Author - Chuck G.

Storage Wars: Barry Weiss Feels Lucky

Storage Wars: Season 1, Episode 19: “Live and Let Bid.”

Darrell bent on not having anyone mess with him on his home turf. Dave brought his son, Dave Jr., who was bent on buying his own locker with his life savings. Jarrod and Brandi bent on not getting sucked into Darrell’s trash talk before the auction. Barry bent on distracting everyone with his all-green Lucky Charm outfit.

At least no one was Hell-bent…

1storageunit-SW191st Storage Unit
Big locker with few items. Boxes, records, tennis balls, and packing Styrofoam. Darrell’s intent to bid up the locker and drop it on someone; hopefully Dave. Plan backfired. Dave dropped it on Darrell at $250.

Darrell: Well, that just bit me in the ass.Medical-Anqiue-Bleeder-SW19

Time for Darrell and Brandon to see if the locker held anything of value (good luck). Darrell found a new fog machine, skateboard, vinyl records, CDs, driveway and concrete cleaner, knives, and a small brass thing-a-ma-gig.

Medical device called a “bleeder” or “scarificators.” It was as bad as it sounds. Made in 1850s-1860s to draw blood. Valued at $500.

2storageunit-SW192nd Storage Unit
Suitcase, lamp, small refrigerator, rubber bin, and boxes. Barry easily won at $375. Nothing to shout home about once he dug through his locker. He did however find a strangely made musical instrument.Sound-Effects-Instrument-SW19

Barry went to a music store for appraisal. Instrument a waterphone. Pour a little bit of water into cylindrical neck. Use small mallets to strike or strum against the bronze rods around the rim of the bowl.

Only 150 made back in the 1970s and its primary use for sound effects in movies. Sounded good until the appraiser told Barry his was not an original. Valued at $100.

Well, Barry’s lucky charm all-green outfit was no luck at all.

3storageunit-SW193rd Storage Unit
Fishing gear, lots of rubber bins, and miscellaneous items. Everybody wanted this locker and the bid started at $1,000! Dave Jr. won at $5,550 and that made his father extremely nervous.

Dave: That’s like going out to a Blackjack table and putting $5,500 on one hand and just stand there and watch the cards flip.

As father and son dug through the locker, it was more nickel and dime items. Dave tried to assure Dave Jr. every item was profit.

Dave Jr.: My dad is trying to give me a little bit of hope here, but it’s still not looking very good.Slot-Machine-SW19

Things did start to look up when one of the rubber bins was full of sports cards. Lots of fishing poles. Possibly 100 year-old painting and frame. Two slot machines which Dave wanted to get appraised.

The first slot machine was called a Jennings; good for parts only. Second slot machine made in 1933 called a War Eagle without a back door. It almost works with original parts and valued at $700. If restored, could be worth $3,000. Dave Jr. opted for restoration.

Profit Scorecard:

Dave Jr.: $1,889
Darrell Sheets: $547
Barry Weiss: LOSS -$275
Jarrod Schulz and Brandi Passante: $0

Would you have invested over $5,000 on your first storage unit?

Please leave your thoughtful opinions in the comment box below.

Storage War: Hat Mockery

DaveHester-BrandonSheetsStorage Wars: Season 1, Episode 18: “Skullduggery.”

Brandon wore a hat exactly like Dave Hester’s “Newport Consignment Gallery,” but with a little creative licensing to the lettering to read: “Newport Con Gallery.” How did Hester feel about this poke?

Dave: I prefer not to talk about it.

According to Darrell, crybaby Dave (his words, not mine) threw such a fit (or tantrum), that Brandon covered the lettering with tape. Begs the question – Why wear the hat at all? Psychologically warfare, that’s why. Dave knew what was underneath the tape and of course that was the point – to grind at his emotions. Did it work?

Let’s see…

1storageunit-SW181st Storage Unit
Antique desk, table, paintings, couch, sled, and boxes. Jarrod took Brandi aside to tell her he wanted this locker. Brandi wanted a cap of $300. Jarrod wanted a cap at $600. She was less than agreeable.

Brandi: I will kidney punch your (bleep)!

Jarrod wanted to stay in play but he said it was not worth the “Brandi headache.” In the end, Darrell won at $850. No unique finds, other than the table that was really an antique toilet (don’t ask).

Darrell: I got to buy a locker with some profit and I got to mess with Hester’s head. That’s what I call a win-win.

