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Customer of size

Offline MovieMan

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Customer of size
« on: July 08, 2013, 08:53:04 AM »
That is a euphemism airlines use for "fat traveler".

Easy to see that the airlines at least acknowledge that "fatties" take up more space than the 17" between arm rests and are "sensitive" to these travelers' needs (and OUR needs) for a safe and COMFORTABLE trip !

I don't need an extra seat but I have traveled next to some who should have bought two seats and it's not a pleasant experience.

I'm flying this week and found this link as I browsed around the airline website.


Offline Alias300

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Re: Customer of size
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2013, 10:52:12 AM »

I was flying once where I was at window and very large man in isle and poured into middle seat

Five minutes before take off this guy comes, says that's his seat.
He was stand-by and they gave him that seat.

Large guy says no, he paid for it.  He buys two because of his size.

Flight attendant comes and says its empty, they need it, let him sit.

Big argument.  New passenger sits.

Now I'm crushed against window cause all armrest have to be up.

I'm like h*ll no!   I call attendant and say no way am I flying like this.  New guy says yeah, this isn't going to work, big guy saying he paid for extra seat......

Now get this.  The big guy was a total gentleman, professional and cooperative.

Captain comes and removes the big guy! HE had to leave plane.
We took off with me by window, new guy in isle seat, middle seat empty and the big guy that paid for the two sets in terminal talking to cops!

I had given the big guy my info but never heard from him.  I hope he got compensated. 

And in 15 years I've never flown SW again.   Virgin, now THAT'S an airline!
Only problem is they don't fly direct to anywhere i go frequently......but worth it.  Great airline!

Offline Travis

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Re: Customer of size
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2013, 11:59:26 AM »
I wish I would have got stuck next to a "customer of size" on my last flight from Sao Paulo to Miami. Instead, I got stuck next to someone who hadn't showered in weeks. He smelled like sewage. It was so bad, I had to ask a flight attendant to move me. There were no seats left in coach so they bumped me to business class. I had a glass of champagne, leaned the seat back and slept the whole flight.

Re: Customer of size
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2013, 10:11:28 PM »
As a customer of size myself.. I haven't yet been so sizable that I've needed 2 seats, or even a seat belt extender. But I know what it's like to see someone glance at my row and see me and move on to a row with only the last seat available. It's too bad, I'm a riot on the plane too!

Size of organization

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