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Messages - craiglstauction

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Only time I've ever touched or entered a unit is when the manager/auction says go ahead.  Any other place you will get called out on.

General Storage Auction Talk / Re: Flipping Storage Units
« on: January 03, 2013, 10:07:42 AM »
I've never done a flip like that.  I have sold a few units for profits to other competetion.  I've also split a few units with people.  It all depends on the number of units I win that day or week and what time constraints I have.

Best flip was a 5 x 10 I bought for $40 and sold for $100 at the next auction.  A newbie came up to me to chat.  Mentioned he liked that unit but didn't open his mouth fast enough.  So I sold it to him for $100 with the condition he had 48 hours to clean it out before I put my lock on the unit.  We have a week to clean units out at that location.  Loved getting $60 profit just for bidding on a so/so unit.

Post-Christmas results == sold a few trees (yes those we normally cringe seeing in a unit), a large nutcracker that I didn't have for more then 2 hours, and some random decorations.  Things didn't move as well this year as in the past.  A large number of items was donated to Goodwill.  The trees go to the dump as even Goodwill don't want them any longer.

General Storage Auction Talk / Re: What do you do with your totes?
« on: January 03, 2013, 09:55:21 AM »
Broken totes that I find (holes, bent out of shape, etc.) are used to hold trash in.  That way I don't waste a bag on something that is going to the dump already.  If they have a lid and are in good shape I either use them or sell at $3-$5 depending on size.  If it's super clean I can get 1/2 of retail or so each time.  The other totes with no lids get used for sorting, covers, etc.  I keep every good lid I find since they don't take up much space.  Have a few mismatch lid vs tote but I don't care.

As long as the ratings are there they will keep the show.  It's one of the top shows for the network.  Even if it drops a few points in the ratings it's more profitable then some of the other shows they have on the network now.  You can only do so many re-runs before people move on to other networks.  If anything - they will move the time slots around for a bit.

IMO - for all of them, things will go on like normal.  Darrell, Brandy and Jarred will all still be able to "cash in" on the celebrity status they have right now.  Even after it dies down once the show does cancel they will still reap benefits.  The publicity that the show brought to Brandy and Jarred for example I'm sure is what allowed them to expand their store.

As for Dotson - I think he will be fine.  He had a large auction gathering before the shows.  His followers got even larger with the show.  Unless he starts to loose old clients he should be fine.  He may loose some of his "new - tv show" client sites, but am doubtfull.

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: Auction Scene #12...December, 2012
« on: December 17, 2012, 07:26:17 AM »
Well U-haul was a bust.  Only 4 units and I didn't place but 1 bid.  My caravan last week turned out good.  Purchased a $35 junk unit that I'll do ok on, but this one didn't pay off.  I did take another gamble on a 10x20 half filled on one side.  Futon, floor buffer, part of a sectional, and lots of random crap showing.  Only paid $70 for the unit.  Futon was crap, the glide rocker works well, but the cushions are done and the wood was gnawed on by I suspect a bird (they had birds).  The floor buffer does work and should already have it sold for $50.  The bike that was in there needs work but is another $30-$50 come spring.  What really surprised me was the military stuff I found in the back.  Lots of BDU's (prior to the digicam they wear now), boots, rank, etc.  Did find 3 entrenching shovels, 2 camel water packs, a dozen canteens, 2 load bearing vest, etc.  So just out of the unit I gained back $10 in lottery tickets, bills, and coins I found.  Old computer I can scrap that I normally buy for $5 each.  So this unit will make me money even after I keep some of the things for myself.  Wish can find more of these surprise units.

The month is over for me.  Auctions this week that I can't make due to work.  So my next auction is in January.  Most of the normal auction runs take January off also.  So Jan will be a slim month IMO.  Good time to get rid of some stuff before buy anything else.

