Storage Wars: Texas: Lethal Mustache

Moe-Pigroff-SWTX-1-4Storage Wars: Texas: Season 1, Episode 4: “Mo Money, Moe Prigoff.”

One word to describe this auction: CROWDED.

Victor tried not to let the crowd intimidate him. He planned to dump the bad units on the locals while he scooped up the good ones.

Since Lesa lived right down the street, she was familiar with the self-storage facility. She knew it always had good items.

After a 5 hour drive to get there; Ricky and Bubba were not planning to go back empty handed.

Ricky: My butt cheeks are welded together.

Moe made an entrance in his pink Chevy. He was ready to find hidden works of art.

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Old furniture, old computers, and mold on the freezer.

Moe was tired of seeing Victor drive the bids up, so he decided to give him a dose of his own medicine. Victor thought he’d do the same to Moe. But Moe dropped the locker on the Russian at $475. Don’t mess with Doctor Mustache for his bids are lethal.

Victor:  Uh-oh.

Victor took a break from the crowd to dig through his stink bomb. He discovered a beautiful antique clock. Then another. Then another. Then another. Maybe it wasn’t such a stink bomb after all?1storageunit_CLOCK_SWTX1-4

According to an expert, one of the clocks was manufactured between 1905 and 1915. A real antique! All four clocks together were appraised at almost $4,000. About time, Victor!

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Nice truck rims, furniture, and toys.

Victor stepped out of the bid. Weary since Moe dropped that locker on him.

Victor: I’m not taking a one-two punch from Dr. Mustache.

Moe won at $425. Moe pulled out the baby toys and truck rims. He then discovered two steel drums.

Which, uh… took him a while to figure out exactly what they were.

Moe: As the kids would say, “DUHHH.”

Moe took his drums to a bar where the hippies gather every weekend for a drum circle. One musician told him that his steel drums were made in the Caribbean. They were that distinct instrument used in all calypso music. Each letter on the drums face represented a musical note. Valued at $350 a piece.2storageunit_DRUMSb_SWTX1-4

Moe: These hippies really made my day.

Moe then went to Mary Padian’s store. She turned the truck rims into some nice looking mirrors and impressive chandeliers. Upscale to resale. Moe invited Mary to accompany him to his next auction.

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Contractor’s treasure chest filled with tool boxes, a compressor,  and table saw.  Easy $$$.

Lesa made a play for it, but Bubba and Ricky grabbed it for $1,100.

Once again, Lesa and Jerry left empty-handed.

Lesa: Happy hour. Here – I – come.

Meanwhile, Ricky and Bubba dug through their locker. Loaded all the tools and heavy equipment into their truck. Got the Hell out of Dodge. Anticipated value of their collective haul valued at $3,400.3storageunit_TOOLS_SWTX1-4

Got to hand it to the country boys.


Victor Rjesnjansky:  $3,425
Ricky & Bubba Smith: $2,300
Moe Prigoff: $2,155 – after he shared his profits with Mary Padian
Lesa Lewis: $0

What did you think of Mary’s upscale to the drum set?

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Matt Stacey

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