Container Wars: Meet the Cast


Container Wars picks up on the popularity of similar shows like Storage Wars or Auction Hunters. Rather than focusing on storage units, however, the show examines a different type of auction – an international commercial shipping port.

Participants are experts from different auction and resale fields. They must compete against each other to win the contents of large shipping containers. Unlike other auction shows, this one has very high stakes and the bidding can reach extremely high levels. The general philosophy of “more is better” is certainly at work in this newest offering from TruTV.

How the Show Works

Whenever items are shipped internationally they are subject to certain taxes and fees. The person who receives the cargo is responsible for paying these costs. If the fees are not paid or the cargo is left unclaimed for 15 days, the items can be transferred to a warehouse for storage. After being stored for six months without being claimed, the goods are sold off at public auction.

These auctions are often not widely advertised. In many cases, the people who attend the auctions are those who are already “in the know” through being related to the industry or shipping company. Container Wars capitalizes on this unknown facet of the auction industry to create an exotic and high-stakes setting for its show.

Unlike storage units, which usually include normal household items and the occasional rare find; shipping containers offer a wider array of goods. Nearly anything can be shipped commercially, and this makes the containers worth more than a storage unit. The chance of profits is higher, but the cost – and risk – is higher as well. This provides the show with its unique hook.

Container Wars Cast

John Kunkle – An auctioneer from South Beach, California, John has experience in running auctions for galas, benefits, antique sales and more. This experience makes it easy for him to whip up a frenzy at auction, which helps drive up prices and keep the show exciting. In his free time, this 30-year auction veteran likes to ride motorcycles and spend time with his family.

Penny Daily – Hailing from Georgia, Penny is the other charismatic auctioneer on the show. Outspoken and uncensored, Penny is accustomed to keeping up with the big leagues, and she won’t take trouble from anyone. When not running auctions, she works at a psychiatric facility, where her auction skills help deal with conflict every day.

Ty & Mo – Fan favorites, this Georgian duo have been attending auctions of all kinds since the 90s. Both former bouncers, these best friends use their intimidating demeanor and size to their advantage. There’s more to these guys than meets the eye, though: Mo is soft-spoken and eloquent, and Ty spent some time in culinary arts school.

Matthew Gaus – Matt is fast-talking, energetic and maybe a little crazy. With seven college degrees and a lifetime of experience, he certainly brings a unique perspective to the show. He’s notoriously paranoid and trusts no one until a sale is finalized.

Shlomi, Eyal and Uzi – A trio of business partners from Israel, these three are usually called “The Kids.” They met young and immediately met success from a high-end fashion and retail business. These multi-lingual businessmen have a competitive edge and lots of experience flipping goods of nearly any description.

Jason Hughes – The newcomer to the auction scene, Jason used to own a restaurant in Virginia and acted as a MC at local comedy clubs. All that changed when he inherited some money and started investing it in auctions. He’s a Southerner through-and-through, and his easy-going charm sets him apart from the pack.

Deana Molle – As the only woman bidder, Deana has her work cut out for her when it comes to standing up to the boys. She has no trouble standing up for herself, though, and she has a lifetime of auction experience thanks to her automotive industry father. This former beauty pageant competitor is also easy on the eyes, which certainly helps her get her way.

Container Wars has six episodes so far in the first season. It premiered in January of 2013 and has already ignited quite a fan following. While many fans are enthusiastic in their support, Container Wars does have a large number of complaints about its realism. Fans, undoubtedly skeptical after the Storage Wars revelation, are eager to cry foul about any unrealistic deals in the show. Whether Container Wars will gain the necessary footing to become the next mega-hit remains to be seen.

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Chuck G.

Freelance writer, blogger, screenwriter, short film script writer & producer.

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