2storageunit-SW182nd Storage Unit
Leather chair, suitcases, boxes, and a statue-like horse’s head. Brandi really like that horse, but Jarrod not so much. He placed a cap at $300. Uh, but Brandi didn’t stop her bids after the cap.

Brandi: Jarrod might have said $300, but I didn’t agree to that.

She won at $475. Brandi shifted through the merchandise and Jarrod was Horse-Head-Art-Antique-SW18not content. He stated the horse’s head would only bring in $20. At appraisal they discovered it was a horse made of gold leaf over tin. Gold leaf derived from France. Wall mount was used in France to signify that the restaurant had horse meat on the menu. Brandi gagged, but she smiled at the value – $3,000. Appraiser offered $2,000. Deal!

Now, before the appraisal, during the walk down the corridor to the last storage unit, Darrell talked to Dan about Brandon’s hat. It was a tease and Dave was pissed.

Dan: I don’t mind a little drama. It’s good for business. The higher the bids go, the more I take home at the end of the day.

Before the start of the third auction the drama exploded.

Dave: If you have a butcher name that I can butcher, then it’s all fair.
Brandon: You butcher yourself.
Dave: No, no, no…
Brandon: That’s why you’re speechless at me because you’re a crybaby.
Dave: No, no, no…
Brandon: I got some cheese for your whine, Dave.
Dave: You know what? F–k you, okay?
Brandon: Alright.
Dave: Don’t play games like that unless I can return the effing favor.
Brandon: You’re just mad cause you can’t.
Dave: That’s right. So, don’t put something out there that can’t be returned. So play on f—king equal ground.
Brandon: I am playing on equal ground.
Dave: You don’t f—king know me.

Now Darrell had stripped the tape off Brandon’s hat during the verbal exchange. Words became so heated, that Darrell stepped in front of Brandon and took over in the hat war fiasco.

Darrell: Go away, before it gets ugly.
Dave: You, too.
Darrell: Go away, Dave.
Dave: F—k you! You’re old enough to f—king know better.
Darrell: You better know what I’m f—king saying.
Dave: You don’t want me to f—king embarrass you.
Darrell: Punk.
Dave: You know what, f—k you. Use your head besides a f—king hat rack. because you don’t have a f—king business.
Darrell: No, I don’t have the overhead.
Dave: You don’t qualify for a f—king business.
Darrell: Oh, oh, it’s bugging you now. Anytime you want to compare assets pal, you’re on.

Comical to Jarrod that he mimicked the exchanged:

Jarrod: Uh, uh, my truck’s bigger. I got a bigger truck. Um, my girl friend’s bigger.

That got a laugh from the crowd. Now back to the auction…

3storageunit-SW183rd Storage Unit
Rubber bins, furniture, clothes, and a mess. Though Jarrod made a play it was Hester who won at $1,350 because he wanted to prove a point. Actually, Brandon did get inside Dave’s head, so Dave lost that psychological battle. Dave didn’t have any helpers when he went inside his locker.Human-Bones-SW18

He didn’t find much (because he didn’t work that hard to dig through the containers); but he did find a case with a human skull and bones. Appraised at a little over $1,600 (ew).

Profit Scorecard:

Jarrod Schulz & Brandi Passante: $1,860
Dave Hester: $525
Darrell Sheets: $300
Barry Weiss: $0

What did you think of Brandon’s hat?

Please leave your insightful thoughts in the comment box below.

Storage Wars: Rookies Rock

BrandiPassante-SW17Storage Wars: Season 1, Episode 17: “Young with the Gun.”

Jarrod expected the storage units full of household items because a lot of homes were up for sale in the area. Barry expected collectibles, but what he didn’t expect was the huge crowd in the parking lot.

Darrell and Dave absent from auction which rose Jarrod’s hope to win a good locker. Barry spoke to a man named Bill Archer who quit his day job. This was his first week as a full-time auction hunter.

Raise your hand if you think it’s unwise to quit your full-time job before you get started in this business.

Yeah, I thought so, too.

1storageunit-SW171st Storage Unit
Scant. Old trunk, few boxes, and a rubber bin. Barry had a small child bid on the unit for him.

That might actually prevent Barry from bidding twice! Dan tried to spark the crowd to bid higher.

Dan: Come on, dammit. You’re not in Vegas, act like you are.Fur-Coat-SW17

Seriously Dan, that wouldn’t work on me. Barry won the unit at $575. First thing he took out was the old trunk. Inside? One dirty sock. Old trunk however had value. Everything else junk expect for a pack of fur coats.

He sent them to Dave’s consignment store. Hester made money without attending an auction. Great, just great.

