Storage Auctions

Locking ID Tags

Offline Travis

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Locking ID Tags
« on: January 03, 2014, 10:35:26 PM »
I'm sure we've all seen the locking ID tags some storage facilities use. So, what all do we know about them? And do you think they are useful to either the storage facility or the buyer? Is anyone aware of a lien law which requires storage facilities to use them?

Re: Locking ID Tags
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2014, 07:48:41 AM »
There is a numeric code on the tag which is associated with the storage unit in the file.  When it comes time to cut the tag, if it doesn't match what is in the file it means that someone, most likely from the facility cut the tag and replaced it with a fake one.  Its just a tamper deterrent.

Makes no different to the buyers, except for a sense of security (most of the times false) as we don't know if they match.

Most of the times they just pull them off and don't even check.

Offline Travis

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Re: Locking ID Tags
« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2014, 09:20:06 AM »
Makes no different to the buyers, except for a sense of security (most of the times false) as we don't know if they match.

I agree, it's a false sense of security. Just like when they cut locks in front of you. How do you know that was the tenant's lock and not one the facility manager put on after he/she went through the unit?

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