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A lot of the new members have email addresses at this site....

Offline MovieMan

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Anytime there's a new member popping up I take a quick look at their profile.

I have done this enough to see the following:

Unusual alphabet combinations for names
email addresses that end in the following

I have a feeling some of these folks are going to rise up and the spam is going to fly like crazy.

Another giveaway that these folks are not for real are the occasional links in their sig lines or elsewhere (in their profiles) that lead to generic web based information pages about a variety of topics.

I'm telling you that a large number of recent (last couple of weeks) members are phoney as all get out...of course this is only my opinion. Your opinion may be different.

Got an email from the site I normally bid online about extending ending time

Started by truedaystar

26 Replies
Last post November 13, 2014, 04:31:28 PM
by Travis
Something I have noticed about some new MEMBERS here.....

Started by MovieMan

29 Replies
Last post May 23, 2011, 01:02:47 PM
by MovieMan
Good Day, New members

Started by DrHenryJones

7 Replies
Last post March 31, 2017, 08:23:38 AM
by Travis
Do you employ your family members?

Started by Travis

3 Replies
Last post July 26, 2014, 09:37:59 PM
by Travis