2storageunit-SW172nd Storage Unit
Packed. Boxes, neon lights, and a plethora of miscellaneous items. Jarrod and Brandi agreed on a $1,500 cap.

Bill stepped in and raised the bid.

Jarrod: Who the f— is this guy?!

And just when you thought it was over at $2,400… Jarrod raised the bid against Bill. However the newbie won at $2,600.

That raises another question. If this was your very first week at auction, would you pay THAT much for your first locker? I didn’t think so either.

Barry: Buying units like this, with that kind of money, he’ll be out of business sooner than he knows.

Bill allowed Jarrod and Brandi to take a look at his storage unit.

Jarrod: One of the biggest mistakes new guys make is undervaluing their items.

Jarrod appraised a few items: Saddle: $500; Bikes: $200-$300 ; Gas tank: $200-$300; Bar neon sign: $150; and so on. Too many boxes, really impossible to truly give an accurate estimate of the value of the storage unit.

Brandi appreciated that Jarrod was helpful and not a “Dave Hester” (who wouldn’t give a rookie the time of day). Jarrod stated he had to learn hard way. Schulz had to lose the money to learn.

3storageunit-SW173rd Storage Unit
Tight. Boxes, rubber bins, and garbage bags. Jarrod concerned about overpaying for the locker.

His concerns changed when Darrell and Brandon arrived late. Bidding fierce for that last unit of the day.

Darrell: Are these rookies really running me up right now?Old-Books-SW17

Yes they were, Darrell, but “The Gambler” outlasted the bid war and won at $1,000. What did Darrell find? Whole lot of crap. One box of old books he thought might bring him some money, but no. Most of the books appraised were obsolete. Only one book valued at $200.

Players spent too much on storage units because the rookies rocked.

1. Bill Archer was the only guest player in the entire 1st season of Storage Wars.

Profit Scorecard:

Dave Hester: $648
Jarrod Schulz & Brandi Passante: $0
Barry Weiss: LOSS -$475
Darrell Sheets: LOSS -$788

Would you have paid that much for a storage unit on your first week as a storage hunter?

Please leave your thoughtful opinions in the comment box below.

Storage Wars: Jarrod SQUEEZES Brandi

JarrodSchulz-BrandiPassante-SW16Storage Wars: Season 1, Episode 16: “High End Heist.”

Dave brought his entire posse and planned to TCB or “take care of business.” Darrell was in a bad mood. Barry was bored. Brandi considered herself an expert because she’s attended auctions for two months. She was bent on buying her own storage unit. Jarrod was annoyed.

They all just needed to take a deep breath and smell the roses.

1storageunit-SW161st Storage Unit
Hodgepodge of a little of this and a little of that. Compressor, old typewriter, and stuff. Darrell educated an unknown player that the yellow framed object was a land sail.

Barry: Look how big that compressor is. Big enough to compress some of Darrell’s bull sh–!

That was the curtest thing we’ve heard Barry say. He went after the locker and almost bid himself up.

Dan: These days I just ignore Barry when he bids twice in a row.

Good man, Dan. When Barry asked who he was bidding against, a few players said, “Yourself and you’re winning.” That was fun-ny! Barry won the locker at $825.

He was able to get the land sail out of the storage unit. However, other items Land-Sail-SW16proved too heavy to carry for one person. He asked Jarrod for help. After moving a few heavy items out of the locker, they could not find the mast to the land sail.

Barry drove out to the desert to get the land yacht (proper term) appraised. Unfortunately it was hand-made with bike parts. Valued at $200.

2storageunit-SW162nd Storage Unit
JAGUAR! The car not the animal… BUT, by law they can’t sell the car unless the DMV process is done. Everyone fixated on the car they didn’t notice a dinning table against the wall.

Can’t see the forest for the trees.

Dave won at $500. As he went to the back of the locker he found a wine cooler, reproduction of an antique mirror, luggage, and three reproduction Samurai swords.

Nothing to appraise here. Brandi and Jarrod not happy with the auction so far.

Brandi: Clearly Jarrod and I are not on the same page today. Maybe we buy our own lockers.
Jarrod: I like Brandi’s idea. But if she buys a crap unit, I’m still the one paying for it.

3storageunit-SW163rd Storage Unit
Refrigerator, table, microwave, and miscellaneous items.

Jarrod tried to physically restrain Brandi from bidding. Ha! Didn’t work.

She pulled in the last bid at $250.

Brandi was happy and jiggy her own little victory dance. (Yes, she needed dance lessons.)

