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Do you have a brick and mortar store?

Offline MovieMan

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Do you have a brick and mortar store?
« on: February 21, 2013, 09:55:28 PM »
The last "do you own a store" thread hasn't had any action since last May (2012) so thought I would try it again.

If you do own a store, how long have you had it open?

Re: Do you have a brick and mortar store?
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2013, 06:47:35 PM »
I opened a store just over a year ago. (I have been in this location for over nine years with another business) I have to say that I was just playing with the idea so I was not legal for several months. Things started off kinda slow. At first I was very hesitant to tell people where the items came from. Now I have no problem telling everyone what I do. I believe it is a pull for some to see the kind of things that come out of storage units. Though I make sure to really exaggerate how much work is involved. 
I am in a very small town (1500 people) so foot traffic is not heavy. There are two other shops similar to mine here. Slowly things have picked up. I am situated halfway between San Francisco and Los Angeles on the 101 and this is a nice area to stop and take a break. I have been pleasantly surprised lately to find that I have quite a following from the San Francisco crowd. I'm finding that there are alot of people that think junk shopping and wine tasting go good together. Who knew? LOL

Offline Cobia

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Re: Do you have a brick and mortar store?
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2013, 11:54:16 AM »
I opened a store just over a year ago. (I have been in this location for over nine years with another business) I have to say that I was just playing with the idea so I was not legal for several months. Things started off kinda slow. At first I was very hesitant to tell people where the items came from. Now I have no problem telling everyone what I do. I believe it is a pull for some to see the kind of things that come out of storage units. Though I make sure to really exaggerate how much work is involved. 
I am in a very small town (1500 people) so foot traffic is not heavy. There are two other shops similar to mine here. Slowly things have picked up. I am situated halfway between San Francisco and Los Angeles on the 101 and this is a nice area to stop and take a break. I have been pleasantly surprised lately to find that I have quite a following from the San Francisco crowd. I'm finding that there are alot of people that think junk shopping and wine tasting go good together. Who knew? LOL

Time to break out the Boone's Farm for my next yard sale!  :D

Re: Do you have a brick and mortar store?
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2013, 03:02:40 PM »
People tend to spend more money when they have been tasting vino all day. LOL I'm working on some brochures to put in several wineries that I am friends with. Having a store is all about marketing and advertising to the right people. It's alot of work but it is what I have done all of my life and I love it.

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