Storage Auctions

Just bought my first unit. Huge 15x50 packed tight. $1200

Just bought my first unit. Huge 15x50 packed tight. $1200
« on: April 26, 2011, 09:19:41 PM »
Just bought my first storage unit.  The unit was made for RVs and was jammed full of totes, bedroom set, nursery furniture, beautiful kitchen table, riding lawn-mower, hutch, couch, loveseat, recliners, fishtank, 2 sets of end tables and coffee tables, side by side stainless steel refrigerator with ice maker, washer and dryer, drill press, anvil, sewing machine table, gas powered pressure washer, antique wall table, fine china, silver set, brass/bronze statues, train collections, coca-cola collections, video game systems, dvds, 36'' tv, jewelry, fur coats, tool box with tools, zippos, gas powered craftsman weed eater, and whatever you can think of was in it.

They gave me 2 weeks to empty it out.  Still going through nice plastic rubbermaid totes.  Between all ebaying and craigslisting thinking around $5000 profit so far.  Just sold a little bit of it and got my money back already and still have pretty much everything on the list i wrote yet.  I'll keep you updated.  I do have a bunch of pictures I have to upload.  Thanks for reading.  Just found this community and glad to be a part of it.  

Oh lots of hard heavy lifting.  Had to ditch around 8 piss soaked  mattresses.  Few large trailer loads of nickel and dime thrift store stuff I didn't want to mess with.  Would I do it again?  You bet!  This thing was a little much though.  People didn't seem to have alot of money by this last unit of the day.  Ended up being a Big Dog at a local business who was going through a divorce and she through everything in a storage unit and must of not told him where.  Who knows what happened but they had some money but just fell back on bills.

Re: Just bought my first unit. Huge 15x50 packed tight. $1200
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2011, 10:28:11 PM »
Sounds like a damn good unit!  I know a lot of guys don't like the large units, but I love 'em!

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Just bought my first unit. Huge 15x50 packed tight. $1200
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2011, 10:30:24 PM »
I'll make you the same deal I made to The Teacher:

I'll give you $1200 for half your unit and YOU get to decide which half I get. I can't go wrong on
either one of those lockers....that's how good they sound !  ;D

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