4storageunit-SW164th Storage Unit
Boxes, chairs, and more boxes. Barry shook his head, not for him. Darrell stated the vacuum was poor quality with hair sticking out of it (ew).

Dave stated it was mediocre; quality was not there. Jarrod however was interested and won at $400.

Jarrod: If there’s a locker I can make money on and piss Brandi off at the same time, this one’s it.

Jarrod and Brandi had the merchandise of both storage units hauled back to their thrift store. Jarrod’s pile of “to the dumpster it will go” grew large. Brandi looked through the books of Jarrod’s locker and found a 1922 $50 certificate.50-Dollar-Certificate-SW16

Brandi: Crap. If this turns out to be worth something, I’ll never hear the end of it from him.

No worries, Brandi. It was appraised at $200.

As they unloaded Brandi’s merchandise, it was the gift that kept on giving. Desk, microwave, lamp, couple of sofas, dresser, bread maker, and more. Jarrod kicked the wall to his building. Now, now, don’t be jealous. Brandi did indeed pick out the better storage unit.

1. The show still not set on the 3 storage units and 3 appraisals per episode format.

Profit Scorecard:

Dave Hester: $1,975
Brandi Passante: $1,245
Jarrod Schulz: LOSS -$50
Barry Weiss: LOSS -$650
Darrell Sheets: $0

Who did you think had the better storage unit just from the photo; Brandi or Jarrod?

Please leave your insightful thoughts on the episode in the comment box below.

Storage Wars: Trash Collector

BarryWeiss-SW15Storage Wars: Season 1, Episode 15: “Chairman of the Hoard.”

Barry believed that six out of the seven storage units up for auction belonged to the same tenant. Darrell believed the lockers belonged to antique dealer. Dave believed the city was full of old money (rich folk). Jarrod believed this could be their biggest auction ever. What did Brandi believe?

Brandi: I think it’s a hoarder.

Guess who was right.

1storageunit-SW151st Storage Unit
Holy (bleep)! Hoarder locker! Items wrapped in grocery store white plastic bags or sacks. Did not look like an antique dealer at all. Dave Jr. bid this round as Hester remained quiet. Darrell imitated Dave’s “Yuup” bid until Barry decided he wanted this hoarder’s heap and won at $850.

How do you dig through a hoarder’s storage unit? Barry burrowed his way down the middle. Junk. Junk. More junk.

Barry: This is a good place to break a hip. At my age, it could happen.

He said as he precariously stood on top of two water coolers and fourteen Hot-Rod-Magazine-SW15magazines. Oh, Barry, Barry, Barry… please have good health insurance. Did he find anything of value? Uh, that would be a BIG NO!

Barry did find the 1st issue of Hot Rod Magazine valued at $10.

Wah. Wah. Wah.

2nd Storage Unit – Hoarder locker
3rd Storage Unit – Hoarder locker
4th Storage Unit – Hoarder locker – Brandi smelled a dead cat (ew).
5th Storage Unit – Hoarder locker

2storageunit-SW156th Storage Unit
Holy (bleep-bleep)! Hoarder locker Maximus! Brandi stated this one didn’t quite stink as bad as the others (small consolation). If they wanted a locker they needed to win this one. Did she win?

Dan sold it to Dave for $1,100. Wait a minute. Dave didn’t bid.


Hey, it happens. Dan confused. Laura stated to restart the auction and reset the last bid at $1,000. So did Brandi win?

Brandi: Yuup!

At the hefty price of $1,050. Jarrod brought two assistants. They couldn’t believe the mess inside. Jarrod undaunted, believed there was something of value in the back. Needed to created a path through the pile of crap to get back there.

Underneath a moving blanket was an antique furniture piece. Jarrod Antique-Hutch-SW15normally would not ask Dave for advice, but he had to know if the hutch was the real deal.

Jarrod: I got a question for you Dave. Feel like being sincere for a minute.

Oh, how my mind races to find that perfect pun…

Dave offered to give an appraisal, but Jarrod shook his head “no.” Dave’s curiosity got the better of him.

Dave: One time I’ll make an exception.
Jarrod: I think your wife made an exception one time too, huh? That’s how you got one kid.


Back to the hutch… Dave said it was a reproduction of a French Renaissance piece. Made in Spain around 1950s. Estimated value at $1,500.Silver-Mirror-SW15

Dave said the rest of Jarrod’s stuff was sh–. Hold on, something caught Dave’s eye. It was a make-up mirror. Dave stated that could be worth more than the hutch. Actually, it was appraised for the same amount at $1,500 at an antique shop.

