Introducing a New Resource to Buy in Bulk for eBay Sellers

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ebay logoYou’re an eBay seller with your own eBay store. You frequent live estate sales and live auctions to increase your store’s stockpile. River however runs dry from time to time and you need to find a new venue to increase your inventory.

Welcome to Online Storage Auctions.

But storage auctions don’t attract you, do they. Why? Painfully long drive to the storage  facility. Possibility of not winning a single storage unit. Probability of wasting your time. So, no, live storage auctions are not for you.

The beauty of virtual storage auctions is that you can view the photo of the storage unit up for auction online. Click on the thumbnail photo. Take a good look at what’s inside the unit.

If it coincides with the type of items you want or need, you can then place your maximum bid exactly as you would on eBay. also allows you to contact the seller to ask whatever questions you have to help you decide whether or not you want to bid on the storage unit. Sounds familiar? It’s like eBay but you’re buying everything in bulk.

This 21st century new resource of buying resalable items in bulk is seamless. Sure you can continue to attend estate sales, live auctions, or even police auctions.

But why not take a peek at a photo of a virtual storage unit up for auction near you? You have nothing to lose and could gain a whole new resource for your inventory, without budging one inch from your computer.

Once you’ve won a unit you can make arrangement to haul the items to your garage, warehouse, storage room, or wherever you store your goods. Sift through your new stock and sell, sell, sell on your eBay store.

You may find this new avenue of buying in bulk may elevate you from eBay seller to eBay Power Seller within a short period of time.

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Chuck G.

Freelance writer, blogger, screenwriter, short film script writer & producer.

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