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What special packing materials do you use when shipping a sold eBay item?

Offline MovieMan

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My best find of late was a swimming pool "cover" which is basically industrial strength bubble wrap.  I got a large ..swimming pool size...piece for $5 at a piece by piece auction. Everyone thought I was nuts, but then they hardly sell on eBay (if at all).

It cuts easily, wraps securely giving hundred of air pockets to protect electronics, cameras, etc.


Offline rulesforrebels

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good thinking there. yeah packaging materials can get expensie so finding shortcuts like this definately helps. you can get packaging materials free from many businessses. i often see in the free section in my local cl people giving away literally dozens of enormous bags filled withh packing peanuts

When you buy lockers, you inherently get packing materials. I use all the paper wrap, newspaper, bubble wrap, etc. from lockers. If I buy something online, I'm always saving peanuts and whatnot as well.

Offline dbr831

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So funny, when I saw the title of this I immediately clicked on it to share my use of pool cover and MovieMan beat me to it. My family is in the swimming pool business so I have unlimited supplies of the stuff. I love to use it to wrap heavy stuff like cast iron. I have also used it to wrap larger items that won't fit in a box. Once I sold a large guitar case (rectangle hard case, not a guitar shaped one) and just gift wrapped it in pool cover, taped it well and stuck a label on it. My post office employees thought it was genius!

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