 Jarrod: We beat Dave. We filled our shelves. We scored three G’s in antiques.

3storageunit-SW157th Storage Unit
Not a hoarder’s unit, phew! Wicker bedroom furniture set, mattresses, and a few bags. Dave won at $300. Inside a drawer of the wicker chest Dave found a box full of unusual jewelry.Animal-Jewelry-SW15

At appraisal the first few jewelry pieces – plastic.

That was so not what Dave wanted to hear. He did however have about $2,000 worth of ivory necklaces.

He also had rhino horn jewelry. Dave made bank on animal horns.

Oh, how your mind races to find that perfect pun…

Profit Scorecard:

Dave Hester: $12,100
Jarrod Schulz & Brandi Passante: $2,087
Darrell Sheets: $0
Barry Weiss: LOSS -$840

Would you have bought a hoarder’s locker?

Please leave your insightful opinions in the comment box below.

Storage Wars: Dave PUSHED an Old Man

BarryWeiss-DaveHester-SW14Storage Wars: Season 1, Episode 14: “Trouble the Oil.”

Jarrod expressed his excitement of the gamble to buy storage units. Brandi expressed their bills stacked and they needed to make a profit. Darrell expressed how he drove three hours in traffic and hope it was worth the effort to be at the auction. Barry expressed he sought collectibles. Dave expressed he sought collectibles.

Stop the presses!

Dave concerned that he’s pigeonholed in one facet of the business and that he doesn’t want to have a bad reputation (try not to laugh here).

Barry: Your reputation is so tarnished; the strongest acid is not gonna clean it.

Now laugh.

1storageunit-SW141st Storage Unit
Dresser, television, rubber bins, and clothes. Rubbish. However Barry did see something in the far back that looked pewter and engraved. Barry won at $650, but only after Dave bid him up for the sheer pleasure.Decorative-Oil-Ril-Helmets-SW14

Barry’s unique find were oil rig helmets from the 1960s-1970s. Handcrafted that showed scenes of oil rigs, ships, and things related to oil. Valued at $800-$1,000.

Barry liked the uniqueness of the helmets so much that he would keep them.

2storageunit-SW142nd Storage Unit
Hand cart, dresser, and a multitude of plastic bins. Easy win for Jarrod at $300. Once inside the unit he saw the furniture was worthless. Boxes and bins did not contain anything of substantial value. Once piece of furniture stacked up high had a “crank” on the side. Jarrod needed help to get the furniture out of the locker.

Barry was still around. Oh sure, ask the senior citizen (sorry, Barry) to help you lift a heavy object. It was funny to see Jarrod and Barry try to Antique-Record-Player-SW14maneuver the furniture piece out of the back of the room.

It was an antique phonograph which still had records inside the cabinet. Appraisers dated it around the 1920s and valued at $400. Brandi stated they would wait until they got the right buyer, though she whispered she wanted to keep it. Jarrod intent to sell the phonograph. Your guess as good as mine if they kept it or not.

3storageunit-SW143rd Storage Unit
Hand cart, plastic bins, and a 3-wheel bicycle. Dave called his adviser at his store and was informed the bike was worth anywhere from $600-$800. Dave beat out the competition, weak as it was, and bought the locker at $375.

Dave took the 3-wheeler to a bike store and thought he had a home run with this vintage bike. The appraiser took one look, shocked – “Oh!” Hold on now, it’s not what you think. It’s a Frankein bike. Think about it for a moment… ya got it?3-Wheel-Bike-SW14

Yep, it’s a bike that’s been put together with a lot of different pieces from a lot of different bikes. Valued only at $200-$250 IF Dave took time to clean it up a little.

Dave: This guy is basically telling me my bike is a piece of sh–!


Barry bought a mini-bike for $50 (with the motor not yet assembled) from a random guy who happened to be at the same facility as the auction. Dave gave Barry a push. Now that was funny!

Profit Scorecard:

Barry Weiss: $350
Jarrod Schulz & Brandi Passante: $300
Dave Hester: LOSS -$125
Darrell Sheets: $0

What did you think of Dave Hester and his Frankein bike?

Please leave your insightful thoughts in the comment box below.

Storage Wars: Barry the Hoarder


Storage Wars: Season 1, Episode 13: “Makings of a Mogul.”

Dan stated the auction held in Perris was a town surrounded by mountains and lakes. Darrell anticipated outdoor adventure sports and was going to go BIG; so he had Brandon drove a box truck. Dave anticipated hunting and fishing gear. Jarrod anticipated spending all of his money. Barry anticipated collectibles and drove up in his 1937 customized Cadillac.

