Storage Auctions

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Messages - craiglstauction

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eBay / Re: Sales Back On
« on: May 07, 2012, 12:10:14 PM »
Money - what cloths are you selling?  I'd be interested in learning how you are doing it.  I've posted a few cloths but gotten zip.  I have some name brand stuff that is getting sold for $.50 - $1 at the flea just to move it.

alloro - everyone gets the 50 free listings.  Stores get additional free listins some this month from 7-13 the get free listing days.  If I did more then 50 listings then a store would be an option.  Since this is a hobby I don't think it's worth it for me. gave me a fit the other week as a book I had put up on there months ago all of a sudden sold.  I had forgotten all about the inventory over there as I'm use to ebay ending after X days.  I had to scramble to find the book and was really afraid I had donated it.

I'm with you MovieMan on ebay and I've been with them since 97 I think it was.  I use to use them and Yahoo auctions for selling stuff.  At the time yahoo was doing better then ebay if that tells you how long ago it was.

I hate the feedback system at times, how they randomly pull off stuff for violations (had it happen to me), and the account limit stuff at times.  Had to stop selling my software I had for a week due to account limits.  Had sold over 20 software items but only 4 feedbacks from buyers.  Needed 10 feedback to raise the limit.  I was like seriously - I've had 20 sells and no negative or returned items and I couldn't get a limit increase.  I've had ebay pull one of my CD listings saying the music was a PROMO cd.  No where did it say that on the disk, sku, or anything.  Listed as how pointed me to.   Go figure.

New to Storage Auctions? / Re: Coin Question
« on: May 07, 2012, 06:34:00 AM »
Dandy_Granny had the correct answer for you.  1942 to 1945 nickles had silver in them.  However, 1942 was struck in both copper-nickle and silver.  You have to weight it or learn the sound to determine which is silver.  Melt value for silver nickle is $1.69 at $30.18 spot price for silver.  The numastic value is greater as many people need to fill those slots in their albums.

Flea Markets / First weekend of the month.
« on: May 04, 2012, 06:40:12 PM »
So who all are hitting up the flea this weekend?  I'm going to try something new and hit the twice a year yard sale/flea market at our local army fort.  I will either make a good amount of money or be flat broke.  Fee was $45 for a drive-up spot.  They have 320 spots for sale and I think they are sold out.  I'll be doing some picking I'm sure while I'm there.

General Storage Auction Talk / Re: TYPES OF STORAGE AUCTION BUYERS.
« on: May 04, 2012, 06:10:37 AM »
Hmm - from the original 10 list I would be a #5 for sure.  #1 if I wasn't already a #5, do help do some picking for buddies store.  #3 if it's computer stuff, and I have enough cash.  #6 when I've been given a specific shopping list.

Or as Rockin put it the regular joe with the truck, trailer, and daughter to help.

So guess I'd be the Part time Regular Joe.

Lol Alloro - we have one of those guys or did.  Was a noobie that came in Oct in his PJs up to the saturday auction.  Won some of the silent bid units, then spent even more money over the next 3 months.  See him every now and then and he is always telling us how great his last locker was.  Yet, I don't see him at the flea or sales hardly ever.  So either he made all this money and has already retired of full of BS.  I suspect the later since last time talked with him he was bragging of making $100k on e-bay and not paying tax.

Ya I know - it is dangerous to the health of my computer.  Just can't help myself.  Is either coke or coffee for me.

Stores / Re: Anyone Actually Own a Store?
« on: May 03, 2012, 08:00:26 AM »
Maybe people are out walking and sunning in the warmer weather?  My ebay sales seem to come in fits and starts.  Two weeks with not 1 sale and then sold a Office 97 CD via buy it now.  Put another one up and it sold 10 mins later.  I was like, "WOW".  Now I have lookers and a few watchers but no bids.

Friends store is still doing well.  He shifts his inventory around to make it look new and fresh once a month.  Him and I both have been hitting the yard sales to find inventory instead of storage auctions.  For me I've spent more money buying inventory in April then I made.  Hopefully I will recoup that money this weekend.

Reality Shows about Storage Auctions / Re: storage wars observation
« on: May 02, 2012, 02:17:03 PM »
"Warning: the stunts in this show were performed by professionals, with the producers money, so neither you nor your dumb buddies should attempt anything from this show.  You will not find a Strat Violin worth 1/2 a million dollars under that pile of nasty soiled underwear."

Had to change it up a smudge ;)

Shows you how much attention I have been paying to the show.  I thought the new season was already out.  Think that is SW: Texas (season 2) and SW is on 3 come June.  I only watch it anymore when kids want to watch.  I do like Berry's antics and Jarod/Brandy bickering.  We have our own Jarod/Brandy combo in my area.

