Storage Auctions

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Messages - parksleyman

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What real "secrets" is there?  You bid what you think it's worth and hopefully sell the crap.  You never know what you will find.  I just wish I knew what to do with old CRT tv's.

That is a good idea guys.  I see things different then others.  The next time I go to an auction, I'm recruiting the grand kids.  Think about it, distraction, havoc and maybe Mr. Grouchy will stay home. 

In my experience,
Buy, load, fix junk, load again, kiss a$$ to sell, deal with morons, load again then hopefully you turn a profit.   ???

It's easy.  Just raise your hand until the auction stops.  You win all of them that way..

Wow, long post.  I had to take a nap have way through. LoL..
Don’t let your daughter deal with the freaks on Craigslist, they seem to migrate there.
Congratulations on your units, seems like you’re on your way. 

I will admit, my wife is better at bidding and knowing when to walk away. 

Oh, let me ask her if i can.

eBay / Re: Man I love old cameras and their accessories
« on: May 07, 2013, 02:27:35 PM »
You are right about the camera stuff, just sold three lens.   I would of never thought about parting they out.  thanks...

I went to an auction a few days ago across the bay, which is a 75 mile ride one way and $17 in a toll.  The wife didn’t want to go, but I did and need the fix.  Instead my oldest daughter went with me, to “keep me under control”.  Well it didn’t work.  The last unit of the day was an old grandmothers unit 10x10 packed full and not been touched at all in years.  I tried to go high right off the bat to get it and get out.  Well it went  like this,  started off at 100, then 200, I went 400. Then 410 and I jumped to 500, the 510.  Then jumped it to 600, when is this guy going to stop, Daughter no help. The only thing that I hear out of her is “mom’s going to kill you”.  The next bid is 610, I’m thinking to myself dam jerk, ok 700.   And he went to 740.  He saved my marriage, and my  wife set the new rules into place, I will not ever go alone or with my daughter ever again.   I was fun for the time it lasted.  Trying to get her to go tomorrow.  :)

Keep your regular pay separate form money made selling junk.  Especially if your married.   

eBay / Re: Selling jeans internationally
« on: April 28, 2013, 01:35:10 PM »
I know I have better luck with junk then collectables.  Must be the area that I'm in.  Give me junk and it flies off the shelf, give me nice stuff it sits...

General Storage Auction Talk / Re: What would you do?
« on: April 26, 2013, 12:30:50 PM »
I use to worry about what to do; today I will keep and sell.   Last week when I was putting some stuff in the flea store, my daughter ran across some yearbooks of the previous owners of the unit.  She found her Facebook page and messaged her about them.  They cried on how they lost everything, can’t find jobs, lived in in a van, kicked out of her parents place.  All the stories.  I just had two bikes out of their unit appraised by a friend this morning.  One he said was worth as it is $900 and the other as it is $600. They could have sold the stuff themselves and use it for rent.  I don’t get it.

Stores / Re: Taken the dive into uncharted waters....
« on: April 19, 2013, 09:19:04 PM »
It's working out OK.  Took some more junk (stuff) down that and alot was sold.  Dropped off that apartment Ref. and it sold the next day.  Alot easier then the flea market on better stuff.  I tell you what, I'm tired of the selling, I need another fix on buying another unit....LOL

Flea Markets / First flea market of the season
« on: April 14, 2013, 08:14:53 AM »
The first Flea market sale for me of the summer.  My goal was to get up early in the morning and grab some boxes of stuff  and load them in the truck and head out to the flea market.  I made it up at 5:30 am, go the truck loaded and made it to the market.  Holy crap, the place was loaded with sellers.  Luckily I found a spot that was not too bad and started to set up.  Tables were already there and the cost was 15 bucks. Then I found out that I grabbed the boxes from some of the trashy units’ leftovers and a lot of clothing.  I had no choice but to make the best of it.  Shoes, jackets, junk and a lot of other clothing.  At the end of the day, I make 100 bucks, got rid of the shoes and junk, donated a few boxes for karma. And kept some clothing for later.   It was like fighting for dollars, a lot of people, but no one wanted to pay much.  A buck is a buck.

Craigslist / Re: I think I lost a sale...
« on: April 14, 2013, 07:57:26 AM »
good point

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