Not really sure what to expect…

1storageunit-SW131st Storage Unit
Uh, wasn’t expecting that. Trash on a pallet.

Dave: Sometimes you don’t make a profit on what you see, but on what you don’t see.

Note: Not all unassuming rooms are trash (can’t believe I just agreed with Hester).

Dave won at $60. What did he find? Clothes and more clothes. Locker was a BUST. Dave decided to donate the merchandise to Goodwill industries. He hinted he was appointed to work there for 30-days (DUI). The lesson Dave learned working at Goodwill that would one day save his business was that small merchandise was profitable, not just high-end furniture.

2storageunit-SW132nd Storage Unit
Interior corner unit stacked with clothes, antiques, plastic crates, and miscellaneous items with absolutely no care given to how merchandise was stacked.

Jarrod: Take a chance. Lose your pants.

 Darrell exceeded expectations and won at $1,250.


3storageunit-SW133rd Storage Unit
Refrigerator, sofa, big screen television, wood chairs, fan, and furniture shrink wrapped, which is always a good sign.

Darrell once again unexpectedly beat out Dave and won at $2,400.




4storageunit-SW134th Storage Unit
Television, modern sofa, suitcases, rubber bins, boxes, and baby items. Darrell won again at $625. That’s three lockers in a row! Who would have predicted that?

Too much merchandise to enumerate what was in Darrell’s three storage units. However in that last unit he found bullets and medication.

Darrell: This locker is full hollow point bullets and medications for your mind… this gotta be Dave Hester’s stuff.Antique-Hearing-Aid-SW13

He did however discover one unique find in the last locker. At appraisal it was an old fashion hearing aid which had a nice patina (appraiser advised never clean any brass items). Dated back to 1910s and estimated at $200-$350.

5storageunit-SW135th Storage Unit
Chain saw, air compressor, power tools, duffle bag and miscellaneous items. Everyone salivated over the power tools, but Barry wanted to see what was in that army duffle bag. He won at $800. What was in the duffle bag? Clothes.

Barry cleared the locker by tossing items out of the locker and broke quite a few items during the process. He tossed everything out but the kitchen sink, only because he didn’t find one. Jarrod frustrated to see Barry toss and break merchandise in search for that one collectible.

Get use to it, Jarrod. That would become Barry’s way!

Barry went to several construction workers to try to sell his rubber bin full of power tools, not a bite. Last resort, Barry visited Jarrod and Brandi’s thrift store. He would sell Jarrod the tools for whatever amount of cash Jarrod had in his pocket.


All Jarrod had in his pocket – a few $1 bills.

Barry: This is lap dance money!

Profit Scorecard:

Darrell Sheets: $3,275
Dave Hester: LOSS -$60
Barry Weiss: LOSS -$800
Jarrod Schulz & Brandi Passante: $0

Would you have bought that first storage unit for $60?

Please leave your opinions on this episode in the comment box below.

Storage Wars: Lucky Brandi

BrandiPassante-Vegas-SW12Storage Wars: Season 1, Episode 12: “Auction Royale.”

Darrell set to gamble on lockers. Jarrod told Brandi to pick the locker and he would buy it. Barry felt like a fish out of water in Vegas. Dave attended two different storage auctions before the other players even got out of bed.

Brandon told Barry about it, who was curious to see how well Dave scored. Did you really think Dave was interested in sharing anything with anyone? He wasn’t about to say a word as though he kept some Queen’s secrets to ruling a kingdom.

Gimme a break.

1storageunit-SW121st Storage Unit
Several items wrapped in moving blankets. Too much of a risk and mystery. Only Darrell would gamble on this unit. Dave offered the olive branch to not bid and then what did he do? Dave bid on the locker and said:

Dave: The devil made me do it.

You know you want to say it…

Darrell: Dave Hester keeping his word is like a bird turd falling on your birthday cake.

Darrell won at $175. He and Brandon unraveled the moving blankets and Vases-SW12underneath – cheap ass furniture! They both tore the furniture to shreds. One box contained heavy purple vases. Appraiser stated they were Moser vases from 1980s.

Alexander mineral is placed in the glass which gave the crystal the purple hue. Entire collection valued at $3,000-$3,200. Looks like Brandon will buy his dad lunch because he bet the small vase itself wasn’t worth more than $5. It was worth $500 alone! Good thing the father-son team didn’t smash the crystal as they did the furniture.