I still prefer to watch Shipping Wars.  It was a ton of laughs and entertaining to me.  Guess that is why it got canceled.  Most shows I like get the axe.  Exception has been the Big Bang Theory...then again I didn't start watching it till Season 1 was 1/2 over.

Laugh - that is one of those 1 million candle lights.  I found one in a unit and joked to my buddies I was going to use it come winter when it started to get dark.  Sucker didn't work but I'd of found it a hoot.  My little spot light works very well but I could see just standing back behind the crowd with this HUGE search light  ;D

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: FINALLY Bought My First Unit
« on: May 01, 2012, 06:50:51 AM »
Hmm - if it was still in the unit when I got that offer I'd of taken it.  That way I make a quick sale, don't have to move the heavy stuff, and ready for the next auction.

Now - If I had already moved it all out from the unit to my location, I would either pass or do a counter offer so that I keep the items I wanted (shelves).

It all depends on how much time and space you have.  I've sat on inventory for months before it's sold.  Wasn't an issue as I had plenty of space.  When I'm low on space the inventory gets rotated much faster.  Example: cloths get donated to Goodwill more often then not.  I have dozen of totes with jeans, baby cloths, etc. in them.  If they don't generate some interest and sales this Saturday I very well may just give it all to Goodwill.

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: Auction Scene #5...May, 2012
« on: May 01, 2012, 06:39:28 AM »
I myself hate "buy it by the piece" auctions as it takes so long if there is a large crowd, and I don't have the time during the week for them.  However, if you stick it out you can pick up some good deals as people get tired and head home.  With those you don't have to pay to haul the trash, etc.  So bidding a little more is fine IMO.  I still would prefer unit auctions, or hitting the yard sales on Saturday now when I'm not at the flea selling.

Auction Friday for me if work doesn't schedule any meetings in that slot.  Already have a 10-11 w/ the auction starting at 11.  Luckly it's just around the corner from work.  Saturday is the huge yard sale/flea market at the local fort.  Monday finds me at my 3 facility auction that I have had decent luck with.

Good work on the guide Maj.  All it needs is some polish to make it easier to read.  I do have an issue also to #6.  I agree that you have to treat this like a job, even if you do it as a hobby like myself.  Doing it part-time or fulltime doesn't matter IMO.  Number 4 is true also but I'd take out the old people comment.  Most of our old time regulars are retired guys that do this to stay busy.  It's true they can't life or move the heavy items.  But, that is why they have contacts and/or people to do it for them for free/pay/trade.

Dandy is right on #12.  I've been lucky and only found a few porn items.  I find mostly normal sex related items like rubbers, birth control pills/boxes, and then baby pictures :).  Of course I'm like well if you had used this (condoms + pills) - you wouldn't of ended up with that (pointing to pics).

New to Storage Auctions? / Re: DONT BUY WHAT YOU CANT SEE!!
« on: April 30, 2012, 01:15:11 PM »
There have been post on here where XYZ bought a unit filled with boxes and stuff and made a killing.  Normally it's someone new to the forums.

Oldtimers or newbies - everyone has their own view of how to buy a unit.  There is no specific "right way".  If your method is working for you great, I wish you luck.  With the prices I see in my area that strategy went out the window last year.  The high prices are also why myself and may others have started to hit yard sales and other places to get goods to re-sale.

The Treasure Chest / Re: Bought a Gamer's Card Shop!
« on: April 29, 2012, 09:16:47 AM »
Once you figure out how you want to sale your stuff and depending on where you are located USPS is about the cheapest way to go for under 50 lbs.  I use a mix of flat rate boxes and normal boxes I pick up from work.  It all depends on the weight and distance.

My gas grates that are heavy but will fit in a mid size flat rate is shipped like that.  Even in my local state to ship it in other boxes is $9 for normal shipping.  This way I pay $10.15 (think is higher w/ the rate inc $10.35) and can offier priority shipping.  Another trick you can do is look at the flat rate regional boxes.  Those can be cheaper with larger boxes then the 3 normal flat rate sizes the post office pushes.

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: FINALLY Bought My First Unit
« on: April 29, 2012, 09:10:41 AM »
Nice looking unit there.  The shelves as others said would be hard to sell.  I could do it since already have a bunch of shelving in my sheds but those are very nice.  Everything else would be on CL or going to an equipment auction.

The toner in the back part of the shed if new can be sold on ebay.  If it's been used turn it in to staples, office max, etc.  Each of them have a buy-back policy.  I do this with all the printer's that I get to scrap.  That way I get free or almost free ink for my printer.  There is a limit each month.

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