Storage Wars: New York: Joe P Goes Cuckoo on His Resell Price of Items

JoeP-NYSW1-3Storage Wars: New York: Season 1, Episode 3: “Straight Outta Connecticut.”

Auction held in Danbury, Connecticut.

Chris and Tad lost on the way. Candy and Courtney stated they could only buy what would fit in their banana van. Mike and Joe P both took a ‘pompous’ pill that billowed a lot of hot air from their mouths.

Ugh, they all gave me a headache before the show began.

1st Storage Unit
Filled with furniture and boxes. Visible to the eye an old dresser, plastic patio chairs, old sewing machine, antique wooden bench, wire wine rack, and wooden chairs.

Cobwebs indicative storage unit untouched for a period of time.

That could be a good thing or a bad thing, depends on what’s inside the boxes. C&C placed a cap at a little over $900. Uh, hello! Gals, you drive a BANANA VAN! How do you plan to fit all of ‘that’ into your little boat of a car?

That did not stop Candy from battling Chris for the storage unit. However, Chris won the locker at $1,000. Merchandise hauled back to their store. Chris and Tad dug through boxes. Silver plated items, wicker basket full of jewelry still in boxes, and a like-new cuckoo clock. They did okay.

2nd Storage Unit
Antique furniture and huge boxes. Visible were old rolled-up rugs, Asian table, French desk, and pillar type lamps.

C&C were out. Mike knew he could not flip furniture quickly, so he was out. Battle between Joe and Tad, but Joe P wasn’t letting this big fish of a room go. Joe P won the locker for $2,500.

Joe P dug through the storage unit and rattled off values to items. Carpet (unrolled), $200. French couch (mostly covered and on its side), $350. French desk (stuff stacked on top and pinned by other items), $750.


Before you go off and inflate the value of your merchandise, at least have the decency to place that item in plain site. Was the table scratched, or the desk? Was the couch stained, or the rugs?

Give us a break!

Joe P did find a cornet in a case. Appraiser stated Cornets went out of fashion in the 1930s. The serial number on the Martin Committee cornet dated at 1947. Valves in good condition. Air compression, good. Appraised at $2,250.

That, I’ll believe.

3rd Storage Unit
Two small sail boats and a mower without a steering wheel. C&C walked away, as did Chris and Tad.

Tad: Boat don’t float. Mower don’t mow. Get away from it.

Guido Mike however saw money. Grew up near the water so he knew he could flip the boats fast if they float. Easy win on storage unit for Mike at $300.

Mike’s father and his cousin Brandon worked on one of the boats. Its’ a ’77 Sunfish, a classic piece of Americana. More people learn to sail on the Sunfish than any other production boat made.

Jim tested the buoyancy of the boat by using a wooden mallet to tap on the boat. Not good. Sounds soft which means water at one time got into the boat. With an electronic moisture meter, yep, water definitely got into the boat at one time.

Sunfish in good condition. Jim valued the boat at $550. Mike then quickly flipped the boat and sold it to Jim for $500.

Profit Scorecard:

Joe P: $5,015
Mike Braiotta: $800
Chris Morelli & Tad Eaton: $105
Candy Olsen & Courtney Wagner: $0

Do you think Joe P inflated the value of merchandise in his unit?

Please leave your insightful opinion in the comment box below.

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Chuck G.

Freelance writer, blogger, screenwriter, short film script writer & producer.

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