Storage Wars: Barry’s Psychics

BarryWeiss-PsychicStorage Wars: Season 1, Episode 8: “Midnight in the Gardena Good and Evil.”

Storage units for auction were indoors. Dave said these types of lockers were harder to read and would separate the amateurs from the pros.

Darrell said these interior lockers would contain collectibles. Jarrod said the lockers were small and affordable. Barry had nothing to say – his two psychics sidekicks said all. W-e-i-r-d.

1storageunit-SW81st Storage Unit
Table, chairs, cabinet, and boxes. Barry’s psychics told him they “were not feeling it” and neither was he.

Dave: Barry, get up here with your psychos and see what the f— is going on here.

Darrell shouted at Dave, “That was offensive.” So true. Dave’s rebuttal to what he believed was offensive:

Dave: People who make a mockery out of MY profession. I’m done tolerating circus acts and bottom feeders.
Time to trim the herd.

Dave called it his profession. Such audacity as though he owned the corner market on buying storage units. Jarrod wanted to win the first storage unit and fell right into Dave’s trap of overpaying, again. Brandi not happy as Jarrod spent almost their entire budget for the day on one locker.

Back at the thrift store, Jarrod sorted the merchandise with a helper. Inside a rubber bin he found dolls or action figures. Another bin Star Wars toys and superheroes; many new still in the box.

Jarrod and Brandi took the toys for appraisal. When the opened the superhero box, the appraiser shouted, “Holy Moley!” Aquaman, Thor, Green Arrow, The Hulk, and more.

Brandi: I don’t know if Jarrod is aware of this, but I have a little thing for Thor.

Four of the superheroes alone were valued at $8,000. Spiderman Action-Heroes-Toys-SW8alone valued at $3,000. Entire collection estimated between $12,000-$14,000.

Jarrod: Toys. Who knew?
Brandi: The Nerds did.

Jarrod’s biggest score ever, despite Dave running up the price of the locker. This was a key note victory for the “Young Gun.” You could see it on his face in the interview room. He had finally made the BIG TIME!

2storageunit-SW82nd Storage Unit
Tools, V-8 engine, and miscellaneous items. Barry’s psychics did their “thing” by “feeling” the energy of the locker. They advised Barry there was a lot of “dark negative” energy; but that he should try to buy the locker for a good price.

Darrell then mimicked the psychics to feel the energy of the storage unit. Oh, good Lord if that did not set Dave off like mad cow.

Dave: I’ve had enough of these jack asses. It’s all day long with this bull sh–!

Hester then pushed Barry and stormed out. Hester even flipped the bird. Hester also pushed the camera out of his way as shouted expletives with every step.

Darrell: That was hilarious. I love watching Dave get his panties in a bunch.

Without Dave, no one drove the price up. “Hollywood Barry,” as Dan nicknamed him, won this locker at $550. Barry and the two psychics dug through the storage unit. He found a chain saw, shop vac, ladder, and power tools. He couldn’t see what “dark negative” energy they gals warned him about until he found…


Barry: It’s illegal to sell body parts in the United States, believe me, I’ve tried.

At the Bower Museum Barry learned that shrunken heads became popular mid 1800s. Once the natives saw they could sell the heads for profit, they went on a hunting rampage. Ugh! Barry’s shrunken heads however were not authentic, but made of animal skin. Half a dozen heads appraised at $50 each.

3storageunit-SW83rd Storage Unit
Uh, one mirror, lamp shade, and two dresser drawers. Everyone laughed, even the co-auctioneer.

Laura: Change your sights. Change your tune.
This is what we roll out of bed for.

Darrell won the locker for $3 (you read that right). He bought the storage unit because he knew the mirror was worth some money.

1. Jarrod did not wear gloves yet on site when handling merchandise in lockers.
2. In eight episodes, Dave said “pukes” only twice.

Profit Scorecard:

Jarrod Schulz & Brandi Passante: $12,800
Barry Weiss: $450
Darrell Sheets: $27
Dave Hester: $0 and a bad attitude

What did you think of Dave’s rude behavior and storming out of an auction?

Please leave your creative thoughts in the comment box below.

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Chuck G.

Freelance writer, blogger, screenwriter, short film script writer & producer.

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