Storage Wars: New York: David & Goliath at Auction Brawl

BigSteve-MikeBriaotta-SWNY-2-4Storage Wars: New York: Season 2, Episode 3: “An Embarrassment of Richards.”

Courtney arrived with a broken wrist. John Luke worked on his tan. Chris sang out of tune. Mike called every male ‘Richard.’ Oh, he’s not a cast member. That’s Mike’s way of saying you’re a ‘D—k.’ Mike had one hour’s sleep. We’ll cut him a little slack, but only a little. Giant (Big Steve) ran late. His presence would create serious trouble.

1roomSWNY2-41st Room
Uh, your guess is as good as mine. Room blocked by something that’s wrapped in blankets. Few mystery boxes in back, but actually the whole room a mystery.

Mike had a hunch the item that blocked the view was a ‘smart board.’ Joe P and Mike faced off. The Hustler won at $925. Mike unraveled the blankets. Yep, it was an electronic smart board.

Mike: Smart board for a smart guy.

(Cough, cough). Sorry, something got stuck in my throat. Anyhoo, Mike continued to dig through his room. He found wall art, new tires, new Zippos lighters, new gas masks, and new respirators. Mike put on a gas mask. Danced the Hustle because he was in the money.Freak-Show-Photos-SWNY2-4

The unusual items he unsurfaced were three freak show photos in a small plastic case. Two were cabinet cards. One of albino sisters. One of small woman (circa 1920s). The other was a French postcard of a two-headed lady (you read that right). Valued at $350 for the collection.

2roomSWNY2-42nd Room
Mattress, furniture, boxes, and uh, stuff.

Joe P: This room is a real crap shoot, meaning it’s crap.

Big Steve, two hours late, finally arrived to the auction with a big attitude. He slammed a locker door. Demanded people to move it along. Who made him King of the land?

What did Mike do? Called the Giant ‘Richard.’ Mike gave Steve a nudge. Steve gave Mike a shove. PUSH then came to mighty SHOVE!


Not a fair one at that, but neither was David and Goliath.

John Luke: If you ask me, they’re just a couple of “Richards.”Cricket-Cages-SWNY2-4

Big Steve won the crappy room for $200. Other than household items, he found a box that contained cricket cages. One egg shaped. One boned cage. One flask-like container for cricket fights. Why was this find so fitting for Big Steve? Valued at $800.

3roomSWNY2-43rd Room
Danish furniture, metal cabinet, and boxes labeled in German. Mike wanted this room in the worst way. He boosted the bid to $1k then $1,500. Joe P would not give in and won at $1,600.

Joe P sifted through his furniture room. He found 150 boxes full of books, quality Buttermilk-Fat-Tester-SWNY2-4danish furniture, and a glass-tube item. It’s a contraption used to determine butterfat milk back in 1880s. Precision glassware, plus it’s rare, valued at $1,500. Chris & Tad and C&C could not leave the storage facility fast enough because of Big Steve.

It wasn’t an auction – it was a brawl.

Profit Scorecard:

Mike Braiotta: $4,425
Joe P:  $3,250
Big Steve: $1,150
Candy Olsen & Courtney Wagner: $0
Chris Morelli & Tad Eaton: $0

After this fight fiasco, do you think Big Steve should return to the show?

Please leave your insightful opinions in the comment box below.

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Chuck G.

Freelance writer, blogger, screenwriter, short film script writer & producer.

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