Yeeeep even when were not bidding on a unit. 8)

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Re: Storage Wars Unlocked..on now..discuss
« Reply #29 on: September 03, 2011, 11:26:43 AM »
Thought it was cool at the end that the Texas guys mentioned their show ruining the business as well.

That was the highlight of the entire show, I just wish they would have expanded on that, but I guess that isn't good for ratings is it :o

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