Storage Auctions

Beginners luck

Beginners luck
« on: October 08, 2013, 09:48:47 AM »
I'm new to the forums and have been going to auctions for 4 months now and wanted to share my find this past week.

 I recently went to an auction were there was said to be 8 units for sale but when we got there there was now only 1 unit for sale. With so many people showing up I didn't think I was going to get one. When the door went up it was really hard to tell what was inside because there were two large tables blocking the view. Half the crowd left and the bidding started. To my amazement I won the locker at just $200. Once I got in the locker it started to look like a office or business of some kind and it was. It use to be a EMS first responders company. Inside were a dozen boxes of patient records, computers, office equipment, furniture, etc. As soon as I had the unit cleaned out the front desk called me and told me the original owner wanted to speak with me about the unit. I didn't want the owner to know my number in case they were going to hassle me so I emailed them from a new email account. The owner wanted to get back the documents and computers but said I could keep the rest. She asked how much I wanted for those items I really wanted to at least get my money back plus some so I was going to ask for $300 but didn't noticed a typo and put $3000 instead. She agreed to the price and I was shocked, but figured something on these computers must have been worth it. So I delivered the computers and docs, picked up my cash, and head back home to see the rest. I then cam across 2 chairs known as fairfield chairs. I took them to a guy I know who owns a high end furniture shop and he told me they retail at $700-800 each. He offered me $1000 for the pair and I took it. With everything else in the unit I made another $1000. So all together I made $5000 from that one unit. That will probably not happen again for a long while. But hope it does.

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Beginners luck
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2013, 10:12:28 AM »
That was a good score and you are smart enough to realize it was beginner's luck. Buy another 50 lkrs in the next 6 to 12 months and test your theory.

I bought a mortgage broker's lkr and had difficulty getting through to them on the phone, but when I showed up a few days later with one box (of 60)  of their records showing financial info and SSNs it became a different story.

I paid $160 for the locker and got $1,000 from them for the boxes and two computers with more info in them.

What gets me is that people responsible for medical and financial records of others can not even prevent their own goods from being foreclosed on.

Re: Beginners luck
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2013, 06:14:49 PM »
Inside were a dozen boxes of patient records, computers, office equipment, furniture, etc.

It was probably the patients files that the owner was more than happy to pay $3,000 for. With all the privacy acts on protecting medical patients information, fines for not protecting it can be excessive.  Most likely patient records were on the computers as well. If you would have known this before, you could have demanded 10k and may have gotten it, or a pretty high counter offer.   

Re: Beginners luck
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2013, 06:18:48 PM »
I paid $160 for the locker and got $1,000 from them for the boxes and two computers with more info in them.

You let them off dirt cheap if you ask me. You could have got a lot more out of them, and if they don't agree to your price, just threaten to call a newspaper reporter to give them a good story. No one likes negative publicity. 

call it beginners luck

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Wow, what luck!

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Police auctions…what luck have you had ?

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