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: Noobies: buy first, think later!
« on: December 11, 2012, 05:01:25 PM »
For two months we had this old couple buying units left and right.  The first time they showed up they bid $25 on a unit no one was going to bid on.  I gave them kudos as they did clean out the unit the next day.  Next month came around and they were back.  This time they bought 2 large units, then spent a fortune at the caravan on 4 other units, and a few more units.  Talked with them and they were clueless, and just annoying.  With her running over everyone in her scooter, and him just yack yack yacking.  Per one of the other ladies that talked with them they don't have a store, have no clue what to do with everything, and just like the "thrill".  Didn't see them in the last 3 auctions last week.  Will see if they are at the caravan on thursday.  They may be done for.

I'll still watch the show just for entertainment.  Is all that it ever was.  I did find the "plastic surgery" part interesting.  Need to find some before and after photo's of Brandi.


Yep - I just saw the link on Yahoo.  Wanted to say "NO SH** SHERLOCK!!!" to Hester so bad.  I just love that now that he is not on the show he is suffering.  What happen to him being all that in auction buying.  Think he got greedy.

Stores / Re: Indoor Vendor's Malls
« on: December 10, 2012, 12:24:14 PM »
I just noticed over the weekend a indoor vendor mall or I'm assuming something like that opening up.  Is in an old furniture building.  Lots of traffic on the road but not sure how much "traffic" they will have.  May be worth setting some stuff up depending on the price.  Will have to look into it.

The Treasure Chest / Re: Valuable Coins
« on: December 10, 2012, 07:32:56 AM »
The few lockbox type safes I've found have always either been empty or paperwork.  Have only found a few coins myself.  Mostly wheat cents and/or world coins.  No silver coins or anything like that yet.  Those are what I would like to find since I collect coins.

Your chance of coins and jewelry is higher IMO then finding that 1k+ unique item or even guns.  Many people have collected coins at one time or the other.  Or their children have started a set.  Some of the modern mint sets have gone down in price (unless is the silver proof set), while others have gone up.  Search those jars of coins that you find.  I pull out every wheat cent, etc. that I can find.  Roll of common wheat pennies can go for $2 or more.  Find a key date and you have a penny that can be worth $10+.

If your area is like mine even world coins that really don't have much worth can be sold for $.25 - $.50 each.  Depending on the country, design, etc.  Most world coins are not silver...even the older ones.  Many people like to collect by the design (aka dolphins, birds, etc.).  Or they collect by the country.  Kids see them and just think the look is cool.  There has been some days at the flea where 1/2 my profit has come from the $.25 - $1 world coins and paper money I've bought from ebay for my own collection.

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: Auction Scene #12...December, 2012
« on: December 06, 2012, 07:12:14 AM »
Well my tuesday auction started out with 82 units listed in the paper.  We were down to right at 30 units by tuesday's start time.  Still a large number of units for a change.  I purchased 2 $20 units.  Nothing super great in them but will make a little money.  Buddy also bought a unit for $225 and looks to make ok, but not as good as we both had thought.

Unit of the day may of been the computer/furniture/staged looking unit.  Was a 10x15 that had 15 CD drives from a computer, keyboards, etc. in a few boxes.  A dresser half way back facing the door with several magazines on it and a watch.  Guy found a box of jewerly that may or may not be real.  Also found a post card / coin set.  If the jewelry is real he will have done very good.  If not he should still make a decent amount of money from the unit.

Friday is U-haul -- will see if can grab a unit from there also but doubtful.  Due to the large # of mice / rats in this facility I always cut my bids by 20-50%.  Mostly lower quality items and furniture in these units.  But I have turned some profit before out of them.

The Treasure Chest / Re: Making money on books
« on: December 04, 2012, 08:01:45 AM »
Other then the few books I put up on and sold, most of my books were donated.  Now I put them all in a box and take them to second-n-charles for trade-in.  Even if just get $.25 per book, it adds up quick.  This is mostly for the mass produced paperback books that are worth $.99 or so online.  Anything that they will not take due to overstock, etc. then goes to Goodwill for the tax write-off.

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