I went to an auction a few days ago across the bay, which is a 75 mile ride one way and $17 in a toll. The wife didn’t want to go, but I did and need the fix. Instead my oldest daughter went with me, to “keep me under control”. Well it didn’t work. The last unit of the day was an old grandmothers unit 10x10 packed full and not been touched at all in years. I tried to go high right off the bat to get it and get out. Well it went like this, started off at 100, then 200, I went 400. Then 410 and I jumped to 500, the 510. Then jumped it to 600, when is this guy going to stop, Daughter no help. The only thing that I hear out of her is “mom’s going to kill you”. The next bid is 610, I’m thinking to myself dam jerk, ok 700. And he went to 740. He saved my marriage, and my wife set the new rules into place, I will not ever go alone or with my daughter ever again. I was fun for the time it lasted. Trying to get her to go tomorrow.