2storageunit-SW122nd Storage Unit
Train wreck of a mess. Boxes tossed about, rubber bins, garbage bags, bar stools, candy machine, luggage, and miscellaneous items. Jarrod and Barry made a play, but at $350 it was too much for Jarrod.

Barry: It looks like this one was a little too rich for Jarrod’s and Brandi’s blood. That’s where Social Security gives me the edge.

When Barry returned to the locker he took one look – daunting to say the least. It’s easy to buy but hard to sort through. He dug through each bag, box, and bin. Anything unique? A Green Stamp electric sign.Green-Stamps-Sign-SW12

For those unfamiliar with green stamps – customers would receive them at retail stores or gas stations as part of a reward program. You could then buy products off of a catalog if you had enough stamps. Green stamps were issued during the 1930s-1980s. But was the sign worth anything? Nope. Just wall decoration.

3storageunit-SW123rd Storage Unit
Mattress and sofa blocked view from rest of the locker. Darrell vs Jarrod but “The Gambler” stated he would rather spend his money at the casinos. Jarrod won at $200. Unclear what exactly was in locker.

Once he removed the mattress and sofa he found a crib. Brandi found some Casino-Chips-SW12household items and a plastic bag full of CASINO CHIPS! Make that $500 worth.

Jarrod: What can I say? Brandi had a feeling on this unit and it paid off.

Brandi wanted to spend a night out on the town. She put on a little black dress and Jarrod wore black shorts (yeah, that’s considered dressed up for him).

Profit Scorecard:

Darrell Sheets: $3,025
Jarrod Schulz & Brandi Passante: $512
Barry Weiss: LOSS -$350

Both Darrell and Jarrod took risks on buying storage units in which they could not see the merchandise; would you?

Please leave your insightful thoughts in the comment box below.

Storage Wars: Let’s Go to Vegas!

BrandiPassante-JarrodSchulz-SW11Storage Wars: Season 1, Episode 11: “Gambler’s Last Resort.”

Out of Los Angeles and head to Las Vegas for a five-day marathon of auctions. Dave did not have his crew. Barry wondered if he could keep up. Darrell did not have good luck in Vegas.

Jarrod asked Dave at what point in this industry did he feel he owned it. Did Dave give a straight honest answer? No. He said “There’s a saying to respect your elders.” Jarrod will respect those who earned it. Jarrod just wanted to know how to be at Dave’s level without the “attitude.” Dave said to Jarrod he already had an attitude. How would Schulz be later at a higher level?

Hopefully, not a Dave Mini-Me.

1storageunit-SW111st Storage Unit
Sofa, end tables, lamp, and broken glass. Everyone but Jarrod passed. Why? Jarrod saw a garbage bag of Levi jeans. Wha? Stay with me. Vintage Levis can sell for $$$, not kidding. He won the pitiful locker for $175.

Jarrod: Darrell may know tank tops and Dave definitely knows short-shorts. But I know clothes.Vintage-Jeans-SW11

Jarrod said with old Levis, check the inseam for red stitching. That indicates vintage jeans. Appraisers stated if the back tag had a big letter “E” – it’s worth a lot of money. Unfortunately Jarrod’s jeans did not have that big “E.” However, he did have a pair with the red stitching (now pink faded through time). Rest of lot also vintage. Whole lot valued at $1,200.

2storageunit-SW112nd Storage Unit
Mattresses, office chair, grill, furniture, patio furniture, and boxes.

Barry: Did these mattresses come from Bed Bugs and Beyond?

Darrell was concerned that Dave would bid him up. It was JARROD who bid him up to $800. Dave stepped in and pushed the last bids before he dropped the locker on Darrell at $1,100.

Darrell and Brandon took a look inside the locker. High-end outdoor Jewelry-SW11furniture, complete bedroom set, older wide screen television, and a suitcase full of jewelry. At appraisal, the first piece was a heart pendant with a diamond, from Tiffany’s no less! That was just the beginning. Gold, silver, and diamonds, oh my! Total estimation at $17,000!

Dave: I’m loving this city right now!

3storageunit-SW113th Storage Unit
Bicycle parts, stereo speaks, boxes, and rubber bins. Dave hadn’t bought a locker and this one was the last of the day. Jarrod and Brandi decided to turn the tables and bid Dave up on this locker.

Dave: Am I really getting bid up by Jarrod right now? I’m hurt. I can’t believe someone would do something like that.

You get what you give, Dave, and yes… you’ll have to take Jarrod more seriously in the future.Rock-Collection-SW11

Without a crew, Dave had to dig through his own locker. He found low-end electronics, a couple of flasks, adult videos (it’s Vegas, what did you expect?), books, and a bin of rocks. You read that right – ROCKS.

Dave took the rock collection to a geologist and guess what? Yep, rocks had value. Mineral specimens that could go from $50-$500 a piece! Entire collection estimated value at $5,000.

Profit Scorecard:

Darrell Sheets: $16,675
Dave Hester: $4,725
Jarrod Schulz & Brandi Passante: $1,025
Barry Weiss: $0

Have you discounted old jeans not knowing they could be worth thousands?

Let us know your insightful thoughts in the comment box below.

Storage Wars: Hester & Sheets Battle


Storage Wars: Season 1, Episode 10: “School House Lock.”

Auction held in Fullerton, which is a college town. Darrell attended the school of “hard knocks.” He’s only concern was to keep an eye on the competition. Barry wore his lucky socks. He felt while students didn’t own collectibles, professors might. Dave brought two boxed trucks with four helpers. Planned on a big score.

Jarrod thrilled to find items from dorm rooms that would be perfect for their thrift store. He’s going to “let” Brandi take the lead today.

Brandi: Let me get this straight… he said – Let me?

Jarrod, you might be more mindful of what you say in the interview room.

1storageunit-SW101st Storage Unit
Tools and more tools. Dave was interested only if Darrell was. Purposefully said that out loud to smirk right at Darrell’s face.

Darrell: I got my eye out on that no-neck swindler.Industrial-Paint-Spayer-SW10

Darrell kept his eye on Dave. Dave kept his eye on Darrell. Everyone forgot to keep an eye at Brandi. She bid under the radar and won unit at $650.

Jarrod and Brandi had the merchandised hauled back to their store to sort. Big ticket item was an industrial paint spray machine including the spray guns. Appraiser stated the guns alone were valued at $50 each. Machine, about two years old, valued at around $3,500.

2storageunit-SW102nd Storage Unit
Bicycle, wood bowl, garbage bags, and boxes stacked to the ceiling in this small locker. Barry asked Dave if his back was okay. Dave stated he spent $1K on new labor to do all the work for him.

Barry: One of your helpers said you fell off your checkbook a couple of weeks ago.

Darrell had Brandon bid on the locker due to the undercurrent he had with Dave. Did it help? Not really. Dave encouraged Barry to win at $500.Vinyl-Records-SW10

As Barry ripped open garbage bags and boxes, he came to the conclusion it’s mostly general merchandise items from a dorm room. One box however might be his saving grace. Sacked full of vintage vinyl records. At appraisal only the Edison vinyl was valued at $100. The entire lot however, no more than $350. Doh!

That was the end of the college dorm auction with Dave’s parting words:

Dave: I didn’t get anything here, except for rations (bleep) from all the pukes.

Another storage auction was held at Long Beach. Both Darrell and Dave arrived at the facility.


Dave: I hope you brought your balls today.
Darrell: Put up or shut up.
Dave: I’m looking forward to shoving one of these right up your ass.

So who do you think would win the last locker of the day? First storage unit full of baby-type merchandise – both passed. Second storage unit large and full of crap merchandise – both passed.

3storageunit-SW103rd Storage Unit
Ironing board, keyboard in box, rubber bins, and boxes packed to ceiling. Dave placed only one bid. According to auctioneer Dan, the bid was placed because Darrell wanted the locker. Not much of a fight. So much for Hester’s trash talk. Darrell won at $400.

Darrell told Dave he missed the keyboard which might be worth $700. Dave said he be lucky to get $40. Uh, once Brandon pulled the keyboard box out of the storage unit, it was empty. Doh!

Darrell caught auctioneer Dan just as he was about to drive off and told him he wanted to give away the locker. Dave said he would take it since his workers were already there. Dave then bought the locker from Darrell for the amount of the cleaning deposit.

Do you think Darrell was a bit too quick to give up without sorting through every last piece of item? Let’s see what Dave found in the locker.Suba-Gear-SW10

Back at Dave’s thrift stores he had his helpers sort through the merchandise. Household items, small collectibles, and a rubber bin full of scuba gear. Top-of-the line regulator and buoyancy vest compensator. Estimated value at $1,000.

Profit Scorecard:

Jarrod Schulz & Brandi Passante: $3,239
Dave Hester: $967
Barry Weiss: LOSS -$175
Darrell Sheets: LOSS -$400

Do you think Darrell should have given away his storage unit without sorting through all of the merchandise?

Please leave you thoughtful opinions in the comment box below.